View Full Version : HEMS London website

6th Mar 2007, 18:24
Does anybody know what the deal is with the London HEMS website? I have been trying to view it for the best part of a week but it seems to be offline.

Is it that much in financial difficulty that it has had to drop it's webpage?



6th Mar 2007, 21:17
i have been trying for well over two weeks now with no joy ???????????????:bored:

6th Mar 2007, 22:40
That is the old HEMS London website.

New one is www.londonsairambulance.com (http://www.londonsairambulance.com) :) which is now being regularly (almost daily) updated.

They also have a new fundraising blog with brief 'meet the crew' features etc. It can be found here www.londonsairambulance.typepad.com (http://www.londonsairambulance.typepad.com/) and is very much in its infancy at the moment.

The old one has not dropped off Google's radar yet for some reason (and neither has the new one been picked up).

11th Mar 2007, 23:22
Yeah I'm not sure why they changed the address, although the newer address has been around for over a year, but used to point to the hems-london site. The helicopter still has the old address on it though.

If anyone from LAA is reading, I would suggest pointing the old address to the new site as well, just so people can find it ok. It took me a while :)

But the new site is much better, especially the new blog. But where's the photo galleries gone... :(

12th Mar 2007, 07:57
A redirect is being organised from the old website, which will ensure people find the new website.

Galleries will reappear soon.

Address will be changed on the aircraft in due course.