View Full Version : CHC Interview - WOMBAT TEST

23rd Mar 2007, 02:45
I have an interview with CHC. My question is: Has anybody on this forum taken the WOMBAT TEST. If so, could you shed some light on how it was.
Thank you.:ok:

23rd Mar 2007, 06:39
I have a vague recollection of the old WOMBAT test that we used to run.
In short, you are in control of two joysticks operating in a single plane each. You are tasked with keeping a dot in the centre of a polygon. Either the dot or the polygon move about randomly and trend in different directions... which you correct for using the sticks. You can engage an autopilot to have the computer track it for you once its within tolerance. This gives you an opportunity to conduct the other tasks that are required. I recall number sequences, spatial manipulation of 2D representations or 3D objects and response time tasks. All the while in the background the autopilot becomes more and more unstable. I think you have to check back preiodically as there may not be any warning that the AP has decoupled... anyway, the point is to push you hard on the single channel switching thing and testing that you dont become fixated heavily on a single task.
Its a long test... maybe over two hours once you have read the instructions etc. I would suggest strongly that you do take the 45 minutes at the start to thoroughly READ the instructions. When candidates failed, it was always because of a little over confidence. It is a deceptively easy test but there are tricks that you will only pick up with a careful analysis of the instructions.
Otherwise, be yourself, dress neatly, do a little research, be humble and accomodating and you should be fine. All the very best of luck and one day you might be able to work for a proper offshore company like Bristow :ok:

23rd Mar 2007, 07:24
The wombat is a happy animal. Eats roots and leaves

Bertie Thruster
23rd Mar 2007, 07:52
'pies; I thought it was the Weapon Of Magnesium Battalion Anti Tank!

A 120mm bazooka like gun with a massive sound. Hence "she bangs like a belt-fed WOMBAT"

Or one can simply use Google; www.aero.ca/e_W-Presentation.html

23rd Mar 2007, 13:08
I didn't know CHC did the WOMBAT test!

23rd Mar 2007, 14:32
"Weapon Of Magnesium Battalion Anti Tank" Haven't heard that since they took mine away and gave me a MILAN!!!
CHC do not do WOMBAT tests. Not in Europe any way.

23rd Mar 2007, 15:37
I was going to say........Because i never did one.:rolleyes:

23rd Mar 2007, 17:09
I think they just started with WOMBAT. They claim it is a very important element of the recruiting process. Do or die I guess.
I checked out the wombat web site, 90 to 120 minutes seems like a long time to be over tasked. When I am on a flight I don't normally look at 3D puzzles and play number games to gain bonus points.:rolleyes:

pants on fire...
24th Mar 2007, 16:54
"If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?"

This is the more normal type of question you might be asked during the interview process. Then we all hug at the end! :eek:

25th Mar 2007, 12:53
Is this for CHC in Australia? They have Wombats there. Otherwise if it's for CHC Africa brush up on maple syrup production, mixing of milkshakes and make sure you know all the words to YMCA :E

Brian Abraham
26th Mar 2007, 00:37
"If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?"

Would the answer be "plane tree"? Probably might not get you a job flying helos, but its the closest I could get.

The Nr Fairy
26th Mar 2007, 04:49
Sycamore, surely ?

Bertie Thruster
26th Mar 2007, 08:16
That old chestnut!

Brian Abraham
26th Mar 2007, 09:21
Depending from where you hail a plane MAY indeed be a Sycamore.

26th Mar 2007, 20:43

Hmm found this link to the WOMBAT test , are CHC recruiting in mythical places now ?.

10th Jul 2010, 23:01
Hey Folks - anyone have any feedback on this test..? I've heard it's part of the recruiting process and as they're currently advertising for pilots I'd like to get an idea of what's in store if I apply..?

10th Jul 2010, 23:10
it is a test to find out if you are one.

11th Jul 2010, 02:52
Ha ha!!... Good one imabell! Makes a lot of sense... Are you sure they don't have it in Australia?????:E

Joker's Wild
11th Jul 2010, 03:04
It basically determines if you can walk and chew gum at the same time.

11th Jul 2010, 03:18
Aw heck, mates - I'm a goner.... I keep getting the gum on me shoes and then fall over trying to get the gum off me shoes.... THAT must be the wombat part!!! Back to the yard and the 'ute for me, the mrs will be stoked!!

