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View Full Version : Bsc Aviation along Cpl in US or Australia???

17th Apr 2007, 13:12
Any Information on institutions offering Bsc Aviation degree along with a Cpl Course in the US or Australia? :ugh: Help !

tubby one
18th Apr 2007, 23:01
Air Force pilots 'do their degrees' through the Defence Force Academy which has NO connection to the Aviation degree offered by UniNSW.

Others to offer an Aviation degree include

UniSA in Adelaide
Edith Cowan in Perth

and I do beleive that you may find that either James Cook or Central Queensland also offer degrees.

the most comprehensive academic pattern is that offered by Griffith in Brisbane

22nd Apr 2007, 03:49
UVSC in Utah has AS and BS degrees in Aviation science and others as well


If you have flying qualifications it appears you can get credits which will speed up the progress.