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26th Feb 2007, 21:49
Alguien conoce la Global Training Aviation en Barajas? Me han propuesto un Type-rating + 100hrs line training, pero no se si fiarme. Ya hize una busqueda en el forum y no encontrè nada sobre esa,quizas estaban relacionadas con la BondAviation, no soy seguro. He oido de esta TRTO quando estabo en Madrid para hacer mi fATPL (no soy espanol), pero no tengo info fiables. Alguien puede ayudarme? Gracias.

27th Feb 2007, 03:35
Depende para que avion y con que precio y condiciones. Si quieres, enviame un PM y hablamos. Saludos!

28th Feb 2007, 09:32
yo hice la habilitacion ahi, para q avion te lo ofrecieron?

28th Feb 2007, 18:50
B737/NG. Me enteresa mas saber el line training, por el TR creo que hay muchas otras opciones mejores

1st Mar 2007, 09:41
No te puedo ayudar pq yo hice la del atr

1st Mar 2007, 13:31
Y hay muchas ofertas de trabajo con el ATR por low-hours pilots? Me ha salido la duda que puede ser una buena opcion. Es que el Type cuesta casi igual que lo del B737. Tu hiciste solo el TR? Parece que hay una buena TRTO en inglaterra, pero me piden 24k euros.

1st Mar 2007, 14:04
Si puedes, tirate a por lo de reactor. La diferencia a la hora de buscar trabajo luego (y en los sueldos de esos trabajos) te merecera la pena. Sin dudarlo!!


29th Apr 2007, 16:29
Hola iggy!

Yo también estoy interesado en hacer una HT con line training. Si tienes algo de info sobre el tema, ¿me la puedes hacer llegar?

Muchas gracias y un saludo.


21st Jan 2016, 16:16

Yo también estoy interesada en hacer en line training del A320. He hablado con Global y me han dicho que Eagle Jet es mas o menos de confianza. Sabéis de otro sitio?

Muchas gracias!!

ni si ni no
26th Jan 2016, 13:13
Y porque no te presentas en Vueling? o IB express? A día de hoy contratan y vale que te cobran el curso del 320 pero mejor eso que no irse a los saca cuartos del line training no?

Solo por darte ideas....

1st Feb 2016, 05:13
haceros un grato favor a vosotros y a los que estamos, no pagueis mas de lo que llevais gastado ya, por hacerle el trabajo a las compañias.. Es un robo, un abuso..

2nd Feb 2016, 14:06
Hay alguien que conoce a Condor Pilot en Saragoza? LT en Sur America.

Son verdaderos=??

3rd Feb 2016, 12:27
Dicen que El Executive Officer esta habilitado en el 737 así que tienen mucha experiencia en este sector...

Luego si te vas a ver la página web en el apartado programs ello escriben "Boing" esto tienen que ser una broma, ni saben escribir la marca de l avión.


4th Feb 2016, 10:34
beside that...could be a printing error, anyone know who is/are the partner Company on the B737NG....I heard possible bases could be Lima(peru) and Santiago del Chile(Chile)..but I can't find the Company!!!

As LAN, STar, Avianca etc, don't have any NG the same apply for the local Airline Companies, so Could be some Company in Wet Lease...

4th Feb 2016, 10:53
Reveal could be,

But it's not only this, even the web site style doesn't give any possibility to thrust them.

It's only my opinion but I dont see any positive outcome, if someone wants to pay Air Baltic at least as it's own AOC.


4th Feb 2016, 12:12
Aloa you're correct but,
I did myself some of the research in these months and this is the outcome and my personal believes:

-I applied many months ago, September 2015 and they replied to me straight after one day saying to me that they covered all position.( I think if they want to steal they could tell me to pay something at least to assure my slot, but they didn't).

-They are always reacheable and they have some sort of gerarchic position, Operation, Director, HR,Ceo ect.

-Yhey are not a TRTO so they can't have a Certificate like AIB.