11th Jul 2010, 03:55
I have a soon to be ex colleague who is doing this test next week. If he fails it I wonder how they'll explain his successful 41 flying career to date?

Mark Six
11th Jul 2010, 04:31
I did the test a couple of years ago. The HR lady at the time told me there was no pass or fail criteria as they had not yet established a base line, however she did say that some who had performed poorly in the test had done well in the field and vice versa. I wasn't given any idea how I rated. She said they had introduced the test because a lot of applicants from a particular country (which I won't name) were not performing in the field as well as their cv's/experience suggested they should.

Sliding Doors
11th Jul 2010, 10:25
I know of one or two pilots who will be rather upset that external candidates are being given interviews with CHC. They have applied for jobs within CHC, Global Operations, but didn't even get the courtesy of replies to applications they had made. What is going on in CHC these days? They claim to be the largest Southern North Sea Helicopter operator with 55% of the contracts. I think that is so far out of whack now. Surely Bristows have everything pretty much tied up? CHC = Spent Force?:hmm:

11th Jul 2010, 10:57
I didn't know CHC did the WOMBAT test!

Not in Europe but if you go to interview at YVR you'll be given the test.

There is no recruiting in Europe at the moment but if the trickle of pilots to Global becomes a flood...

11th Jul 2010, 11:10
I always thought it was something you played wom with. :hmm:

11th Jul 2010, 15:18
You can read some about it here.

12th Jul 2010, 05:42
Hello everyone,

Does anybody know If they use the ''WOMBAT TEST" In Brazil?

Or any Information about what kind of selection procedure you can expect?

Already thanks:ok:


13th Jul 2010, 11:58
IF you could do something to prepare for the WOMBAT test, it would be to play lots of hand-eye coordination computer games, but it's not really a reflex test, just coordination, so I would advise anyone doing it to just relax, be confident and do your best, like the rest of the process.

It seems like several purchasers have been "establishing a baseline" for a long time.

22nd Jul 2010, 07:06
Heeeeeeeheeeee !

I guess for HR to assess the value of WOMBAT againt performance in the field, the would need to have the slightest clue what is good & bad performance - and they don't. Anyway, just one more useless wombat in the Canadian Helicopter Circus.

23rd Jul 2010, 15:29
It's pretty tough, more difficult than it would seem when you read the manual. Quite long too - 3 hours in all - 1 hour of practice and instruction and a 2 hour test.

All you can do is read the manual before hand and do your best when the time comes.

23rd Jul 2010, 15:57
Its nice to see that pprune posters are sooo helpful to person trying to get a job. Sad really. The WOMBAT has been employed at CHC since Aug 2007. I was one of their first suckers at it. Its a long test as there is 60 minutes of practice followed by 90 minutes of test. The practice gets you orientated to the "game". The critical thing the WOMBAT is testing you for is task prioritizing and task saturation. It is important to weigh each task choice you are given. The weight is based upon a bar graph to the side of the task. Usually there are three tasks to choose from, a number game, a 3-D comparison task, and I can't remember the other. The 3-D game takes time away from you and is weighted very little, so not much bother doing that one. Watch the indicator for its importance before doing it. The number game is memory based. At the start of the WOMBAT test, you will manipulate your controls to track a target. This is easy in velocity, the more you deflect the controls the faster the "pipper" goes. However, in acceleration mode, it becomes difficult. the more you deflect the controls the more acceleration the "pipper" has, often one overshoots the target. Small deflections is the key to this. You will not have any control of when it switches. It is during this part that you will then put the system into auto-pilot once you have the target captured in your "pipper". Selecting auto-pilot allows you to switch screens and do the aforementioned tasks. During the tasks, you must pay attention to your auto-pilot caution light. If this illuminates, then you have lost auto-pilot and must return to your "flying" screen and capture it again. Points are lost for not paying attention to your auto-pilot!

That's about it. I found it extremely tedious and after 90 minutes total time of practice and testing. Couldn't wait for it to be done!

It is a test done for Global guys, I don't think union folk are subject to it. :}

18th Jun 2011, 12:26

I have to sit the CHC and Bond assessment and could use some advice.
Can anyone give me some advice how to prepare!?
What are they testing,
what kind of questions do they ask etc...


