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View Full Version : Tug fire at YMML whilst towing

3rd Mar 2007, 03:42
From where we were it looked like a QF tug caught fire quite well this morning around 00:30 whilst towing a 74 on alpha near RWY 27. I thought for a few minutes we were about to see it spread to the aircraft. Fire services attended promptly and saved the day, however before they arrived I could swear we heard it spooling up. Anyone know anymore and is it possible someone was considering reversing the aircraft away from the flames?

distracted cockroach
3rd Mar 2007, 09:04
Watched a QF tug push back an Air NZ 777 in SYD a couple of weeks ago, then break down. It had to be pushed away from the aircraft and back to the terminal by another tug....maybe the mighty QF should spend some money on their equipment and keep it properly maintained....or perhaps it just ran out of gas:ooh:
Hope they look after their aircraft with a bit more diligence:eek:

3rd Mar 2007, 09:41
I guess that explains all the red flashing lights we saw whilst overhead YMML for a visual right base at EN last night.

3rd Mar 2007, 10:16
....maybe the mighty QF should spend some money on their equipment and keep it properly maintained....or perhaps it just ran out of gas
Hope they look after their aircraft with a bit more diligence

They could probably borrow some of Jetstar's tugs, that is they probably would if they weren't getting bogged on the grass like the one was yesterday at WLM.... ;) ;) ;)

Ooops, did I just say that out loud!!?! :oh:

3rd Mar 2007, 10:34
I much prefer a noisy fire . . .

3rd Mar 2007, 11:01
They could probably borrow some of Jetstar's tugs....

They probably belong to QF anyway and have been 'gifted' to J*. :E :}

Cool banana
4th Mar 2007, 04:03
Those QF tugs are just as old as the airport, they have spend $$$ upgrading the drivers cabin for OH&S reason but never fixed the engines due to no spare parts and no (ground support) engineers to fix them. Most of MIT Qf tugs are well past there used by dates but the current QF management dont want to spend money on new equipment.

4th Mar 2007, 05:43
Yep you can't get a bonus if you spend any money....plus the way we work you would probably have to get approval from the board if you want to buy milk for the morning Tea

4th Mar 2007, 05:49
This is all well and good guys, everyone is aware of the state of affairs at Qantas. There are plenty of forums relating to the subject where you can vent your feelings. So when you have finished with the bulls!t, would someone please answer the original question. What happened on Friday night? And if you are really in the know, where was the plane being towed to?

4th Mar 2007, 09:10
The tug was towing a 747-300 (EBV), north on Alpha, to Bravo holding bay for a ground run following replacement of #1 engine.
The Fox tug caught fire just as it started to cross 27.
Cant confirm the rumour of the engines being started............