View Full Version : Paulene at Airways Flight Training.

Whispering Giant
6th Mar 2007, 17:39
For all you past student's of Airways Flight Training at Exeter. It is with deep regret that Paulene sadley passed away on Sunday the 4th of March after a short battle with a very intrusive form of cancer. She was the backbone of the operation there keeping all the student's in line and ensuring Brian and the rest of the instructors were kept in check.
At least she got to own and drive a red sport's car before she passed, just a shame it was'nt the Ferrari she allways dreamed of.
If any former student's would like to pay there respects to her - her funeral will be on Monday 12th March at Broadclyst Church, Broadclyst, Exeter, Devon at 12:00 followed by a wake in the Red Lion pub next door.



Modderators - i'm also putting this in where are they now as she was known by a great many pilot's within the industry.

Flying Farmer
6th Mar 2007, 20:25
I didn't train at Airways, but instructed very close by and popped in on more than one occasion.
A lovely lady who always made you feel welcome, taken before her time :(


6th Mar 2007, 20:44
I didn't train at Airways, but I visited the school when a friend of mine was there and spoke with Pauline a few times when I was toying with the idea of attending.

Pauline was lively, energetic, absolutely hilarious and extremely helpful.
Very sad to hear of her passing especially as she was still in her prime.


Beta Range
7th Mar 2007, 12:41
How can such a wonderful wonderful person be taken from this world so soon? Yes, Pauline certainly was the face that you remembered on your first visit to check out the flight school. It was her smile and the sparkle in her eyes that made you feel so welcome every day you walked through the door. She encouraged you and motivated you during those times when you felt that everything was going wrong. She asssured you that everything was going to be just fine. She was also the first person to jump up and down and give you the biggest hug and say "congratulations, well done" when you passed. Generally, she had more faith in you than you had in yourself.

Rest-In-Peace Pauline knowing that you have touched the hearts of many people. Friends, family, Flight Instructors and students alike. You will be so very missed. But deep in our own hearts, we know that you want no sorrow or sadness. After all you preffered it when we were smiling, laughing and joking - just like how you made us.

Sleep tight and sweet dreams babe

FF (special name givn to me by you pauline)

9th Mar 2007, 10:59
Beta Range

You have said most of the things I would have written about Pauline and agree with every word.

I understand that Pauline finally got her red two seat sports car in the end although not quite the one she wanted!

My thoughts are with all that know and came into contact with this lovely women.


Beta Range
12th Mar 2007, 15:23
Thanks K.WhyJelly

15th Mar 2007, 09:31
Can't really believe this, bit of a shock as I hadn't popped in for nearly a year.
Went to the funeral with another ex student on Monday, a very sad day.

Her son's speech was fantastic and outlined her to a tee joking and laughing about her innuendos and sexual harrassment of all the students! it had me trying not to laugh out loud as it bought back some fantastic memories.

May Pauline rest in piece... but that's very unlikely with her sense of humour!