View Full Version : Pre-fATPL study...

5th Feb 2007, 18:59
Well hello all on the Pro forum! Never thought I'd get here!

Ok, I am currently in the process of building my experience (Not just hours!) post PPL and have the typical view of many I suspect of taking it to CPL/IR/ATPL level.

Now I have earmarked my course, got my start date (Nov '07) and am just dotting the I's and crossing the T's at the moment.

What I have been doing over the past few months is getting my hands on a few of the groundschool books and reading them during my spare time... (Various schools literature I might add)

What I would love to know is what would people recommend I pay the most attention to pre-ATPL's so that it isn't such a smack in the face when I get to it for real... At this point i'm referring to groundschool and not the practical bits like flying!

I understand that people will have their strengths and weaknesses, but if you 'wished you had done/understood that' before, what would that something have been! I am guessing Air Law will be a popular answer to this, based on the PPL exams!

Apologies if this has been covered, but I did search and came up with nothing....


5th Feb 2007, 19:21
I would probably brush up on some maths e.g. manipulation of formulae, trig, pythagorus etc. That will put you ahead of the game for a lot of subjects in the syllabus.

5th Feb 2007, 19:40
CRP5, wind, drift, gen navigation. Get it sorted in advance.


Even pay for the on line question bank and have a go in advance?

But why pre-course. Why not just start earlier?


5th Feb 2007, 19:44
Thanks for the response guys, I actually have the CRP-5 and even my sisters A Level Math revision books! Good start I guess!
Why not before... Money!! Isn't it always the way!
I want to shift straight on to the CPL/IR part as soon after doing the groundschool as possible... I have a financial plan in place, for what it's worth in this great expensive hobby of ours!

5th Feb 2007, 19:47
You could always just memorise one of the online QB's instead! You could skip all the unecessary ATPL waffle that way.

5th Feb 2007, 21:02
I'd have a gentile peruse through that well known book 'Ace The Pilot's Technical Interview' knowing what I know now (went BGS route for reference).

It'll give you some heads-up info about each topic, but you'll be learning the salient points in a concise manner. I like it but in no way have any financial or other interest in it!!

Also, as previously mentioned, get used to using the CRP-5. It does a lot more than you think!! I would advise wind-down method but worth asking around for advice.

Good luck, enjoy them (might feel difficult at the time!)