-They are acting as LT provider but as I can understand from the website, they act also as Flight School, Ato, or something like that helping you to have the licence, so definitly they can't be a temporary Troll, like Jonathan Curd and many many others.

-yes they have FB and website, and I'm agree with you, you can't extrapolate any security about them, but in the same time I think that this prove that they are genuine....

-They have an office in Saragozza Airport where you can go, meet and see.

This is all my consideration, but fell free to add any experience you may have or any useful informations.
Thanks for yuor imput

5th Feb 2016, 15:13
Aloa by the way...
are you interested even in p2f program? maybe after have been paied the A320 and your following B744 interest, you're looking for other TR to pay..==???:p:oh:

to whom might concern...



Marca Comercial-Antigüedad 1 año y 28 díasFecha Constitución 07/01/2015 Objeto Social Servicios De Intermediación Entre Compañías Aéreas Y/o Operadoresaéreos, Pilotos Profesionales Y Tripulantes De Cabina Sector ActividadCOMERCIO MAYORISTA > INTERMEDIARIOS COMERCIOSolvenciaEntra aquí para conocer la solvencia de CONDOR PILOT TRAINING SLCNAE461 - Intermediarios del comercioCargos directivosAcceder a CargosDomicilioC/ Salvia 1, B-18 - Poligono Empresarium, Barrio D 50002 - Zaragoza

CONDOR PILOT ROYAL TRAINING SL Administrador Único 24/11/2015

Administrador Mancomunado 10/03/2015


to gather some more information you can call : Horario del Registro Mercantil de ZARAGOZA
De Lunes a Viernes: 09:00 - 17:00
Sábados: 09:00 - 14:00

Teléfono 976760104 Fax 976760124



hope this help! :)

5th Feb 2016, 15:39
Yes JQKA you right.

But As we see you are really informed about p2f, that's surprising me because you are supposed to fly 777 and not bothering with this threads.

Good luck man.


Ps Are you able to read JQKA??? You posted something about BOE and even don't know what it is. As you didn't see the Company cease operations and straight after reopened with different administrators Board.

Guys believe me, I have been living and working in Spain since 2013, they are really good to appear and disappear.

5th Feb 2016, 16:26
yes suppose to fly 777 series aircraft as you said, but in reality I do fly and I didn't paied as you paied the A320 TR, you want to pay the 747 TR in AAI, and now nterested in p2f maybe...:rolleyes:

let's come back to the thread..you said:

Ps Are you able to read JQKA??? You posted something about BOE and even don't know what it is. As you didn't see the Company cease operations and straight after reopened with different administrators Board.

Could you please let me see where the company ceased operation?=
maybe you refer to the dimission of SOMOLINOS MARQUINA CARMEN , in that case I think you need to understand what you read...

Company name was CONDOR PILOT TRAINING SL. and still the same and you teach me that can't be if something happen as you said!

Mira tio, Creo que debe hacer algún curso intensivo de español, por cuanto tu vives en Barcelona Yo creo que tengas una gran cantidad de dificultades.:D

5th Feb 2016, 16:39
Nombramientos. Adm. Mancom.: FUNES NAVARRO JESUS. Reelecciones. Adm. Mancom.: OTEO SANCHEZ
YOLANDA;SOMOLINOS MARQUINA CARMEN. Datos registrales. T 4084 , F 28, S 8, H Z 57780, I/A 2 (16.11.15).

Ceses/Dimisiones. Adm. Mancom.: SOMOLINOS MARQUINA CARMEN. Reelecciones. Adm. Mancom.: FUNES NAVARRO
JESUS;OTEO SANCHEZ YOLANDA. Datos registrales. T 4084 , F 28, S 8, H Z 57780, I/A 3 (16.11.15).

