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View Full Version : Indian Airlines to Melbourne

B A Lert
15th Feb 2007, 07:18
I guess Sunfish is too busy out celebrating so his comment/thoughts may not be seen for some time. Is he an adviser to Indian Airlines?

From www.theage.com.au

Indian Airlines to boost Vic employment

February 15, 2007 - 5:54PM

A decision by Indian Airlines to make Melbourne its sole Australian destination will bring an employment boost to Victoria when flights begin this year, Industry Minister Theo Theophanous said.

Mr Theophanous said India's largest airline would fly from five cities - New Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Calcutta and Bangalore - to Melbourne via Singapore.

The first flight from New Delhi is due to arrive on November 1 and flights from other cities will begin by January 2008.

"It translates into jobs, jobs, jobs," Mr Theophanous told parliament's upper house.

He said the move reflected the growing relationship the state has with India.

In the year to last September, Victoria hosted 29,000 visitors from India, Mr Theophanous said.

Victoria's Tourism Minister Tim Holding said India's one billion residents, particularly the large middle-class, were an increasingly important visitor market for the state.

"India is the second largest travel market in Asia after China and one of the regions fastest growing markets," Mr Holding said in a written statement.

"Indian Airlines will give Victoria an edge in marketing initiatives for next summer's cricket between Australia and India, as well as programs to develop education and business tourism."

Al Fakhem
15th Feb 2007, 07:48
Hard to understand why these routes will be served by IC rather than AI

Transition Layer
15th Feb 2007, 08:53
I read the article and simply assumed it was Air India, the one with the cute little taj mahals drawn around the cabin windows. Bloody confusing though isnt it, heard an INDIAN AIRLINES aircraft taxiing on the ground frequency one day in Singas and was expecting to see AIR INDIA instead.

Surely they could have come up with a slightly more original name? At least it's better than SAHARA which is an airline in India but a desert in Africa...hmmm.

Eastwest Loco
15th Feb 2007, 10:20
We use IC a lot out of necessity rather than choice as one of out major corporate clients is based in India.

The general comments are "never again" with tales of improperly close (under 20 metre seperation) traffic in opposite directions, fighter-bomber approaches and landings and generally unnerving practices in aeroplane handling.

We sell loads of 9W (Jet Airways) and they seem fine - passengers love them.

What is it with IC? Do they hire ex fighter pilots?

They seem to be the corporate travellers worst nightmare.

I freely stand to be corrected but have a standing order from a million buck corporate that they are "Airlinus non grata"?


Best all


15th Feb 2007, 11:27
More Jinglies! Just what we need.:eek: