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30th Jan 2007, 12:58
I am currently busy studying for the Chinese written test... from what I understand is the Chinese written test like the FAA test in the US. Computer based with a big database of questions. About 80% is "translated" directly from the FAA.

There are a couple of strange questions and answers though:

When flying in the proximity of a thunderstorm during nighttime, how far away should the airplane stay away of the CB:
- Correct answer: 10 km. (isnt that a little too close??)

When conducting fish-spotting operations the WX minimum is:
- Ceiling no less than 200m, visibility no less than 5 km. (???)

During a night landing, aircraft should turn on their landing lights at which altitude?
- 100 - 70m (so when approaching DH, I have to turn on the landing lights??)

My question to everyone that operates in China... could you please shed some light? I am aware of the book with the Chinese Far's, is there also a book in English available? Are there any other documents available, in which I can find back the above answers?


purple head
31st Jan 2007, 01:12
There are books in English but which test? CPL? IR? or ATP? If your already doing the test i guess your with some airline booking them for you, so just ask them for one. Also the questions you stated are you using "feed back" qustions and answers? A lot of the answers on some of the feed back i've seen in the past were incorrect.

Front Office
3rd Feb 2007, 03:19
It was the hardest test I have ever taken... good luck,,, I passed first time with a 73.

There were 30 of us in the room, 2 passed.

Good luck........

3rd Feb 2007, 12:03
During a night CAT-II or CAT-III landing you wouldn't want to turn on any landing lights.

13th Feb 2007, 05:02
What Is The Best Study Material To Study For License Conversion Chinese Atp Test? Is It Wise To Study Faa Atp Questions Or Do I Need To Study A Lot More Other Things?
Anyone With Recent Experience Please Pm Me With Some Tips And Details. I Do Not Have A Lot Of Time In My Hands To Do The Test In China Soon..

16th Feb 2007, 21:45
The Chinese Exam is based on the FAA exam. you will get 12 or so questions on Chinese stuff which you will not be able to answer. Some of the calculation questions just take too long so leave these, esp the loadsheet ones, till the end.

The CAAC changed all the papers about 9 months ago because too many ex-pats (Brazilians) were passing with 90%+ marks.

I have a database of alot of the questions if you like to pm me with your email add and I will send to you.

I managed 77% at least 10 I had no idea about and not seen before and some of the loadsheet questions I guessed.

There is no negative marking so answer all the questions. It can be hit and miss depending on the question paper you get, some have lots of calculations others only a few.

It is all computerised and you will know within a minute if you passed or not.

- Very stressful.


19th Feb 2007, 09:43
Dear Sander82,
I don't want to frighten you, but I had a database of about 8000 questions available. I went through about 4000 of them but actually there were only about 1000 really different questions. So I expected to see about 60 to 80 familiar questions during the exam. Actually I found only 10 questions I have seen before....

As fas as I know the test had been changed one week before I did the exam last October.

About 40% of the questions require reading of graphs, quite easy, not tricky but time consuming. About 10 questions were in Mandarin, so I ticked the answers according the common rule 'choose the longest answer'.

Another 5 or so questions were about Chinese law. I had never seen the respective regulations before (e.g. are white tail airplanes allowed under CAAR)?

We were about 20 people during the exam, 12 failed, 8 passed, 7 of them were expats, one was Chinese, doing the exam the second time. All expats were highly experienced (age >50, >17000hrs) and all of us agreed that the exam can only be passed with a good general knowledge, good common sense and good knowledge of FARs.

Cheating is impossible, no personal objects - not even calculators - are allowed. We had about 12 surveillance cameras in the exam room. If they catch you while cheating you will be excluded from further exams for 1 year.

You can do it! Good luck!

4th Mar 2007, 12:02
Thanks for all the info. We are still operating the plane under N-registration. In not too long this will be changed to a B-registration, making it necessary to take the written test.

I had an interesting meeting in Beijing with one of the CAAC examiners being responsible for the written tests. He told me that if there is a question that doesnt make sense (wrong translation), it is possible to mark it and the CAAC will review the question. According to this examiner, the CAAC will even correct your score if it was their mistake.

Regulations wise, so far I havent been able to find an English version of the FAR's. Part 61 is in English. Part 91 and the rest is only available in Chinese. Part 91 is very much the same to FAA Part 91. A difference is that they used the metric system.

Will keep you informed about the written test.


12th Mar 2007, 17:25
Hi All :E

I can see the concern... I am also studying for the CAAC exam in Beijing Pan Am - various people say different things. Most people that passed (not the majority, of course !) said that you need to be pretty lucky as it's 50% guess-work, 40% (or less) Gleim CPL/IR question bank and 10% are in damn Mandarin (:D - Nice One, CAAC !!!)

So far the school is prepping people by asking them to know Gleim questions like the back of their hand and study some Chinese ATPL theory books.

