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11th Apr 2007, 11:25
Hi guys

I m going for an interview on the 02nd May for BMI at Heathrow and was just wondering if anyone know what s the salary to expect, if good airline to work for, are we doing long haul etc etc.....



24th Apr 2007, 15:32
Hello mate,
I currently work for BMI out of London Heathrow as crew and have done for the last 2 years. I had a sheet given to me recently showing the up to date pay.
As a new starter (If successful in the interview) you can expect to earn about £9500 per annum with London Waiting at about £2500 on top. Then you have to take into consideration your monthly flying allowances which can vary depending on how much you fly that month and whether you night stop or not. It would usually be no less than another £200 a month. This is only for the first 6 months because when your rank moves up you get a pay rise (Sorry I can't remember how much).
When you start you'll initially be flying on the shorthaul network but when you've been here a minimum of 6 months and opportunities arise then yo can go for promotion. For example Flight Supervisor or Longhaul. You just have to be patient as it doesn't happen overnight with BMI.
Hope this has been of some help to you!!!


Some info for the interview is that its a group session in the morning where you are observed by someone on our recruitment panel. Be yourself and try to get involved even if its no interest to you because they're looking at how you work in a team.
If successful in the morning then you get a 2 to 1 interview in the afternoon. Nothing tricky to know here as you just need a lot of examples to answer the questions with.
I believe there are also tests which yo have to do in Maths and maybe English but not 100% sure

27th Apr 2007, 17:43
Just thought I'd write and wish you good luck. I also have an Interview with BMI on the 16th May.

I'm from Dublin so this means I'll have to fly over the evening before and stay somewhere close. ALready have my flight and accomodation sorted.
Hope you do well. Plus I would love to hear how you get on and let me know what they put you through. It would really help me out and get my research done for this. I've been to an Aer Lingus interview recently and got my rejection letter. I was terribly sad I have to say but it'll just make me work harder for the next one.

Hope to hear from you.
Best of luck in the Interview!
We could possibly be training together if luck rolls our way:)

Heads up.
Keep me posted.

3rd May 2007, 09:32
Hi everyone,

just about to start my training with bmi on the 29th of may. noticed there's no thread for bmi. Whats it like to work for bmi? am really looking forward to it what with all the changes thats happening in the company (bmed take over, open skys longhaul) it must be a good thing what do bmi crew think of it all and bmed crew too? whats the money like?

:) :) :) :)

3rd May 2007, 21:05
I recently had an interview there, the pay is good and the questions are easy. Good Luck

4th May 2007, 09:02
For those of you with course dates you just might get a shock. Bmed are finding it hard to recruit and a lot of their crew are leaving so bmi are sending new recruits over there.


4th May 2007, 12:53
Per the last posting with regards to new trainees. Yes it is true. Some of the new recruits have been trained in bmi and then seconded to bmed for the summer until they are integrated. This means that you will be doing mid-haul routes to the Middle East, Central Asia and North Africa. You will be wearing BA uniforms and working on a BA painted aircraft out of Hetherington House instead of the QB. This is only until October when the whole operation moves to the QB.

I think that this is a great opportunity as it is definitely more challenging than just doing Domestic and European routes. Just remember not to get too used to it as you will have to do the bmi routes when it is integrated!!

Have fun on your training courses and Good Luck!!

4th May 2007, 12:58
Why is BMED finding it difficult to recruit crew?

4th May 2007, 18:28
The future is so uncertain and Bmed is a great airline for crew lifestyle, as in a lot of crew live in cheaper areas of the country because the operation allows for you to commute. All that will change when they intergrate. bmi need you to be close to LHR because of their S/H operation. A lot are leaving because they can't do that. However it could be just a little to soon to judge if its the right move to leave as nobody knows exactly how they will intergrate.


6th May 2007, 13:05
well i knew that when i went for the job with BMI that they were gonna intergrate the two companys in october so it wouldnt be such a shock if they did post me at bmed as i will eventually be in bmi in october anyway. The changes in bmi can only be good as it shows there growing. am really excited to be starting with them even if i do end up working for bmed for a while fiirst. i understand its an uncertain time for bmed but i wouldnt think it would be like that for bmi? :rolleyes:

6th May 2007, 16:27
hey Blondchick

Good luck with the training. It will be great fun. bmi is a great company to work for if it suits you and as you said, it is growing and there are lots of opportunities. Enjoy it and either with bmi or bmed initially, you will have lots of fun.


6th May 2007, 16:47
Either way, BMED or BMI, come October you will be BMI. Im at BMED and so far we're having a great last summer of fun. Doing things that no airlines do anymore. 5 day trips. Good money, cheap food and booze sun. What more could you ask for? Yes our destinations may seem 'dodgy' to the un seasoned traveller. Its not Spain but theyre great. Some of the places we fly to you can live like kings (and/or Queens lol) with the great strength of the British Pound. You can have a great night out in Bishkek(look it up) for £5, includes dinner, then taxis and all your booze in the great clubs they have there. Dont be scared of BMED. Its fantastic and you would be bloomin' lucky to be sent to work there for the summer. Trust me. It beats 4 Belfasts a day.

6th May 2007, 20:36

Agree with your sentiments but I've never heard of £5 for all that. 'Pyramids' and many more charge £10 just to get in and you've still got your meal and a nights worth of alcohol to consume.

Perhaps we've been going to the wrong clubs, have you an itinery for the £5 night? I hope it's not, go to the Casino with £5 and then get us much of the buffet and free drinks down your neck, before they realise that you've got no more money.:}

6th May 2007, 21:11
Edgars for dinner, then go to Golden Bull. Ive done it on a fiver, maybe a couple of quid more.

7th May 2007, 02:47
Yes, a good night out for sure. Been there a number of times, the professional dancer interlude can be quite entertaining too;)

I must have been buying someone elses round, as I usually end up £20+ down after a night out there but always worth it.

7th May 2007, 11:32
from what you ve said then i'm lucky if i get sent over! but will it happen has anyone been sent over do u know? either way BMI/BEMED is the right choice i enjoy short haul and would eventually like to try mid haul or even long so am pretty excited bout it all. Waht do u guys think of the merge at bmed will u guys stay with bmi?

7th May 2007, 17:43
Most of the crew at BMED are quite positive about the whole thing. Obviously there are people who arent to happy, but at the end of the day we get to keep our jobs!!! At the moment quite a few people are leaving, but I guess that wouldve been the same had BMED not been bought (you know with Virgin, BA, Silverjet all recruiting) I used to fly short haul and I loved it, now I fly Mid Haul and I still love it, both places had great crew and either way Im sure you'll enjoy doing what ever they send you to do.

23rd May 2007, 10:54
Hi to all,

I'm just trying to get some help for a friend, can someone please pm me the website or phone number for BMI.

Are they recruiting at the moment?

Thank you for your help.


23rd May 2007, 11:30



are bmi are recruiting? they are always recruiting! and that should give you an indication of the type of airline that you will be joining.

bmi were recruiting before bmed came along, and bmi aint grown or expanded realy as most of the euro flights we used to do aint there any more! bmi still has the same amount of aircraft as they had 10 years ago, and the crew compliment has reduced on most flights. so sit there and think to yourself......... the airline has got smaller over the last 10 years (with the exception of the buy out of bmed) so where have all the crew gone that they've been recruiting over the last 5 years because bmi has never stoped recruiting!?!?!?!?

i have been at bmi for almost 10 years, and love working with a great bunch of prople. you will never work with a better bunch of crew, no matter which base you fly from or with. bmi staff are the best in the business, i just wish the airline appreciated it!:ugh::ugh::ugh:

23rd May 2007, 12:16
Jonboy86 do u know Seamus Devlin then??

His office is in Heathrow...used to be in Dublin for a while.

Would love to work for BMI myself but ive just taken out a loan to pay my ryanair training so i have to pay this back first

23rd May 2007, 16:41
I have an interview with BMED tomorrow, they got back to me very quickly. I have heard that they are a great airline to work for but a few of the older crew members aren't good with change, or so I've heard. Hence why quite a few are trying out with BA.

Mia Donna
23rd May 2007, 20:57
hi there ,

i had the same scenario a few months ago (quick respnse ect ) i went to the interview and it all sounded really good , got through to the afternoon and got interviewed by a complete cow . needless to say i did not get the job . be a bit weary about them as when bmi take over everything will change and you will be short haul xxx

good luck though mate if it is what you want i hope you do well .

p.s watch out for corinne ha ha

23rd May 2007, 21:17
Well I had a BA SH interview yesterday and it was slightly disconcerting to have three BMED cabin crew there aswell! In an ideal world I would get the BA job but that was one hell of a tough interview. And as for Corrinne, I have that duly noted!! What's the best way to get to Hetherington House? Can I walk from T4?

24th May 2007, 11:37
To go to hethering house go to terminal 4 and outside arrivals go to stand 6.Take the free park and fly shuttle bus and get off at bay D or ask to drop you by the gate.The gate have a security code witch i unfortunatly cant give but am sure someone would let you threw.You will see hethering house infront of you Good luck

24th May 2007, 15:59
I got the bus in the end from Hatton Cross - I nearly got off in Bedfont, thinking I was on the wrong bus! They were all lovely over at BMED and I only had an interview, no assessments. Fingers crossed!


I just received a call saying I have got the job! Did anyone else try for BMED?

24th May 2007, 23:43
heya everyone!i really need some help!i have been successful at 2 to 1 interview for bmi but before they will send me for the training i have to pass an English test (5.06.07- so soon)-cuz im not English...any idea what the test is all about!!???? i really want this job..

Thank you!!!!:):)

25th May 2007, 17:55
Hi Lady,

I have an interview for BMed on Monday and i have been told mine is just a 2-1 interview too. How was the interview? Did they as lots of questions, how long did it last etc?

The only one thing that concerns me is when it goes to BMI will ex BMed crew be short haul or mixed or long?? I'd struggle commuting to lhr for short haul as i live in the Midlands. Did they mention that during the interview?