18th Jun 2011, 18:11
For the CHC tests, you might want to look at this website as it will give you an idea of what you might be asked to do!!!!

www.madman.dk (http://www.madman.dk)

HP 1982!!!!

21st May 2012, 17:17
Hi; anyone able to give me informations and details about this
Recruitment tests..
I have very soon an interview and would like to know what is this about?
Thanks for your help ..

21st May 2012, 22:01
Be afraid - be very afraid!

It is not so bad - just takes 2 hours which is a very long time to be playing a complicated computer game. It is designed to test your multi-tasking ability so you will be busy.

The primary task is to keep a dot in the centre of a point on the screen. It moves constantly but once you have it under control you can engage an auto hold which does the job for you. This then allows you to divert your attention to other tasks on the outside of the screen of which there are recurring numbers, rotating patterns and a couple of others which I forget. When you are trying to solve these you must keep an eye on the dot auto-hold as it often fails and you have to manually take control.

You are given 30 minutes practice and then you start the 1:30 minute test. My advice would be to do the practice then press pause and before you start the test go to the toilet, get a coffee, a drink of water or whatever you think you will need for the next 1:30 mins as you cannot stop the test.

Also take a pen and paper in with you as you can jot down the sequential numbers rather than having to remember them when you are maxed-out in the brian department.

There is no way I could see of assessing your own performance during the test. You will be given a pass or fail afterwards. I think it is designed not only as a multi-task challenge but also to test your staying power. If you want to pass do not give up. Keep at it and give 100%. If you do you will be knackered afterwards.

Once you have finished walk down the road about 200m and on the right is a great little establishment called the Beaver Bar. There you can recharge the batteries and destroy a few brain cells with beers and watch the Beavers. Before you jump to any conclusions these are float planes that depart from the river out side.

Bon chance ;)

22nd May 2012, 00:53
One important thing to remember too when completing the tasks, is that you have options to which tasks you can choose, these are weighted randomly. For an example, I recall trying to match the rotating 3D objects to each other and found that a lot of time is wasted for one attempt, the task was weighted small, but you could get it all wrong with one guess. The sequential numbers was weighted greater and you had a better chance of successfully completing it. I can't recall the other task. But remember to watch your autopilot annunciator.

22nd May 2012, 07:27
Its quite a simple thing but you can become bored by it. Say focussed and try to make sure you do the weighted tasks for most points. No score numbers are given but if you get less than 400 you might not be successful. But you wont know your score anyway. ;)
Never heard of anyone ever failing the Wombat test. Even the girls in HR have taken the test. :ok:

22nd May 2012, 12:14
All (the theory) is HERE (http://www.aero.ca/telechargement_WOMBAT.html)

22nd May 2012, 19:41
Thanks a lot .. Very Nice of you for all the advices.. :ok:

4th Feb 2013, 21:11
Hi there,

I have a question about the recruitment-process of CHC (Aberdeen). I believe in Holland it is an interview with some board and HR members, when passing that comes the psychological,- and some math part. And sometimes at phase 3 the simulator check. Is this any different at CHC Scotia and does someone can give me some good tips and advice.

Thanks a lot in advance, you always can PM me.

25th Jul 2013, 20:53
Hello Ladies and Gents, I wonder if you'd be so kind to take five minutes and offer up any advice for an interview with CHC Scotia for a potential position as an S76 touring pilot.
Any info regarding possible questions, advice on Wombat and psychometric testing would be hugely appreciated from anyone either in the know, or someone who's been through the process.
I have looked about and searched the forums, I've spent days researching possible questions but i must say I'm pretty stumped on the odd one..

'What's your greatest weakness?'

Sticky Toffee pudding with cream AND ice cream after 3 Pints of ale and a Steak and Ale pie the size of a small Rottweiler. Do you think that should cover it?

Any help gratefully received.

25th Jul 2013, 22:11
It might be splitting hairs but if it's a touring position, is it with CHC Global? (CHC Scotia is the UK operation).

If so, you might need to do a bit more homework. ;)

25th Jul 2013, 22:27
Right you are, it's CHC Global. I've read the posts in this thread and was just hoping for some fresh insight, thank you for putting me straight on that Bravo73, I've researched the history but somehow missed that.

26th Jul 2013, 05:10
Hope this helps: Aero Innovation Inc. WOMBAT Pilot Selection Test (http://www.aero.ca/index.html)