Constitución. Comienzo de operaciones: 23.06.15. Objeto social: La Sociedad tiene por objeto principal la realización de trabajos y
servicios aéreos donde las aeronaves sean utilizadas con carácter principal, encaminados al transporte de pasajeros, de mercancías,
de paquetería, sanitario, paseos turísticos y aerotaxi -cnae 5110, 5121-. Y además: Servicios de esc. Domicilio: VIA IBERICA 38 -
ESCALERA IZQUIERDA, 1º DERECHA (ZARAGOZA). Capital: 3.000,00 Euros. Nombramientos. Adm. Unico: FUNES NAVARRO
JESUS. Datos registrales. T 4136 , F 57, S 8, H Z 59089, I/A 1 (16.11.15).

5th Feb 2016, 16:53
JQKA you again are right.

As you wish, for me no problem.

But again you don't know what you are talking about. Your argumentations are replying judging the others only...poor attitude poor person.

Again are you able to read????? In AAI the type is not self sponsored and you still confusing p2fly with a job.

What you don't know is that if a company ceases operations and reopen even with the same name but different members board you can't claim anything from the first company in legal action. Because it's a matter of responsibility.
In case the first administrator is responsable for something wrong you can't go for him because it's gone. These are thin legal games
As you posted, they are changing members and name quite often doesn't sound suspicious...or not???? Condor pilot royal...condor pilot training sl...


Beside what my friend JQKA said, be careful.

...Como the gusta el traductor de Google tio...

5th Feb 2016, 17:26
Sorry I forgot something,

In Spain we have two types of AOC, type A and B it depends on the aircraft.

For aerotaxi or cargo you need one of them...can you find in the AESA website their AOC? They were supposed to start operations back in June 2015 with a capital of 3000 euros!!
You must be jocking!

Man please, stop it.


5th Feb 2016, 17:26
Usted CREES ...
Es Una lastima decirte Que esto es el español que conozco con los Errores Que Puedo Hacer escribiendolo, porque no uso el traductor como tu lo hace a pesar de que tu vives alla...lol

You really tontos como se dice, you are running from my first question and mixing everything as a result messing up everything.;)

Fellow Magenta P2f pilot of Vueling, look about AAI i can give all the information you need as well a sending you a copy of the contract for NTR pilots..so Chaval read carefully POR FAVOR:

Type Rating B747-400
In case of NTR candidates being accepted by Air Atlanta, a type rating can be arranged by the company.
The TR costs a total USD $23.000,00 and has to be paid either up front or in monthly arrears of USD 1.667,00, which will be deducted from the monthly payments. This arrangement is also known as the training-bond. During training, accommodation and travel arrangements are made by the airline, but the candidate will be charged for the hotel costs, from the first payment under the service agreement while in Linetraining

Hope this help to let you understand that in any place you want to go after Vueling leave you at home after gave them some money to be there..you have to pay:

AAI= you have to pay
CAi= you have to pay the EMB

that's your path.....the path of the P2f MAgenta fellow....

Sorry for the cruel true...:) with nothing against..:)

5th Feb 2016, 17:34
You are really good and also insulting, that's the real attitude of professional pilot.

What you posted is not for A330 and I don't need a type...you are mixing everything.
In AZ neither...man please you don't know how to read even Italian???

Good luck man, you are not cruel but really funny!!!

I am out.


Ps for real Pprune user I am available PM.

5th Feb 2016, 17:34
stop jocking ...
Aloa are you serious or what=??

Aloa, Condor Pilot is nor A TRTO neither an Airline Company, so no need an AOC!!!!!:{:{:{:{

Are you little bit confused?

Objeto social: La Sociedad tiene por objeto principal la realización de trabajos y
servicios aéreos donde las aeronaves sean utilizadas con carácter principal, encaminados al transporte de pasajeros, de mercancías,
de paquetería, sanitario, paseos turísticos y aerotax

they want to act as a provider !! If in the future they want to act as an Airline Company, or Ato, OR TRTO in this case yes they need extra permission and documents....but for the time being they are the same of any other provider...

Dunno your experience beside Vueling, but I think you're confusing little bit,
understand now why you spoke about AIB...
AIB, BAA etc..are TRTO and have certificates.....
Condor Pilot is not !