Any tips???????:)


25th May 2007, 18:15
It was a very relaxed interview but after a little chit chat they got down to the questions. The normal ones e.g a time you have given good customer service, why BMED etc... my interviewer was a lady called Alison and it was easy to share a few jokes with her - something I couldn't do in my BA interview! Even they aren't sure what BMI will do once they come in at the beginning of November but I was told that they will probably divide the routes between long and short haul. I know a lot about their destinations but I do suggest looking at their inflight magazine, which is online http://www.impressions-ba.com/

And I hope to see you for training!!

26th May 2007, 07:28
Whats thhe new BMI Adverts on TV all about? Whats a train and a banged up truck gotta do with flying? No mention of service and very little use of the airlines Identity and branding.Any one agree?

28th May 2007, 14:02
Hi, I currently work for Bmed and I'm telling you that a lot of people are UNHAPPY about the merger, a lot of people are leaving mainly to join BA ( I'm one of those) I don't know anybody who is not worried about the new conditions that BMI have in stock for the ones who will stay. Our lifestyle at the moment is great, possibility to commute and work part time still, the money is very good and the atmosphere downroute and inflight are more than enjoyable. The thing is we ve been part of the BMI group since feb and nobody is able to tell us what is it they want to do with us or the destinations, time flies and we ll soon be in october and even our management don't know what is going on or what will happen when the franchise comes to an end. Enjoy the time you'll spend as a BMED staff you'll love it, you'll have a great summer. I started myself during the summer two years ago and fell in love with a lot of our destinations. Most people would still be working for Bmed if the company remained the same even within the BMI group but as far as we know we ll be fully merged by the end of the summer season and that's depressing because our working conditions will change and we will have to give up our very smart BA uniform. Some of our crew also used to work for BMI and a lot of them would do anything not to go back .A lot of our pax ask us questions about the merger and some of them even told us that when BMI take over our destinations they'll start flying with other carriers! I've never worked for BMI and don't know anything about the service and the customer service, so just saying what I've heard on a regular basis since the announcement of the takeover. Good luck to everybody whether you join as BMED or BMI.

28th May 2007, 20:34
I ve just joined BMI why are you all so down bout the company thats all i ve ready on this tread your all saying it will be bad but if they hadn't taken over bmed then would that not have ment you all would have lost your jobs! I know it is a big change but It could be worst. I think its unfair to Play BMI down like you all have.

Dom Joly
28th May 2007, 23:00
The scarey thing is that there were other options and other carriers (at least that is what has subsequently been divulged by those in the know). BMI was the one that offered the best deal....but to who??? There are a number of conspiracy theories going around at the moment within BMed as to why this option was chosen as opposed to some of the other names that have been banded around recently. Sure the BMI deal may be a poor choice for aircrew but it may not have been quite so bad for others;)

It makes one wonder why BA didn't get involved, seeing as they would have acquired a company that increases its route network, has been allocated the only UK operator allowed to service a number of the countries, makes BA a considerable amount of money, etc. - need I go on? Then recently we learned that BMI sold BA the same number of slots as it acquired from BMed a couple of days after BMI brought BMed. Starting to smell a bit fishy? BMI denied that they did this initially but the news was broken officially by one of the Sunday papaers a couple of weeks ago.

There are a considerable number of things that just don't add up. Unfortunately though, at this time only the Board and top management know the details. This is the way that it must remain otherwise BMed staff would up sticks pronto and there would be no Company. At least this is how one of the theories goes.

Read in to it what you like, the bottom line is, BMed is now owned by BMI for better or for worse. You've got to wonder why so many are leaving and why no news is forthcoming about new T & Cs, despite cabin crew leaving in droves?

29th May 2007, 15:22
Hi guys! ive got an interview comming up in a couple of days so any tips you could give me would be greatly appreciated. ive always wanted 2 do this job..so excited!

Little Blue
30th May 2007, 10:58
The best tip I can give you is not to read to much into the negative comments of a few posters on here.
There are good and bad sides to every company.
You are only young and if you decide that bmed/bmi is the place to start your flying career then thats great for you and the company.
I don't know of many crew that have spent their whole career flying for the same carrier. If succesful, then you will probably try a few airlines until you find the one that suits you.
In the meantime, just be yourself at the interview. They'll want the real person in front of them and will soon see thru any facade.
The very best of luck to you.
LB !:)

30th May 2007, 13:10
I just thought I would add to this thread, as Im getting pretty sick of hearing so much bad press and company bashing about BMI from BMed crew.

Can we just stop for a minute and alow the people out there who are new to this industry and look to this site for valuble career information, and company insight, the chance to hear the neutral and positive comments that there are to any company. Ive been in this industry for over 12 years now, and yes we all know that no airline is the perfect airline, and yes we know that its probably the most unstable industry to be in, theres mergers happening all the time and airlines going under, and how so many of you aspire to work for the "Golden" UK airline, which itself isnt without unhappy crew and unfair working practices !

Ive been at BMed now for over 3.5yrs and I have to say firstly (flying panther) alot of people are NOT unhappy and are in fact looking forward to what will happen in Oct, we should all be thankful that we are still in jobs, and not cashing in our giros ! or searching for the next airline to join and then moan about how lucky we had it at BMed, I can only speculate as much as the next person about the future of the company and im not here to defend Bmed, and the areas of the business for the decisions it has made over the past year or two which have put us into the position we now find ourselves in, from being on the frontline we all know what needed to be done and where the company were failing, to possibly avert our current state !

But the reality is, its happened, if people now find that BMed/BMI is not the company for them any more then thats fine, move on and make room for the next person, but keep your opinons to yourself, im getting tired of coming into work and hearing constant negative rumours (which is all they are) from people who think they have the upper hand on
higher managements plans for us. And people saying "Ive heard at BMI this" and "BMI that....." OK, I accept that ex BMI crew may not want to go back to work for them, people have their reasons, and I know of some who are happy to, but in all fairness this could work out for the better, look at all the mergers that have happened which have made companies better than previously, Sabre when it merged to become Excel, Air France and KLM, My Travel and Thomas Cook, Caledionian and Flying Colours to become JMC now Thomas Cook, Air2000 and Leisure International to become First Choice need I go on.......

Its interesting times, many of us intend to stay and see what BMI brings, I know its unsettling not knowing our future direction, but from all the press reports and the few company updates lets just hope that, you synics are all left wishing you had stayed !!

Read On........................

In March 2007, BMI announced it intends to reveal details of new services from Heathrow (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heathrow) to the USA (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USA), taking advantage of the end of Bermuda II (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bermuda_II) restriction of services from that airport to the USA (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USA) brought about by the EU-US open-skies pact due to start on 31 March (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/March_31) 2008 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008).[6] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bmi#_note-5)
In April 2007, it was reported by CNN (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CNN) that BMI and United Airlines (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Airlines) were in talks about forming a possible alliance for transatlantic flights once the EU-US open skies pact comes into effect on 31 March (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/March_31) 2008 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2008).[7] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bmi#_note-6)

31st May 2007, 17:35
I think bulkyhead has covered it all, i work for BMI and the crew is fantasic and well known for that with our passengers and those that are going over to join the BMED crew are also great i know i few!! you will all have a fantasic time im sure of it, short it may be under the BA colours, but also when the merge finally does go ahead it will be mixed fleet not just shorthaul as someone has metioned in a post. for people who are just joining everyone has a opionion but dont take that on board form your own!!!!

737 dont ask me about the BMI advert ???????:hmm: i saw it before it was lauched and i just looked lost? Thats the one thing i Feel that lets BMI down is there advertisment and how they go about making are name known, people get BMI mixed up with bmibaby (got to give it bmibaby they have great advertising) but it bugs me we are not bmibaby or regional:= mainline i tell ya mainliiiiiiiiiiine LOL

I cant comment on BMED CREW as i dont know any LOL but we are all the same breed and crew are crew !! we all have the same habits hehe

31st May 2007, 21:20
I start at BMED in a couple of weeks but I don't know anything about discounted flights or any other staff incentives! By the time 6 months have passed it will be BMI - what are the deals like on staff airfares and can you get any discounts with codeshare airlines i.e Singapore Airlines (trying to get to Australia on the cheap!!)

Little Blue
1st Jun 2007, 08:10
Don't worry Lady....
You'll pick up some good deals on codeshares !!
Enjoy !

2nd Jun 2007, 18:37
Fanatsic!! someone sticking up for BMI!!! I have just started my training with BMI and they are really nice. I am really enjoying to sourse and the trainers are brill! The staff travel is fantastic. I was so sick of comming on here and listening to BMED crew complaining bout time someone said something and stuck up for BMI. At least you all still have a job!!


3rd Jun 2007, 10:45
Can someone five me a bit of info about how you apply to regional? I know that to apply for baby you apply seperatly but I have no idea about regional?

3rd Jun 2007, 18:34
The website is saying that they are only now recruiting for LHR and DUB, the regional bit that I saw a couple of weeks ago seems to have been removed.

6th Jun 2007, 11:22
Hi all,

Ive been invited to a BMI interview for flight supv. Can any of you tell me what to expect, rosters, nightstops, wages etc.

Any info would be greatly apprieciated!

Fingers x'd!!!



23rd Jun 2007, 22:00

I've just found this site and i think it's great! I also have just got a job with BMI (but beginning with BMED). do you start traiing on 17th july as well? I really want to talk to anyone who's in the same boat as me. Just coz it's inteseting to discuss stuff!


24th Jun 2007, 18:39
Hey lisa

Am kinda in the same boat i ve just finished my training with BMI but staying in the BMI side of work. I think everything thats happeneing at bmi is very exciting!! there seems so many oppertunities with the company with the BMED merg and the prospects of long haul routes to america. i ve not started flying yet just waiting on my ID appointment. should be flying in bout 2 weeks fingers crossed :):)

25th Jun 2007, 17:02
Hiya blondechick,

nice to hear from you,

how did you find the training? was it ok and did most people on your course pass and everything? i can't wait to start mine!

in my interview i got asked if i wanted bmed or bmi to start with and i'm so glad i chose bmed coz from what i've been reading everyone loves bmed! I don't mind if it's bmi or whoever but at least i get to do some longer flights to strart with.

but yeh, so what was the training like? quite hard-going??