Never the less, I've been able to see the sample questions from the test and it's safe to conclude that the questions are translated from English to Chinese and back to English by some high-school drop-out fruitcake who probably holds a huge grudge againts all the westerners. Most questions bare some terrific grammar mistakes, loss of basic linkage between the words in a sentance, lack of any valid point in question, incomplete, contain exactly the same answers (that could be correct or by far have no correct answers) and simply make absolutely no sense at all !.. :ugh: Some are in Mandarin, as i said, so it's not even funny.

Personally I'm prepared to fail here (I got 100%, 95% and 100% on my recent FAA CPL, CFI and CFII respectively:{). But, of course - Good Luck to you all ! I will update the forum on any helpful or valid information that I come across.

Tailwinds ! :ok:

21st Mar 2007, 15:09
Catchyouintheair "Pls donnot consider it too difficult."

From what I understand from your message is that you took the CAAC written test already. Even flightschools in China are trying to locate an accurate database. But are not able to. Did you have access to such a database?

I have been trying to locate CAAC FAR 91, general flight rules, in English. The CAAC told me that they have only FAR 61 in English :ugh:

If you have any feedback you like to share, feel free to send me a pm or post it on this forum so everyone can learn from it.

26th Mar 2007, 13:06
I have not taken the exam yet, but our company had a meeting with one of the CAAC examiners who was responsible for the actual administration of the dreaded CAAC exam and I was present. Examples of questions were given to the man, trying to persuade him that most questions don’t make any sense and must be changed. Some of the best examples were:

"You on FL210, would you:

a) A
b) C
c) B" :confused:


"You First Officer. You stomach feel ill. You will:

a) take 1 pill, ok to fly
b) take 2 pill, ok to fly
c) take no pill, ok to fly " :eek:


“Which year was Japan system agreed ?

a) 1979
b) 1989
c) 1999”

(no need to mention that there is no such thing as Japan system related to aviation!) :ugh:

and stuff like that.

As for the study materials, our school uses Gleim’s software and the "Blue" CAAC ATPL theory book with a "Green" ATPL theory sample questions which may come up on the test but no guarantees.


27th Mar 2007, 02:58
Why study to pass the exam if the pay day (and good money by the way)is every 28th day the month. Changes are that after the great achievement of passing your CAAC exam, you´ll find yourself with the rest of the FI bunch hanging around in the cafeteria counting the flys.:*

30th Mar 2007, 11:47
Just to give an update. I just recently completed my CAAC ATPL. Its true that only 30 to 40 % come out from the question bank. If u even get repeated question the answers are totally different from those that u have studied.

Each person is given an exact log on and pass word. Each exam paper is completely different than the other. My buddies papers consisted of manly met, airport plan , sid charts , and alot of CCAR question. I on the other hand had almost 50 % performance question which were very very tedious. No simple met questions like " What is the wind at ZBAA?"

PM me if any questions :ugh:

7th Jul 2007, 16:03
Hi all,
me too, am trying to study for the CAAC test.
There have been precious few posts on here lately. Does anyone have any recent experience from a recent sitting at the CAAC?
Rumour has it that questions have changed again.
So what is the latest best advice and recommended strategy to pass?
I have thousands of qustions, with some manual marking on it (by whom?? and how accurate??) and cant see this as the best course of (study-) action any more. :confused:
Any news? Thank a lot!

Peter D.
9th Jul 2007, 14:22
Try to get employed in an other country...
It might take the CAAC an other 5000 years to change the databank :ok:

9th Jul 2007, 16:18

Always Moving
10th Jul 2007, 08:29
Study the gleim if you are not FAA, it will give you an idea of the faa questions and talk to your god, witch, inner you or whatever.
It is a lottery.
I am afraid Peter was right it might take them years, I am working on that thou.

Good luck


27th Jul 2007, 08:22
Hi Guys,
Just finished the test with a good passing score, if you need any help, PM me and wil help you. Good Luck,

28th Jul 2007, 05:59
Thanks, guys, for the encouragement..

Looks like a real mission impossible, this China business..

FlyHeavy, can you tell me more about the exam? How many questions in Mandarin? Translater allowed?

How much time allowed for the 100 (?) questions?

How many performance, flight palnning etc, questions with time consuming interpolations and calculations?

Could you PM me with some info?

Many thanks again and good luck getting started in your new job..:ok::ok:

29th Jul 2007, 07:13
OK, it's 100 questions in 150 minutes sharp. I got about 35 questions of performance on 737 & A-320. It's a time problem when you solve the questions, a lot of close answers so you can't guess, you have to work it out. About 20 Chinese airlaw questions and it's written in poor english & chinese.
We were 5 taking the exam and we all passed, remember that you have to study really hard and try to read whatever it comes across your hand because they asked about real CPL school time questions, keep on reading.
I will try to post what I remember from these questions.
Good luck all.

On Final
23rd Jun 2008, 09:21
Hi folks, I am heading over to China soon to interview. I have read as many posts as I could here on PPRUNE regarding the Chinese Air Laws Exam and it stills seems like a mystery. I am wondering if anyone has current new information on the CAAC Chinese Air Laws Exam they could share?

If you fail what is the retake waiting period?

