View Full Version : Short term positions

6th Feb 2007, 02:53
Does anyone know of any short term positions going around the traps.. Obviously this sort of stuff is not advertised..
Thanks in advance...Please only constructive info needed. :ok:

6th Feb 2007, 05:06
What makes this tricky for the reputable owner/operator is the need to provide at least some training and checking to satisfy CASA or the customers. Particularly if the customers are in the mining business. Plus maybe other costs like getting an ASIC, renewing instrument rating etc.
When I consult (reputable operators that is) I advise them not to hire anyone who could not give 12 months service, and generally not anyone unless it's a win for both sides, i.e. the pilot gets experience he/she needs and the operator gets some stability in pilot turnover.
Small operators need to be careful not to hire too much experience for basic single engine aircraft because the pilot will soon be unhappy and move on at the first sniff of a twin job. Then operatrors have to be careful not to hire too little experience for more advanced aircraft, because the learning curve can get expensive when someone is pushed too soon into operating a bit beyond their comfort zone.
Makes the chance of 'short term' pretty unlikely for all but the desperate operator, and do you want to go there?

6th Feb 2007, 05:27
If you've got tailwheel and aeros we might have something. Talking small singles here, you might want something a bit bigger though.
Send me a PM

6th Feb 2007, 05:58
ie.. My dilemma gas-chamber..:ugh: No single operator wants to hire an 800h pilot as they will want to move on and not give a commitment. And twin operators say well that just not enough tt, referring to a 1000-1200 requirement even to start out on their singles, Now that coupled with me getting married:eek: in around 5 months can see me kiss all opportunity for a full time charter job good bye.. For now anyway!!..
I'm just after an opportunity to keep plugging away at it till say July-August when I can give the commitment and do have the hours.

6th Feb 2007, 08:23
Jumpman. You'll find there are a number of operators in Darwin and Alice that will look at you with your TT for their single fleet and (eventually) onto their twins.

I was in a similar position to yourself about 4 years ago (yes, including the getting married bit). An Alice operator whose minimums were around the 700TT gave me an opportunity to start knowing fully well that I was going to be needing around a month off after only being there around 6-7 months (good onya tic tac..... :ok: )

There are operators out there. Get in their face and be honest with them is the only way.