Lisa x

27th Jun 2007, 01:40
well done for you. I wanted to do longer flights when I started rather than the "same old Manchesters etc" but if you haven't flown before then the only advice I can give you is don't run before you can walk. It's great to look forward and say you want that in the future, but if its yor 1st flying job then you will find it hard to adjust to the lifestyle to begin with as all new crew do. However I hope to see you on a longhaul flight from LHR or MAN very soon. Best of luck

2nd Jul 2007, 10:17
Looking through your other posts and replies it seems you have had a lot of rejections from many airlines. Maybe you are just bitter about not getting BMED. Prehaps you should try being more proffesional.
Good luck in the future. :=


2nd Jul 2007, 15:20
Hi there, I was cabin crew with British Midland from August 98 to Sep. 99, I would like to know if there is anyone currently working there that can help me out, at the moment I'm filling out www.flightmemory.com (http://www.flightmemory.com) where I can write all my records of my flights, I only kept the flight numbers that I did for the year at BMI but I don't have the destinations, would any one please get or find out where can I get the time tables from Aug 98 to Sep 99?, so, it must be summer 98, winter 99 and an other summer 99.

I would really appreciate it as I now have incomplete that year on my flights records.

I miss the Queens Building and those briefings tables where we all knew each other at LHR.

Anyway, thank you very much in advance and once again, this would mean a lot to me, so please let me know where can I get the info.

PS: I left BD to go to EK and I'm in Dubai since Sep 99, good move but wrong people.


2nd Aug 2007, 19:02
Hey, does anyone know if bmi will be getting new uniforms? i've heard maybe next year

13th Aug 2007, 09:08

i was wondering if anyone was able to give me any information regarding the interview process for the BMI Cabin Crew Interview. I would appreciate any information as I have a scheduled interview for BMI this coming week.

thank you :)

13th Aug 2007, 13:28

Your day will go as follows: BMI CC life presentation, group work, role play, 2 on interview.
BMI presentation will take about 10 minutes. Then you will be devided into 2 or more groups where you will have to introduce yourselves while interviewers will be waching you.
Then you will be asked to do an assignment as a group. When finished you will have short roleplay in pairs. One of you will have to be unsatisfied customer and the other the manager (to see your customer service skills)
Then the coffee break after which some of you will be told to go home. then the successfull ones will have to have 2 on 1 interviews. It will take about 1 hour.

More questions?:8

13th Aug 2007, 14:19
"Then the coffee break after which some of you will be told to go home."

lol, that sounded sooo harsh, although it is likely, bmi will let u know that they have vacancies for ALL of you, however it ultimately is up to how you as an individual performs on the day. The recruiters their were really friendly.

13th Aug 2007, 14:30
yes they are very friendly and the company is good... that is why it is going to bee so disapointing to be told to go home:) anyway, lets hope you will do great on your interview and we will see you on the course:)

13th Aug 2007, 17:57
I've had 1 flight with BMI, and it was top notch. I was economy, and it didint seem to matter to them. If could I'd fly again BMI, I would, and thats ultimatley what its all about - repeat business.

At the risk of repeating myself - the stand up easyjet thread is where bananaman came in.

And if you were the lady in the Galley that loaded me up with Sarnies for the journey home to Bath then thanks,

16th Aug 2007, 12:43
Just read that bmi will/may/should fly LHR-JFK after open skies!!


16th Aug 2007, 18:09
Let's see now.

United :

Known worldwide
Long history on the LHR-JFK route
Big transatlantic network on other routes
Big marketing operation in both UK and US
Big base of corporate clients in London and New York
... failed on the London to JFK route and pulled out. seen off by AA, BA, VS.


Secondary in UK, hardly known in US
No transatlantic history from London
Handful of non-London transatlantic routes
Small marketing operation
Small base of corporate clients in London and none in New York
..... think they can do better.


28th Aug 2007, 12:22
Well they are about 6-8 months into what is supposed to be an 18 month process of organising a new uniform, but as yet nothing official on what its gonna be like.
Rumour's are about saying that the hat will stay (esp for Long Haul) and as much as we all wanted rid of the Bar Jacket (and have waist coats instead) they will be staying too, sigh. Basically nothing to get excited about.

28th Aug 2007, 12:45
Ithink the uniform would even be better if it fitted slightly better and the womens skirt didnt sit so high!! i can understand the keeping of the hat but i do argee waistcoats would be much better!!!

28th Aug 2007, 19:30
There will be no trousers for female ground staff, that is still only for dispatchers.

29th Aug 2007, 12:42
bmi will not be launching any transatlantic flights from LHR in the forseeable future. This has been confirmed by the boss! They are going to continue the Bmed integration and look at the USA in 18 months or so. Hopefully they can look at changing the uniform sooner than that.

29th Aug 2007, 15:37
I guess that's good news for the ground staff, and a pity for the poor dispatchers :sad:.

Mick Strigg
30th Aug 2007, 12:04
Trousers will be required for the Cabin Crew flying the BMED route to Iran, along with a BMI scarf to cover their heads as well!

12th Sep 2007, 18:55
Hi All,

So, is it 100% sure US flights from LHR will only start to operate in 2009?