Where are the Chinese theory books?

Any on line training for this test?

From what I get you should study the FAA ATP written test guide and then Pray a little and hope you pass this TEST..ha.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.....thanks.

24th Jun 2008, 06:45
Hi, On Final,

please PM me and let me know your email address if you need the question bank for CAAC ATPL and air law exams, I will send it to you via email

good day


24th Jun 2008, 09:48
I did my ccac exam about 2 years ago and its tough one. Its been my experience to just read the book and study it completely (Mines loaned out), The question bank is huge (2000 possible questions). If you can get ahold of the little blue caac exam book it would be better.

If your in China now I can hook you up with a guy that can get you one (borrow his).

PM me and let me know.


24th Jun 2008, 09:54
Sander I found my question bank. Its a rar. file with about 600 questions (i think).

PM me and I'll send them.


On Final
29th Jun 2008, 12:12
Here is what I figured so far to help prepare for the CAAC ATPL Exam.

1. Study the Gleim ATP Prep book
2. Study the CAAC Sample questions 4000-7000 of them
3. Study the Chinese ATP Theory Book (in English)
4. Note the differences in flight time duty limits Etc. between FAA/CAAC
5. Learn how to use the charts well
6. Luck...ha

This seems to be the best method, time will tell when I take the test. I ordered the Chinese ATP Theory Book if you guys need it here is the info:

Yan Yuan liang
China Scientific Book Services,
Jian Nei Da Jie Post Office,
100001-88, Beijing , P.R.China

China Scientific Book Services
http://www.hceis.com (http://www.hceis.com/)
Tel: +86-1058930115
Fax: +86-10-88510673 +86-10-58930116
[email protected] ([email protected]) [email protected] ([email protected])

The book contains many of the CCARs in plain English which should be helpful when taking the actual CAAC exam. Even though I have been told it is based mainly off the FAA ATP you still need to know the differences between FAA Law and CAAC Law's. You can find these differences in the Chinese ATP Theory Book.

I appreciate all of you guys helping me out....!!!!

Thanks much...........!!:):)

Wango Z Tango
29th Jun 2008, 17:45
Just my 2 cents..

Been flying for 22 years.. have more than 15000hrs mostly heavy jets.. for 14 different airlines around the world.. just wrote the CAAC ATPL exam.. one of the harest tests i've done to date.. 17 in the room.. 4 passed.. i was lucky to be one of them with only 86% and i studied my a$$ off for weeks ahead of time.

was a really stress.. glad it's over.. and then.. lets talk about that bloody medical.. wow

w Z t

On Final
30th Jun 2008, 02:56
Wow, sounds like the Chinese written is going to be tough...I am keeping my fingers crossed. The medical, that is another story.??:ugh::ugh:

On Final
14th Jul 2008, 07:10
Here is the scoop. It is a hard test but can be done. I passed but it was tough. Study ATP written. If you fail you have to wait 28 days to take it again.

The test is pretty much similar to the gouge but it will vary from a 8000 question data bank.

Many other hurdles in China be careful because it can take up to 6 months or longer to get in.

Medical test is another story. I passed but my friend failed..! It includes a brain scan, blood, x-rays, ultra sounds, ekg with tread mill, ultra sound, and all of the other stuff you can think of.

Good Luck...!!

19th Jul 2008, 00:15
As On Final said, the study material that will make you pass the test is:

1. FAA Gleim (study the perf charts really well, B737 and B727)

2. Blue Book (Chinese ATPL) very carefully, lots of questions on the tests could be answered from that book. A320 charts, a few questions were asked on them, unfortunately the FAA Gleim doesn't offer to study them, so the Blue book is the only alternative

3. Green CAAC ATPL question bank, lots of question, most of them repeat themselves all the time. I'd say overall around 1000 questions.

4. CCAR 121. Helps a lot !!

I took the test on July 16th and passed with a decent grade. Good luck to all of you guys.


19th Jul 2008, 16:52
Could you please send any material you have for the china atpl. I will be there in a week or so.
Thanks Dale
[email protected] also see Far South Properties in Florida, Mexico, Colorado plus yacht charters (http://www.farsouth.net)

19th Jul 2008, 17:16
Wow. I had no idea that the Chinese written was so hard. As I'm going to be furloughed here in the US in Sept. and it seems like the best A320 jobs are in China, I guess I'd better start studying now. If anyone has any question banks they can provide, I'd really appreciate it. [email protected]


Seymour Skinner
13th Oct 2008, 11:52

Can anyone shed any light as to what the "blue" and "green" books referred to in this thread are and also where best to obtain them in the UK or even Europe.

I have found the book about Chinese ATPL Theory referred to a few posts above but it doesn't appear to be blue so I'm not sure if this book is the "blue book" referred to.

Same question for the "green" question bank - what is it and where do I get it?

There's some useful information about the Chinese written test here on pprune but it's a few months out of date so perhaps some of the original posters have now sat the exam and may be able to update everyone?

Also, the CAAC sim ride - is it on a generic type or your current type?


29th Oct 2008, 10:12
Sorry to everyone who emailed me about the question bank. I sent it to some but didnt know if it would open ( a windows/mac thing). For some reason I can't open the question bank now (after switching to MAC).

I don't know where you can get the CAAC ATPL study guide and workbook but I would highly recommend it. Studying the question bank was good but only for some types questions. I had about 500 questions, but am told there about 4000 ish.

Some of the stuff I remember were a wt and bal on a A320 and/or B737, some fixed card adf stuff, Airspace Structure, Question about servo tabs/anti servo tabs, and of course Air Law. You cross ref a book that has examples for you exam and ones your not on your particular exam, so be careful not to mix them up (it happens). The Exam is written on a computer, you tick the boxes. Its not crazy hard but some of the questions are a bit on the "Chinglish" side, best guess on those I suppose.

Good luck to all! Sorry I cant be of more help.


31st Oct 2008, 11:47
Is the chinese CAA exams harder than JAA!!! If you want to compare.

On Final
3rd Nov 2008, 00:34
They will not let you bring a calculator in to use on the exam. Don't forget to ask them to set you up on the computer with the PC Calculator. it is very helpful for the test and some people take the test using long hand math which will not help you.

On Final
8th Nov 2008, 23:50
I made a couple more posts trying to explain the working in China Process.

1. If you want to Work in China..!! http://www.pprune.org/south-asia-far-east/348697-if-you-want-work-china.html#post4517938

2. Required paperwork to Bring to China..!! http://www.pprune.org/south-asia-far-east/350239-required-paperwork-work-china.html#post4517933

I hope this helps.

Good Luck..!!

10th Nov 2008, 12:37
when you mention the Chinese ATP Theory Book (in English) do you mean
The Aviation Theory Course for Airline Transport Pilot
Language: English
Author: Li Weidong, Hao Jingsong and He Qiuzhao ?????

That is,which i was able to find on the book store website.

11th Nov 2008, 22:51
Hi Rwong2005 . I´m new in this forum and I´ve seen your offer about sending some material to study the ATPL - chinesee-.We don´t have to many books or bank of question over here . Would you be so kind to send them to me or tell me the way to get them.

Best regards Javier330

11th Nov 2008, 23:10
Hi Maintainyorheading, my mane is Javier could please tell me the way to get those books you advise us to buy in order to pass the chinees atpl , I´m going there at the end of november and I got only a few old fashion exams to study . My email is [email protected]

23rd Nov 2008, 03:54
You may download from a flight crew agent's website http://www.huaxun-hk.com/CAAC-ATP.pdf

27th Oct 2009, 02:36
need china ATPL exam info. & law part. thank as title

On Final
11th Nov 2009, 10:45
The Aviation Theory Course for Airline Transport Pilot

Language: English

Author: Li Weidong, Hao Jingsong and He Qiuzhao

Yes, this is the correct book. The USA FAA Written Gleim you can get it on line.

Books - Gleim - GL-ATP - Gleim ATP Written Test Prep (http://www.airportpilotshop.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=GL-ATP)

You need the Chinese sample question bank, test taking tips before you take the test.

I have been working in China now for over 1 year and really like it. Different flying but money is money.

I posted more information you can check out these links.



Good Luck,

On Final

13th Nov 2009, 14:35
You need the Chinese sample question bank, test taking tips before you take the test.
Now, where can we get the Chinese sample question bank? What are the test taking tips?

2nd Dec 2009, 20:50
It would be much appreciate if I could also get a copy of the question bank for CAAC ATPL and air law exams. I am set to attempt the exam in a week.

On Final
3rd Dec 2009, 06:46
TIPS to passing the CAAC ATP

First make sure they set you up with the computer built in calculator, they wont let you bring your own but you need one.

Any questions in Chinese ask them to verify, they will tell you the answer.

Remember, the exam is difficult and every questions counts...!!

Study FAA ATP Glein test guide.
Study Chiese Aviation Theory Book
Study the example CAAC question bank.

ICAO founded in Chicago Convention on Dec 7, 1944
ICAO seat at Montreal, Canada
Study flight time limitations and flight duty limitations:2-man;3-man,3-manw/ rest; 4-man crew
Definitions of clearway, stopway
Vmu, Vso, Vs
Max permissible variation between the 2 bearing indicators on a DUAL VOR system when CHECKING one VOR AGAINST THE OTHER? 4 deg on ground and in flight
If AIRBORNE checkpoint is used to CHECK THE VOR system for IFR operations, the max BEARING ERROR permissible is plus or minus 6 deg
What ACTION would be taken when a pilot is “ CLEARED FOR THE APPROACH” while being radar vectored on an UNPUBLISHED ROUTE? Must maintain the last assigned altitude until established on a published route segment of the approach with publish altitudes.
After experiencing a two-way RADIO COMMUNICATIONS FAILURE ENROUTE, WHEN should a pilot BEGIN the DESCENT for the instrument approach? Upon arrival at any INITIAL approach fix for the instrument approach procedure but NOT BEFORE the flight plan ETA as amended by ATC.
What REQUIREMENT must be met regarding CARGO that is carried ANYWHERE in the PASSENGER COMPARTMENT of an air carrier airplane? The bin in which the cargo is carried may not be installed in a position that restricts access to, or use of, any AISLE in the passenger compartment.
CREW OXYGEN – How long can a crew last without oxygen at 25000 ft?
What action should be taken by the pilot in command of a transport category airplane if the airborne weather RADAR BECOMES INOPERATIVE EN ROUTE on an IFR flight for which weather reports indicate possible thunderstorms? Proceed in accordance with the approved instructions and procedures specified in the OPERATIONS MANUAL for such an event.
Cockpit voice recorder maybe erased during maintenance servicing- last 60 minutes
If a FLAG air CARRIER flight lands at an immediate airport at 1845Z, and experiences a delay, what is the LATEST TIME it may DEPART for the next airport WITHOUT a REDISPATCH release? 0045Z
What EFFECT does an INCREASE AN AIRSPEED have ON a COORDINATED TURN while maintaining a constant angle of bank and altitude? The rate of turn will decrease resulting in NO CHANGES in load factor.
What is the relationship of the rate of turn with the radius of turn with constant angle of bank but increasing airspeed? Rate will decrease and radius will increase
What is the ratio between airspeed and lift if the angle of attack and other factors remain constant and airspeed is doubled? Lift will be four times greater.
Identify the Type of stability if the aircraft ATTITUDE REMAINS in the NEW POSITION after the CONTROLS have been NEUTRALIZED. Neutral longitudinal static stability
Which direction from the primary control surface does an anti-servo tab move? Same direction
What is the purpose of the leading-edge flaps? To increase the camber of the wing
What effect does leading edge slot in the wing have on performance? Changes the STALLING angle of attack to a higher angle
What should the pilot do to maintain “BEST RANGE” airplane performance when TAILWIND is encountered? DECREASE speed
What is the highest speed possible WITHOUT SUPERSONIC flow over the wing? CRITICAL MACH NUMBER
What is the free stream MACH NUMBER which produces FIRST EVIDENCE of a local SONIC FLOW? CRITICAL MACH NUMBER
Distance of Runway Markings and lightings
When instructed by ATC to “ HOLD SHORT of a runway ILS critical area, etc.)” The pilot should STOP so that no part of the aircraft extends beyond the hold line.
An aircraft that encounters a HEADWIND of 40 knots, within a MICROBURST, may expect a TOTAL SHEAR cross the microburst of 80 knots.
Loss of cabin pressure may result in HYPOXIA because as cabin altitude increases oxygen PARTIAL PRESSURE is decreased.
Result in HYPERVENTILATION – A STRESSFUL situation causing anxiety
Symptom of HYPERVENTILATION- TINGLING of the hands, legs and feet.
If both the RAM AIR INPUT and DRAIN HOLE of the PITOT system are BLOCKED by ice what airspeed indication can be expected? NO VARIATION OF INDICATED AIRSPEED IN LEVEL FLIGHT even if large power changes are made.
Which term describes the hydroplaning which occurs when an airplane’s TIRE is effectively HELD OFF a SMOOTH runway surface by STEAM GENERATED BY FRICTION? REVERTED RUBBER hydroplaning.
En route at FL 270, the altimeter is set correctly. On descent, a pilot FAILS TO SET the local altimeter setting of 30.57. If the elevation is 650 feet, and the altimeter is functioning properly, what will it indicate upon landing? SEA LEVEL
What term describes an ELONGATED area of LOW PRESSURE? TROUGH
What is the approximate RATE UNSATURATED AIR will COLL FLOWING UPSLOPE? 3 deg C per 1000 feet
Which type icing is associated with the smallest size of water droplet similar to that found in LOW-LEVEL STRATUS clouds? RIME ICE
When advection fog developed, what may TEND TO DISSIPATE or lift the fog INTO LOW STRATUS clouds? WINDS STRONGER THAN 15 KNOTS.
CLEAR AIR TURBULENCE associated with a MOUNTAIN WAVE may extend as far as 5,000 FEET ABOVE THE TROPOPAUSE.
Which artic flying hazard is caused when a CLOUD LAYER of uniform thickness OVERLIES a SNOW OR ICE covered surface? WHITEOUT.
Thrust is being managed to maintain desired indicated airspeed and the glide slope is being flown. Which CHARACTERISTICS should be observed when a TAILWIND SHEARS to a constant HEADWIND? PITCH ATTITUDE: Increase, VERTICAL SPEED: decreases, INDICATED AIRSPEED INCREASES THEN DECREASES
A PROGNOSTIC CHART depicts the conditions forecast exist at a SPECIFIC time in the future.
When will the FLARE ARM annunciated? At the engagement of the second autopilot.FIGURES and charts

Fuel dumping time
Weight and balance for B737 and A320
Trip time
Ground distance
Go-around EPR
Landing Weight
En route climb
Flight planning B737
Max Climb and Max continuous EPR
Fuel Dumping
Go-around EPR
HSI presentation
OBS, ILS and GS displacement
Aircraft position and direction of flight
WEATHER Good Luck,

On Final

25th Dec 2009, 18:31
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year¡¡¡:

I intent to work in China. I have been looking around and I need the question bank for CAAC ATPL and air law exams, whould you be so kind of sending me both please.

Thank you very much.

Best Regards,

25th Dec 2009, 18:39

In need the question bank for CAAC ATPL and air law exams. I will apreciated very much if somebody can send me both.
Thank you very much.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

Best Regards,

26th Feb 2010, 05:56
Hi, I am looking for China ATP questioners or any other reading material please need help thanks

tie domi
26th Feb 2010, 10:32
good luck,it,s really not so hard.Don,t panic 4 expats all recent, went all pased.it,s US atp based and of course 10-20 questions which are just luck.I used what is written here and passed after 3 days of study.
The graphs are difficult to see due to poor copies of the charts

On Final
26th Feb 2010, 11:16
Ok...here are a few sample questions:

CAAC ATPL Test Questionnaire

1. what we wither is predicted by the term VCTS in A TAF
A. TS are expected in the vicinity
B. TS may occur over the station and within 50 km of the station
C. Thunderstorms are expected between 5-25 km of the R/Y complex
2. What conditions are indicated on a weather depiction chart
A. Forecast ceiling & visibilities over a geographic area
B. actual en route ……
C. actual sky cover……
3. Dew point temperature is:
A. the ……dry……wet bulb
B. wet and dry bulb
C. wet bulb……
3. a common symptom of carbon monoxide poisoning is
A. impairment of VIS
B. tingling hands and arms
C. decreased body temperature
4. what action should be taken when cleared for approach while……
A. descend to min vector alt
B. remain at last assigned altitude until establish on published route
C. descend to initial approach fix altitude
5. what is the safest and most efficient take off and initial climb
procedure in a light twin-engine airplane? Accelerate to
A. Vmc, then……
B. An airspeed slightly above Vmc, the lift off and climb at the best
rate of climb airspeed
C. Best engine-out, rate of climb while the ground
6. what is corrected altitude approximate true altitude?
A. density altitude corrected for temperature variation form standard
B. pressure altitude corrected for instrument error
C. indicated altitude corrected for temperature variation from standard
7. 如果周围空气比9600冷,真空和压力高关系
8. a mismatch between the real world and the mental model is termed
A. an illusion
B. an hallucination
C. a dream
9. 121中,近期经历为
A. 90日, 3次起落
B. 100日, 3次起落
C. 120日, 3次起落
A. 18
B. 20
C. 21
A. impossible to determine without information on possible inversion
layers at lower altitude
B. lower than 压力高
C. higher than 压力高
14. what procedure is recommended for an engine-out approach and landing
A. the altitude and 速度 should be considerably higher than normal
throughout the approach
B. a 普通进近except to not extend the landing gear or flaps until
over the runway threshold
C. the flight path and procedures should be almost identical to a
normal approach and landing
15. by changing the angle of attack of a wing, the pilot can control
the airplane
A. lift, gross weight and drag
B. lift, airspeed and drag
C. lift and airspeed but on drag
16. leading-edge flaps 在着陆前
A. decrease rate of sink
B. increase profile drag
C. prevent flow separation
17. 气团雷暴downdrafts and precipitation
18. which type storms are most likely to found clouds or tormals
cold front or squall line thunderstorms
19. 严重雷暴定义
22.Wind strength in upper air riffle are stormy and serious
turbulence will occur
23.generator voltage
A. is controlled by the voltage regulator
B. is controlled by the PRM of the engine
C. is controlled by number of magnetic poles
24.in relation to accelerate stop distance certification rules allow a
period of time for engine failure recognition and pilot reaction, how
long is this period
A. V1 plus 2 second
B. 2 second
C. Vef until V1 plus 2 S
25. an ATC ‘instruction’
A. is a directive issued by ATC for the purpose of requiring a pilot
to take a specific action providing the safety of the aircraft in not
B. is the same as an ATC clearance
C. must be read back in full to the controller and confirmed before
becoming effective
26. how does aroused affect performance
A. affected in overload but not underload
B. affected in underload but not overload
C. both affected
27. the surface air temperature of a running will depend on all of the
A. airfield elevation, runway length and slope, airfield latitude and
B. airfield elevation and latitude time of the year, time of day,
runway surface prevailing wind and cloud cover
C. airfield elevation runway length, prevailing wind and the time of day
28.the dew point temperature is higher when
A. air is very warm and dry
B. air is very cold and moist
C. air is very moist
30.What altitude is a pilot authorized to fly when cleared for an ZLS
A. must maintain the last assigned altitude established on a published
route or segment of the approach with published altitudes
B. ma descend from the assigned altitude only when established on the
final approach course
C. may begin a descend to the procedure turn altitude
31 provisional or modified route are displayed as
A, a solid white line
B, a dashed white line
C, a dashed magenta line

32.when making a landing over darkened or featureless terrain such as
water or snow, a pilot be aware of the possibility of illusion the
approach may appear to be too
A. shallow
B. high
C. low
34.when must the pilot initiate a missed approach procedure from an
ILS approach
A. when the time has expired after reaching the DH and the runway
environment is not clearly visible
B. at the DH, if the visual for the intended runway are not destinaty
visible or anytime thereafter that visual reference is lost
C. at the DH when the runway is not clearly visible
35. when thrust reversers are not available ASDA must be increase by
A. a distance equal to half of the clearway
B. 10%
C. 200 meters
36. assuring that all ILS components are operating and the required
visual reference are not acquired the missed approach should be
initiated upon
A. expiration of the time listed on the approach chart for missed
B. arrival at the DH on the glide slope
C. arrival at the visual descent point
37.which statement is correct regarding holding pattern and procedure
turns that are displayed on the EHSI screen
A. active holding patterns and procedure turn are shown in magenta
inactive in blue and modified in white
B. active holding patterns and procedure turn are displayed in white
in magenta and modified in blue
C. active holding patterns and procedure turn are turn in blue
inactive in magenta and modified in white
38 where is the normal location of the jet stream relative to surface
lows and front?
A. the jetstream is located over the low and crosses both the warm
front and the cold front
B. the jet stream is located north of the surface system
C. the jetstream is located south of the low and warm front
39.summer thunderstorm in the arctic region will generally move
A. southwest to northeast with the jetstream flow
B. directly north to south with the low level polar airflow
C. northeast to southwest in polar easterlies
40.dew point
A. the temperature to which dry air must be cooled in order to just
reach saturation
B. the temperature at which a parcel at air reach super satruature
point, irrespective of pressure
C. the temperature to which saturated air must be cooled to produce
41、APROB4(PROB ability)HHhh group in an IAF indicates the
probability of
a. precipitation or low visibility
b. Ts or high wind
c. Ts or other precipitation
42. when simultaneous ILS approach are in progress which of the
following should approach control be advised of immediately
A. if radar monitoring be desired to confirm lateral separation
B. any inoperative of malfunction aircraft receivers
C. if a simultaneous ILS approach is desired

On Final
26th Feb 2010, 11:21
Here are some more questions:

43. with increase altitude at a constant IAS, TEM and thrust
A. decrease and decrease
B. increase and decrease
C. decrease and increase
45.图3, NO. 1 NAV. Would center the CDI and change the…… to
A. 16S
B. 17S
C. 34S
46. 图11
A. an ILS critical area holding position sign
B. a runway boundary sign
C. an ILS critical area boundary sign
47. engine bleed air is supplied to the air gap above the fuel in the
tanks primarily to
A. warm the fuel
B. ensure an adequate supply of fuel pressure is maintained to the APU
C. prevent cavitation
48. which type clouds maybe associated with the jetstream
A. cirrus clouds on the equatorial side of the jet stream
B. cumulonimbus cloud line where the jetstream crosses the cold front
C. ciro stratus cloud bland on the polar side and under the jet stream
49. a rheostat is
a. a temperature indicator
b. a remote automatic manual switch
c. a temperature control device

50.when the forecast weather condition for destination and alternate
airport are considered marginal for a domestic air carrier’s
operation, what specific action should the dispatcher or pilot in
command take
A. list at least are additional alternate airport
B. list an airport where the forecast weather is not marginal as the
C. add additional hour of fuel based on cruise power settings for the
airplane is use
51.CAT can occur in widely different circumstances, but there are some
features which generally hold true, which of the following is
generally true
A. if CAT is encountered a 1000’ altitude change is likely to be
sufficient to leave the CAT area
B. there will be probably be a jet stream in the vicinity if CAT is
C. CAT occurs more frequently over weather than land
52. 气象报TMPO
53.Which of the following statements correctly describes the effect
resulting from exposure over many years to aircraft engine noise
A. some loss of heaving may occur but total recovery will eventually
take place
B. a permanent loss heaving may occur
C. some loss of heaving may occur but it will last for only a few
minutes after each exposure

55. when does min temperature normally occur during a 24 hours period
A. about 1 hour before sunrise
B. at midnight
C. after sunrise
56.the purpose of diluting ethylene glycol deicing fluid with weather
in non-precipitation conditions is to
A. increase the mn freezing point conset of crystallization
B. decrease the freeze point
C. raise the eutectic point
58. what is the propose of the term “hold for release” when
included in an IFR clearance
A. when an IFR clearance is received by telephone the pilot will have
time to precpave for take off prior to being release
B. a procedure for delaying departure for traffic volume weather or
need to issue further instructions
C. gate hold procedure are in effect and the pilot receives an
estimate of the time the flight will be released
59. what is max allowable weight that may be carried on a pallet which
has the dimension of 148*125.2 inch es? Condition: floor load limit:
209 pound/sqft, pallet weight:197 pounds, tiedown device: 66pounds
A. 25, 984.9 pound
B. 25, 987.9
C. 25, 721.9
60 ..how often must a crewmember actually operate the airplane
emergency equipment after initial training
A. 6 calendar months
B. 12
C. 24


