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View Full Version : RAF Branded Clothing - Update

12th Apr 2007, 11:08
The Royal Air Force is locked in a bitter battle over an insurance company's right to use a roundel logo (http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/insurance/article.html?in_article_id=419165&in_page_id=4).

Simon Burgess, a British Insurance director, has filed a counterclaim to invalidate one of the RAF's trademarks.

Burgess believes models sporting bikinis featuring the logo denigrates his brand.

'We have built a substantial reputation and all the swimwear does is bring up the horrific thought of Des Browne in a bikini,' he said.

:} :=

12th Apr 2007, 11:21
Your link is TU.

Try http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/insurance/article.html?in_article_id=419165&in_page_id=4

The thought of 'Incapability' Brownie in a bikini....:yuk:

Pontius Navigator
12th Apr 2007, 17:16
MoD defeated in fashion dispute

The roundel cannot be registered as a trademark on clothing
The Ministry of Defence has failed in its battle to stop clothing retailers using the red, white and blue target symbol.


So what has changed?

<<"We are naturally disappointed with the decision in respect of the suitability of the roundel as a trademark for RAF-related clothing," she said.

"However we are happy that the roundel has been protected as a trademark in respect of other goods and services."

Arcadia Group had enlisted the help of other clothing manufacturers, including The Lambretta Clothing Company, who have also used the motif on their products.

Making his decision John Macgillivray, for the Registrar the Comptroller-General, said the roundel "has been used since the 1960s to a significant degree as a decorative motif or emblem on articles of clothing and prior to the relevant date has been used by a number of different traders.

"It has, in particular, been associated with a group of persons known as Mods and while its popularity has ebbed and flowed with fashion, clothing bearing the 'roundel' or 'target device' has remained available to the public."

He ordered the MoD to pay the Arcadia Group £1,900 costs. >>

OTOH maybe they can counter-sue the insurers.

12th Apr 2007, 17:25
Sue them? Can't we just bomb them? :confused:

12th Apr 2007, 17:46
Bomb them, we can't afford any bombs.

Have we any spare ones.

Maybe we can get our own back, get a Leading Seaman to work for them!:eek: