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View Full Version : GPS sentence re-sampling

solar plasma
11th Apr 2007, 21:35
I am using a RCATS GPS logger on a glider to determine pitot-static position errors correction.
the data are coming as :
$GPGGA,194154.00,5100.3512,N,00017.6352,W,1,03,6.23,-00047,M,047,M,,*53,$GPVTG,000.0,T,005.2,M,000.0,N,000.0,K,A* 24
Does anybody have an excel macro (or VB application) which could re-sample the data?
Ideally GPGGA and GPVTG sentences would be in separate sheet
Thanks in advance

Matthew Parsons
12th Apr 2007, 23:04
Need a bit more information on what you're working with, but if the logger is creating a comma delimited data file then import the whole file into excel. If you need to convert the data or seperate it, that will be easy using standard excel. If you want to do this in real time, it gets a bit more complicated.