View Full Version : Lat/Long Guide to sites of Historical Interest

20th Apr 2007, 12:11
Just e-mailed Pooley's to ask them to consider a guide to sites of historical interest, i.e. Hadrian's Wall etc, which would provide a little more creativity to your average navex.

If it was nothing other than the lat/long of sites depicted in the BBC's Coast series to begin with that would be something.

Wonder if they'll go along with it?

Three Blades
20th Apr 2007, 12:17
Nice idea but who would choose what was 'interesting' ?
Lat/long for many places can be found on the www.streetmap.co.uk website.
Type in the place (Hadrian's Wall or Stonehenge for eg) and the lat/long is shown just above the copyright disclaimer at the bottom of the page.
Clearly this has limitations but it is a start (and saves getting the map out !)

20th Apr 2007, 12:35
Fair play Three Blades, but I'm on about a publication which is a little more informative and creatively educational just as the Coast series was.

There must be any number of remarkable sites which very few people have the first idea exist, and who better than us rotorheads to explore them when we're passing by?

21st Apr 2007, 11:29
In the UK, the Ordnance Survey publish (or used to) a big book called the GAZETEER. This includes a location reference for every named object on UK OS maps. You could make your own choice as to site if you had one of those.

Agaricus bisporus
21st Apr 2007, 12:02
Forgive me, but why would lat/long be of any use in a navex? Don't you just put a finger on Hadrian's wall or Bannockburn Field and say, fly there!

Or are you suggesting people cheat on navexes and use GPS?

21st Apr 2007, 12:15

You mean a bit like this



21st Apr 2007, 19:15
Same principle, just that the OS version has about a million entries and 300 pages instead of 3 lines.

21st Apr 2007, 20:15
Funny enough most of the OS Data is in there you just have to search it carefully and spell it properly.

I can make it display the list but it will be VERY LONG, kind of defeats the object of being able to search for where you want to go, but if you really want it that way I'll make it do it.

As an example

Will bring back anything with castle in the name. You can use wildcards in the search. If you add a % at the beginning of the query it will return all entries with whatever text you search on.

If you dont use the % at the beginning it will return all entries that start with whatever you search on.

Like http://www.griffin-helicopters.co.uk/gazeteer.asp?place=bannockburn

The database has over 258,000 UK entries in so it can take a few seconds to return the results.
