View Full Version : EK medical/dental package

13th Mar 2007, 16:29
I was just wondering if anyone currently working at EK could tell me about when medical and dental benefits starts with employment. Is it DOJ or 6 months thereafter for spouse and family. I have a interview in 3 weeks and had heard conflicting reports. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

14th Mar 2007, 15:28
It can't be a show stopper, why not ask them at the interview? They are bound to know.

15th Mar 2007, 04:32
Other Question to ask is what is the limitation on medical and also Dental expenses, sorry don't have the figure as they keep changing however there is a limit.

The limitation is tied to the Company Budget Year so if you are having or planning some major work at the dentist for example you could do it towards the end of the budget year and then carry this over into the new year.

There is no credit or ongoing credit that you can carry forward if you do not use the DR or Dentist for the year.

13th Apr 2007, 14:35
:\ Be careful about the dental package being offered. DO NOT arrive in Dubai with extensive dental work being required e.g. kids etc.

EK pays a paltry amount and the rest is for your pocket. Dentists in the UAE are here to make serious cash in the short term, and you are going to be a major provider of cash. When they hear that you are from EK, the price doubles and the treatment becomes extended.

:\ Be prepared to pay