13th Sep 2007, 19:39
Unfortunately they are going to make us wear an abaya which is of course an Arabic item of clothing, which isn't going to go down too well in Iran. It's far too difficult for them to issue us with some navy trousers!!! :ugh:

14th Sep 2007, 10:56
Looks to me like it will be very doubtful that we will ever start our own routes to the U.S out of LHR...... seems more likely that we will just codeshare with UA . They will bring the passengers in from U.S and bmi will be the Star Alliance carrier taking pax to the middle East....with Cairo and Tel Aviv being added to our routes...it really does appear as that is the direction SMB/NT are taking..

Obviously i could be totally wrong!!!

14th Sep 2007, 11:18
Let's hope so:}

16th Sep 2007, 19:29
Does anybody know what the rosters look like for part timers at bmi regional? They seem to be taking internal applications from the bmi group for cabin crew and know that some people have gone straight in part time.

22nd Sep 2007, 23:09
Hi everyone. I currently have an interview date with BMI for this friday the 28th:):) I was wondering If anybody else has an Interview on this day. Lets hope I am successful. Will give feedback after.x

26th Sep 2007, 12:29
hello everyone!!
I have an interview with bmi on 4th october, i was just wondering what to expect, what questions are asked!! really nervous as its only my second interview with an airline!!
If any one can help i would be very greatful
thankis in advance

1st Oct 2007, 08:46
:}Hello robynbevis! I recently had my interview with BMI

please don't worry Bmi are fantastic, really friendly. It was the most easy airline interview that I have been too, best part was (Not sure If I can use the word on here) So I will say no stuck up attitudes or anything like that.

There is about 2 group work exercises, relly simple, as long as you communicate with your team, you don't have to lead it. Just have fun. I enjoyed it. And also think How you would want to be treated as a customer or would expect for the roleplay. Thats simple too.
You do get a math and english test, All I can say Is please revise a little currency coversions, adding and taking away sums etc.

Don't worry too much as If your scores are not so high, It is more down to your performance as a whole. As for the questions, look at it like someone is trying to get to know you, How would you handle things? What would you do for a customer? How do you feel about the job, certain things etc.
Just have a few examples prepared so your confident. Most airline interviews are similar. What was you asked at the last? I will let you know If I am successful.:ok:

2nd Oct 2007, 09:17
Thanks alot!!

2nd Oct 2007, 19:09
wooo, I got the job. I am so happy. I recieved a letter by post, confirming I have been successful. Just have to wait a few months for a training course. Got british airways friday,Not sure If I shud go as I have BMI now and maybe it's best I gain my shorthaul experience first, not sure. Good luck to everyone specially robynbevis xx;)

2nd Oct 2007, 20:42
hey Airhostessdream, Congrats on getting the job :D. Yea we are really friendly over here at bmi, great staff. You will love your training, ALOT of studying to do lol, but you will be fine. The hardest part is over!

2nd Oct 2007, 21:36
Hi Airhostess go for BA!!

2nd Oct 2007, 23:25
I agree with Tea and Coffee,

See how you fair at BA before coming to Bmi

5th Oct 2007, 12:36
Hi ya,
The interview went really well, i got through the first tasks then on to the one to two interview, they were really nice people, hopefully ill get the job!! they said if i get it id be starting my training in nov or in the new year!! when u got ur training airhostessdream??
I do think you should go 4 BA just to see!!
Hope all is well congrats

7th Oct 2007, 18:15
hi all..... i know every one leaves airlines to go to BA, but what about the other way around?

I've been at BA for 8 years now, on longhaul LHR at the mo....and fed up. No promotion, and now they've taken one purser off, promotion prospects look a long long way off!!!

I've got some great friends at bmi who rave about it and what fun it is and i thought i'd apply for the fast track supervisor role.

Anyone on here applied or started off as a direct entry flight supervisor at bmi?

Really not sure what to do. BA can be a bit of a trap cause it's well paid mostly, but money's not everything i guess.

7th Oct 2007, 20:21
hi everyone!im just trying to find someone who starts the training on 13th Nov...i cant wait for the training...and also im scared cuz i heard that is v hard ...:) oh well we will see..

many thanks

8th Oct 2007, 15:07
Hey Marlena

Training is Intense and will seem like alot to take in all in one go(bit of brain overload at times) But you will do fine, enjoy it and enjoy learning with your new friends,they can help you with any problems you may.


8th Oct 2007, 21:17
Hi Guys:)

Thanks for all the posts.Hi Robynbevis, I start 13th Nov. When do you start and well done to you:D:E. I didn't go for BA, wasn't ready, Id rather
do shorthaul and see how I go.
Marlena, I too am worried about training, I have a terrible memory. Don't worry, prehaps we can help each other. I take it you will move close to Heathrow. I can't afford to move out. It depends on cost hun.

