View Full Version : Experience commensurate with age...

4th Apr 2007, 02:42
So what does "Experience commensurate with age.", mean exactly?

Is it strictly total time vs age?

Or does other industry experience apply? Or other job experience? IE Previous management work...

FYI, I'm 38 with only 1000 hours, multi crew turbo prop time... but I do know a thing or two from the real world...

Would Cathy consider an old fart like me?


Dirty D
4th Apr 2007, 02:53
Thats a good question. I'm trying to figure that out myself. I'm not sure there is an exact formula.

I'm 21 with 1350 hours. 500 FO on a PC-12. I just accepted a job as PIC on a Caravan in Asia. Problem is I only have 65 hours multi. So I'm not sure if turbine PIC and EFIS time will be enough to get their attention without having multi turbine or jet. Seems like its the luck of the draw. Perhaps internal refs help a lot as well.


4th Apr 2007, 08:53
damn...you're 21 and got 1250 hrs already??
500 on PC12...nice work man...you started flying long ago? I am 22 and only got 250hrs haha...shame~

Night Watch
5th Apr 2007, 09:33
This is what i posted on another thread....

To all Wannabes..... Your answer to all of these type of Q's is, experience commiserate with age. So in other words if you have been flying since High School/Uni and your 25-30.... 3000-4000 hrs with at least 1000 command turbo-prop. If you are 30-35 you should have at least some jet. Of course there are exceptions and often very interesting circumstances, but this is about the experience that I find guys have when talking to them on a 14hr flight.

Lil_Satan ... sorry, you're a little light on total time (at least 2000-3000). But doesn't mean things wont change in the future. Hang in there. :ok:

Dirty D ... you are doing fine. Don't worry about the multi time until you have a bit more command under your belt. It will come soon enough and before you get an interview with CX in a few years.

Good Luck all.