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View Full Version : any expat pilots in thailand ?

31st Jan 2007, 06:14

did any expat pilot had the chance to work and live in thailand...if yes...which airline...how is the pay...life style...living costs...schools...

any other info will help....


31st Jan 2007, 06:56
Not much chance or oppurtunities in Thailand just now. Cannot see it changing in the near future much either. I would try other asian countries first more chance.

31st Jan 2007, 10:43
mmm...i see ...

but one of my freinds is really really interested in thailand as a place to work and live....

any one else know anything about that ..plz

31st Jan 2007, 10:45
Well it is possible I failed. I have 12 years experience of airline flying, 6000 total and still couldnt secure employment in Thailand :)
And I was type rated on one of the carriers a/c - not even an interview with any Thai carrier.
I ended up taking a better job for more money and less work with another asian operator in a different country.

Thai rak Thai.

31st Jan 2007, 12:44
Why your friend so interested in Thailand Kuwait? Either way what Dekka 007 says sums it up.
Chok Dee:=

31st Jan 2007, 15:34
Just saw two ads that they are looking for Captains and FO in a Boeing 767, and they are also looking for a FO in a MD 82 in Thailand. Check out www.climbto350.com (http://www.climbto350.com).

31st Jan 2007, 15:41

kwaiyai, my freind wants to work in thailand because his wife is thai...and he have kids from her.

dekka007, thanks for your kind replys.

Amin, i will have a look at the web and forward it to my freind...thanks.

1st Feb 2007, 05:40
There are some commuting jobs available in nearby asian countries.

Should be able to secure a position somewhere in Asia that will still allow him to live in Thailand with a better quality of life as I believe unless it is a short term contract position through an agency - you will be on local Thai terms.

Depends on your friends experience to be honest. Good luck :)

1st Feb 2007, 06:46
Whilst there are expats employed within Thailand, the only non horror stories are from BKP employed personnel. Other Thai carriers that do/have employed expats are not so ‘professional’.

TG & DD only employ Thai nationals.

Living here is actually getting more & more complex and difficult. New visa requirements implemented October 2006 have created significant issues for many foreigners here, even those of us with work permits.

With the Bahts runaway appreciation (17% up against the US$ this past year) any foreign currency based salary is diminishing daily. With the 'interesting' new rules and regs on foreign businesses and the effects of Thaksinomics now coming home to roost, Thailand is not the place it used to be.

Lifestyle is of course still great, costs whilst increasing are still quite low and there are good schools, hospitals etc.

IMHO with all the issues facing this country now coupled with the fiasco with VTBS, tourism and hence airline pax is going to plummet. With little or no rights, foreigners will be the 1st group to be cut back. Other countries within the region may be a more sensible option at this moment in time.

1st Feb 2007, 08:20
Bangkok air GMFO is or was canadian

1st Feb 2007, 08:53
Is that Canadian the Ex Air Canada guy?

1st Feb 2007, 08:53
great replys...

well...so ..it is better to consider other asian countries...but can some body shed some light on which country(s) might be a better choice than thailand...

1st Feb 2007, 10:25

LM is still there.

1st Feb 2007, 16:58
metro301.. he was at inter canadian.

ZFT... is it with a? or a !

1st Feb 2007, 17:18
Doing a visa run every other month could get tiring although if you're flying outside the country that problem is easily remedied. I'd think about living in Malaysia. It's more expensive to be sure but commuting out of KL or PEN wouldn't be too terribly tough. There's definitely some work down in SIN for experienced folks. SIN is nice also but really pricy. Living in Malaysia would put you closer to Thailand and might work as a compromise. Good luck. It's beautiful country there.

2nd Feb 2007, 00:19

It's both! La... Ma....

2nd Feb 2007, 00:38
This is from the Bangkok Airways website .. all nationalities are welcome but you'll need 1000 hours as PIC on the ATR72.


2nd Feb 2007, 07:13
great idea about the bangkok air...but my freind is rated on A310/A320/B777

2nd Feb 2007, 07:32
They also have A320

2nd Feb 2007, 11:07

uhtsky...so you are in thailand....are you an expat pilot...or you are a thai pilot...which airline you work for ?

may be you can help my freind in having a job in thailand....


2nd Feb 2007, 12:58
Yes, I am in Thailand now...(on my leave).
I am Thai and I am an expat pilot.
Don't be confused ... I am Thai but I don't work for any airlines in Thailand.
My work place is very far from my country.
So...what kind of information do you want to know?

2nd Feb 2007, 13:10
well....my freind is an expat pilot with a good flying background...he is a captain on the B777 ...and also rated on A310 and A320.

he is not from thailand but his wife is from thailand...he would like to work in thailand for any airline ....with international or domestic routes.

he don't speak thai at all....what do you think he should do ..in order to move and work/live and thailand.


3rd Feb 2007, 17:01
First of all ... you have to understand that in Thailand now they have enough of their local pilot (or almost enough - please understand that this market is much smaller than China or India) then no reason to hire expat pilots if they don't have to.
But some airlines do this and there are some expat pilots in Thailand.
Don't worry about living here ... this is wonderful country ... who said? ... I am telling you.
The problem for the expat is money ... How much do you want?
For local pilot I beleive that most of them are happy with the money because living cost in Thailand is quite cheap.
For your friend I think he has a chance with Bangkok Airways which now is operating A320 and Thai Air Asia which will be soon (July 2007). No chance for 777 or 310 for now.
My suggestion for your friend is contact them & ask for T&C first and then make a decision after that.

4th Feb 2007, 14:30
thanks ...

i will take your advice...