G-Kris, that is so not on, you have worked 8 long hard years, and No promotion? I am sure If you was with BMI, you would probably be an fsm. I would take a chance and go with BMI, at least you could get a years experience and maybe go back into long haul, as you maybe able to show them you have been a purser elsewhere. Money is important but so is career progression and happiness xx

9th Oct 2007, 10:09
Havent heard n e thing yet, its been 3working days since my interview so still waitin doesnt help that theres a postal strike either!!
Yeah i will move up to heathrow, two of my friends all ready work 4 bmi so i might flat share with them!!, its well expensive!! just outside the cantine there was signs 4 flat share quite reasonable as well, so might be worth looking at them!!
Ill keep you posted
hopefull we re be training together!!!:O:O

10th Oct 2007, 16:03
"I would take a chance and go with BMI, at least you could get a years experience and maybe go back into long haul, as you maybe able to show them you have been a purser elsewhere."

As far as I knew, you cannot go directly to BA Longhaul as a new, permanent, entrant.

Although the allure of being a Purser/No.1/Flight Supervisor is very attractive it would be awful for your new company's general working conditions to be such that you wished you had never gone there. And, unfortunately, you would be unable to go back again.

Worth considering very carefully I think.


12th Oct 2007, 10:02
I got the job!!
But ive been put on a waiting list, untill spaces become avalaliable on the training, i so wanna start my training in nov, hopefully i start soon!!

14th Oct 2007, 21:17
Hi guys im new here but im a bit worried now as i got through interview and my english tests at the end of August and the put me on the waiting list. I can see that new training is in the mid of Nov. Hopefully i will get that one as i cant wait going back on board.Other jobs are so boring.

15th Oct 2007, 20:28
new crew go straight into long haul with BA if they are based at LGW, but at LHR its all short haul for the newbies

16th Oct 2007, 04:46
HOWEVER....At present BA are hiring a number of temps on an 11month contract who are being placed directly on LHR Longhaul!

16th Oct 2007, 19:20
And what does it have to do with BMI?

16th Oct 2007, 19:53
RobertC read back a few posts and cut the attitude darling it ain't nice.

22nd Oct 2007, 11:03
does anyone work for BMI? It says on the website that there are lower height requirements for some bases, do you know which bases they are?
Would you recommend they company? and life as cabin crew in general?



22nd Oct 2007, 11:29
BMI lower the height restrictions on their embraer fleet which tends to be from their small bases such as GLA/EMA etc.

Are you just under 5ft 2in?

I work for BMED who have been intergrated into BMI so cannot comment as yet what they arelike to work for.

Good luck!

23rd Oct 2007, 14:23
Hi rachelsmith i work for bmi, the staff here, especially crew are really nice and fun to work with, its really easy to fit in and get along with each other...and at this point, with all the expansion, its a great time to join bmi!

23rd Oct 2007, 14:57
Hi Everyone!
Flying GER which airports are those abvreivations for? I havent been measured in years but I think I may be just under but not sure.
I was thinking of joining after i graduate this summer, should I apply now for next year? I have heard that on certain airlines things can get quite bitchy because your not working with the same people, does this cause problems when working?

Sorry for all the questions!!


23rd Oct 2007, 21:10
Hi there

Just to answer your question on height restrictions, at bmi, it applies to the Embraer fleet that is predominantly flown by bmi regional based in Aberdeen. They have other bases but it is generally the regional airports like Manchester, Glasgow and Edinburgh. There is currently a couple of Embraers based at LHR for the forseeable future but the crew are recruited from existing crew who have been with bmi for at least 6 months. The maximum height for operating this aircraft is 5'10" due to the low cabin ceiling.

You will need to be at least 5'2" in your bare feet to join most airlines. That is the minimum. Some airlines require taller. bmi's minimum is 5'2" but they do not check your height at the interview. However, if they find out that you are not the correct height, it could then invalidate any job offer as you have put false information in your application.

bmi can be a fun company to work for as it is still considered a small company. Not sure how the BMED integration will affect it. There is little attitude but be aware that it IS a small company and small company mentality is all over the place. Many of the managers have worked their way up and can be very protective of their domain.

Saying that, you will be expected to work hard. Four sectors a day with short turnaround times is not easy. You will also have to tidy the aircraft at the B ends. The early morning reports and the late finishes are not for everybody. The earliest report is a 05.15 early airport standby and currently the first flight report is 05.25. Last flights come in currently about 23.00. You will be expected to be able to make it to the airport and home for those times. You will work either 5 on and 2 off or 6 on and 3 off. Also working weekends and bank holidays when everyone else is off is also something to get used to.

The airline industry is by no means glamorous, being 'puked' all over is no fun, however, it can be very rewarding and a lot of people really enjoy it. Ultimately, it is your choice, but please do not come into this industry thinking that it is all glamour and fantastic destinations as most times on shorthaul it means that you won't even get to see the inside of the terminal building!!

24th Oct 2007, 11:18
Firstly, I don't think that you would get a contract for just '3/4' months - of course, it is up to you how long you wish to stay with BMI - but bear in mind it will take nearly 5 weeks to train you and sometimes there is a wait to actually go on a training course.

As far as I know, applications are generally for LHR (there are no crew based at LGW) and they are initially to operate on the shorthaul network. Once established at LHR, you would then request to transfer to MAN - as and when vacancies occur. I think MAN is a very popular base and so you may wait for a long time - quite probably more than 3 or 4 months.

