View Full Version : Pilot training in Italy [English]

Joćo Couto Resendes
14th Mar 2007, 10:55

First of all let me star by apologising for writing in English. My Italian isn't very good yet.
To become a commercial pilot has been a dream since... ever! And living in Italy has also become something I would like to try. With those 2 things in mind I started to think that maybe doing my pilot training in Italy would be a nice combination.
So, this is why I come here to ask for your help. Knowing nothing about the training process in Italy and the schools available I would like your assistance finding out schools with the best value per money training. Also, schools with classes in English would be perfect since I'm Portuguese (from the Azores Islands to be more precise) and Italian is something I'm still working on.

Many thanks!

Best regards,
Joćo Couto Resendes

tarjet fixated
14th Mar 2007, 11:17
I don't mean to discourage you but while living in Italy might be nice with regard to weather, food and so on i can't really say the same about having to deal with aviation matters.
Burocracy and dodgy style management is what you'll find in most aviation related stuff over here but most of all there are no schools worth wasting your money on.
My advice is to get your flight training and licences in other countries like the UK and once you are done with all that you can then search for an Italian based position.

Joćo Couto Resendes
14th Mar 2007, 17:47
Hi! I've got to admit that's not exactly the answer I was expecting... does anybody else think the same way? Receiving more opinions would be helpful.


14th Mar 2007, 18:01
I have to agree with tarjet fixated about everithing dude.
Althoug Italy can seem to be a nice place to live i can assure you it's not.Here there are not real decent schools but just "aeroclubs" converted in schools in which the atmosphere is as said before..as in a club.
so, don't waste your money, train in a well known school and then, if you really like Italy in a future you'll be plenty of opportunity to come flying here.



tarjet fixated
14th Mar 2007, 18:01
You have all my support in wanting to seek info from others in order to come to a better conclusion, it's CRM afterall.
Consider this though:unlike the UK or Spain there are no FTO's with programs for international students in Italy and the Aviation Authorities are far from the levels of efficiency found elsewhere in the EU.
Food for thought.

14th Mar 2007, 21:16
Well, I do have a choice for you my friend!!!!!! Tambem falo portugues se vc quiser, eu nasci no Brasil...ehehheeh
I'm living in Italy (in Laveno Mombello, 20 Km south of Swiss in the lake Maggiore) and I went to a Swiss flight School based in Lugano (it's only 30 min by car), and you have a choice of doing the course in English or in Italian, it's up to you. I did in Italian but the books and all the exams are only in English!!!
See, I'm still in Italy, even if it's only 20km to Swiss....ehehehe
As the others guys told you, don't waste your money in education here, you won't find any good flight school around.
See 'ya.

Joćo Couto Resendes
15th Mar 2007, 10:05
Hi! Thank you all for your replies!

Special thanks to bettigio, that is something I had not tough about yet. Obrigado!

Many thanks,

17th Jul 2013, 05:21
so finally did you find Italian flying school for archive your pilot license ?

24th Jul 2013, 19:28
UK is a much better option for aviation training.
Do you know there are MANY low hour pilots that are unemployed?

Do your research well before spending a hell of a lot of money!

24th Jul 2013, 20:10
The OP opened this thread in 2007. Hopefully he has a job by now.

26th Jul 2013, 23:12
Yep,, in Alitalia i bet.