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17th Apr 2007, 04:46
OK, DPA and DLO merge - become Defence Equipment & Support (DE&S) and all the IPT are to be change their letterhead's to reflect the new corporate logo.

Please can anyone confirm the rumour......... is it true that the SENTINEL's IPT will be retitled to the "DESASTOR IPT"?


17th Apr 2007, 07:09
Is it true the crews have to be 70kg or less?

17th Apr 2007, 09:41
Unlikely, if you've seen the state of some of the flying suits strutting around that place! :}

17th Apr 2007, 21:36
I heard about the rumors of the 'lightweight' aircrew, but highly unlikely seeing that to weigh 70Kg's you;ll need to be close to the size of a 12 yo boy.

20th Apr 2007, 07:20
The weight problem with Sentinel has been caused by the need to carry the Army officer's horse on deployment. The additional delay for entry into service concerns the argument with the treasury that the groom should receive flying pay although the officer's batman will have to go over on the trooper (the aeroplane trooper that is - not the groom although I understand that going over on a trooper is something common in the Household Cavalry). It has something to do with non-cavalry allowance (NCA) if I have correctly understood previous posts about who should be paid to fly. There is also the problem with precurement of a fire retardent for the hay (the in-flight fodder) but I'm told that the officer will find his own oats when he arrives in theatre.:hmm:

Hill Walker
20th Apr 2007, 08:15
Other problems have been widely reported, chiefly concerning the suitable stowage/tie-down of the Army officer's Deployment Operational Gear (DOG). Anyone who has ever worked with the Army will know that its officers never go anywhere without their DOG; generally speaking, the higher the rank, the bigger the DOG. The DESASTOR IPT is worried that senior Army officers might bring along a DOG so big that it necessitates leaving something else, possibly more important, behind.

Part of this equipment, a new hand-held radio known as Secure HF, 1st Tranche (SH1T), is particularly prone to becoming loose during flight, resulting in the possibility of DOG SH1T all over the aircraft. The IPT is working hard to overcome this issue.

20th Apr 2007, 08:52
There is also a clothing issue.

DPA(Army) have yet to contract out the manufacture of the Tartan Flying Suit.
This must be worn on every third Thursday, to commemorate the taking of Windy Nook by the Argyle Light of Foot (and three Labradors) in 1485.

20th Apr 2007, 11:24
I thought that it was to commemorate the taking of the drunk's wallet by the 1/5th Highland Light Fingers in 1715 (A quarter past five). This led to the development of the security sporan 2 years later. It is the Fod prevention measures being developed for the sporan that is causing a hold up to production because the velcro is snagging on the beaver skin and causing excessive wear to the grouse and peacock feathers.

I also note that the labradors have been replaced by a Terrier battalion under New Labour's army reforms. (Part of re-sizing). These Treasury driven efficiency measures have led to the regiment's nickname of "Brown Jobs".

Hill Walker
20th Apr 2007, 14:17

I fear you gents may have overlooked something, although in a way you are both correct. The Argyle Light of Foot and the 1/5th Highland Light Fingers were amalgamated into the Royal Light-on-Toes and Chocolate Fingers Rifles, and it was this that led to the nickname of 'Brown Jobs'. Labradors have indeed been replaced by Terriers, and there has even been speculation that further down-sizing may see the introduction of ****zus.

Which leads to that classic old joke:

Q. What do you call a zoo with just one small dog?
A. A ****zu.


20th Apr 2007, 15:02
RA/W/HW. The truth of the history came before they were a Terrior-torial Regiment during the Boxer Rebellion in 1848. This was followed by the capaign in the Border regions in where they were hounded by Afghans and driven into the West Highlands.

However, I drift off thread...

Old Ned
21st Apr 2007, 09:43
Army chaps flying with the junior service? Whatever next? Will have to speak to Kitchener about that? Nearly spilt me stinger. Winston would never have allowed that. D*mn Trenchard...............traitor!

Col Blunderbuss
Past CO Donkey Wallopers