Applications for BMI Mainline would not be sent to BMI Regional - you would need to apply to them separately in Aberdeen.


24th Oct 2007, 17:15
That's okay Helen.

The thing with BMI is that it is a permanent job - as opposed to most of the charter airlines which start off as temporary.

That said, 3-4 months wouldn't be the shortest time (by any means) that someone has stayed at BMI!


28th Oct 2007, 09:26
hi, I am bmed crew who will be starting at bmi next week. can anyone on here give me the best route to the staff carpark from the m25. many thanks

28th Oct 2007, 10:31
Why have you not done a dummy run so you know where you are going?i dont drive in so sorry cant help you,good luck at bmi though!

28th Oct 2007, 10:39
doing dummy run today! have been to carpark once before but my sense of direction is absolutely zero so really need some help!

28th Oct 2007, 11:08
good luck,surely someone here must be able to help you!

28th Oct 2007, 15:13
Had a look on the map, I would say stay on the M4 until J3 then take the A312 cross Bath road then next right on Great South West Rd, next right on to the Eastern Perimeter Track and you are there......local knowledge anyone?

28th Oct 2007, 20:09
thankyou muppet! have now worked out my route. sorry to have bored you all with this but I seriously have no sense of direction unless Margot (satnav) knows where we are going! bmi here I come! look forward to seeing you all. the flights seemed to have departed ok, today being the switch over date. onwards and upwards!

28th Oct 2007, 20:59
Hi. it depends on the time of day. Personally wouldn't use A312. I would head for the M4 spur which goes straight into LHR. Turn left just before the tunnel (stay in the left hand lane). The turning is just after the last bridge before the tunnel. Up to the roundabout and take the 3rd exit which aims for the airport, stay left and turn left. head straight down the perimeter road til you get to the end of the runway, round a right hand bend and turn left into the car park. Make sure your early the buses run every 10 minutes on the hr ten past, twenty past etc...... Then every 15 minutes after 1000 til 1800. Give yourself about 15 min at least to get through LHR from 0600 - 0800.

Hope that helps.


28th Oct 2007, 22:11
thanks 6chimes that does really help. thankyou for taking the time

29th Oct 2007, 14:36
Just to add......
When you drive down the M4 spur in the left hand lane, as it reaches traffic lights it splits into a further 2 lanes, keep right so you dont get pushed up onto the bath road. Its not a problem if you do just keep on til you see a big white round hotel and turn right there instead and that will take you back onto the perimeter road.
The bus can take 15 - 20 min from the car park at peak times so remember that! Most plan to be at the car park after taking into account all other obstacles that you will regularly encounter about 30 min prior to report. Except on earlies when your still cleaning your teeth as you walk in the crew room (sorry RUN!).
You need to log on one of the pc's before your report time or the cabin police will spring into action and you will find yourself in need of OJ simpsons lawyer.

29th Oct 2007, 15:44
once again thanks 6chimes, useful info! on standby tomorrow so fingers crossed

29th Oct 2007, 17:04
Is that your first day? If it is you will unlikely get called as you need to go as extra to crew on your first day so they won't call you off sby unless they need a crew member.


29th Oct 2007, 18:07
dont know how it works with us joining from bmed, we are just doing ex bmed routes at least for a few weeks until we start doing our sep conversion onto bmi aircraft. so who knows? having said that it would be lovely not to be called out, hate the mad dash especially from sussex!

5th Nov 2007, 18:30
Hi there, I was cabin crew with British Midland from August 98 to Sep. 99, I would like to know if there is anyone currently working there that can help me out, at the moment I'm filling out www.flightmemory.com (http://www.flightmemory.com/) where I can write all my records of my flights, I only kept the flight numbers that I did for the year at BMI but I don't have the destinations, would any one please get or find out where can I get the time tables from Aug 98 to Sep 99?, so, it must be summer 98, winter 99 and an other summer 99.

I would really appreciate it as I now have incomplete that year on my flights records.

I miss the Queens Building and those briefings tables where we all knew each other at LHR.

Anyway, thank you very much in advance and once again, this would mean a lot to me, so please let me know where can I get the info.

PS: I left BD to go to EK and I'm in Dubai since Sep 99, good move but wrong people. :yuk:


7th Nov 2007, 09:49
I only kept the flight numbers that I did for the year at BMI but I don't have the destinations,

what are the flight numbers you have, I may be able to fill some in from memory !

big boy 12
7th Nov 2007, 15:29
hello i was at bmi in 99 and i think i still have a couple of time tables from then see if i can dig them out for you:ok:

7th Nov 2007, 20:19
Thanks guys, here are some of the missing destinations, if you happen to know the dep. / arr. time will be a bonus.
537.538.553.554.557.558.581.582.583.584.585.586.587.588.589. 590.591.593.594.597
800.801.803.804.805.819.820.821.822.823.824.825.826.830.831. 832.833.834.835.836.839

As you can see there are far too many flights and I don't expect you to write down each and every one, but if you happen to know where can I find a copy of the timetable from sep. '98 to sep. '99 it would be great.

Thank you so much guys !!! :}