1. Which is a definition of the term "crewmember"?
A.Only a pilot, flight engineer, or flight navigator assigned to duty
in an aircraft during flight time.
B.A person assigned to perform duty in an aircraft during flight time.
C.Any person assigned to duty in an aircraft during flight except a
pilot or flight engineer.
2.. [Refer to Figure 4-28.] How much will landing distance be reduced
by using 15o of flaps rather than 0o flaps at a landing weight of
115,000 pounds?
A.500 feet.
B.800 feet.
C.2,700 feet.
3.. What terms could a ATC furnishes pilots' braking action reports
A. "good", "fair", "poor" and "nil" or a combination of these terms.
B. the percentage of the proximate braking action.
C. only use "good", "fair", "poor" and "nil" with no combination of
these terms.
4.What is load factor?
A.Lift multiplied by the total weight.
B.Lift subtracted from the total weight.
C.Lift divided by the total weight.
5. (Refer to Figure 2-11) What is the runway distance remaining at "A"
for a daytime takeoff in runway 9?
A.1,000 feet
B.1,500 feet
C.2,000 feet
6.Which of the following is considered an auxiliary flight control?
A. Ruddervator
B. Upper rudder
C. Leading-edge flaps
7.. A pilot is holding at an initial approach fix after having
experienced two-way radio communications failure. When should that
pilot begin descent for the instrument approach?
A. At the EFC time, if this is within plus or minus 3 minutes of the
flight plan ETA as amended by ATC.
B. At flight plan ETA as amended by ATC.
C. At the EFC time as amended by ATC.
8.What facilities may be substituted for an inoperative middle marker
during a Category I ILS approach?
A.ASR and PAR.
B.The middle marker has no effect on straight-in minimums.
C.Compass locator, PAR, and ASR.
9.. What characterizes a ground-based inversion?
A. Convection currents at the surface.
B. Cold temperatures.
C. Poor visibility.
10.Which of the following are considered primary flight controls?
C.Outboard ailerons.
11.. (Refer to Figure 7) Flying from Guangzhou to Chengdu, which
weather system we would encounter
A. A cold front and a upper jet
B. A worm front and a upper jet
C. Mountain waves and severe turbulence
12.. With regard to flight crewmembers duties, which of the following
operations are considered to be in the "critical phases of flight"?
A. taxi, takeoff, landing, and all other operations conducted below
3,000 meters MSL, including cruise flight.
B. descent, approach, landing, and taxi operations, irrespective of
altitudes MSL.
C. taxi, takeoff, landing, and all other operations conducted below
3,000 meters, excluding cruise flight.
13.Which facility may be substituted for the middle marker during a
Category I ILS approach?
B.Surveillance radar
C.Compass locator
14. A Category II ILS pilot authorization, when originally issued, is
normally limited to
A.Category II operations not less than 1600 RVR and a 150-foot DH.
B.pilots who have completed an FAA-approved Category II training
C.Category II operations not less than 1200 RVR and a 100-foot DH.
15..Which of the following would most likely lead to carbon monoxide
contamination of the cockpit atmosphere?
A.excessive use of carburetor heat
B.fly low in a very thick smoke haze
C.a leak in the engine exhaust system
16.What are some characteristics of an airplane loaded with the CG at
the aft limit?
A.Lowest stall speed, highest cruise speed, and least stability
B.Highest stall speed, highest cruise speed, and least stability.
C.Lowest stall speed, lowest cruise speed, and highest stability.
17.Land and Hold Short Operations (LAHSO) include landing and holding
A.Of an intersecting taxiway only.
B.Of some designated point on the runway.
C.Only of an intersecting runway or taxiway.
18.. Hazardous vortex turbulence that might be encountered behind
large aircraft is created only when that aircraft is
A. Developing lift.
B. Operating at high airspeeds.
C. Using high power settings.
19. .The propose of the speed adjustment issued by ATC to the radar-
controlled aircraft are?
A. to achieve the desired separation.
B. to maintain enough separation;
C. both a and b
20.. [Refer to Figure 4-25.] How many feet will remain after landing
on a 6,000-foot dry runway with reversers inoperative at 120,000
pounds gross weight?
A.3,500 feet.
B.2,750 feet.
C.2,150 feet.
21.What is the primary function of the leading edge flaps in landing
configuration during the flare before touchdown?
A.prevent flow separation.
B.decrease rate of sink.
C.increase profile drag.
22.. (Refer to Figure 6-6) Determine the VHF NAV frequency for the YV
14D after takeoff from Rwy 36R at CAPITAL on

26th Feb 2010, 20:41
here's one thing to note. the computer gives out a different test to everybody. on that day, I got a good draw. had 2 airbus WB Q's Hit "B" and moved on. 10 to 15 you're clueless on. so you start out with an 85. I got a 72. only one in my group to pass. one chinese kid was on his 4th. the guy next to me got the dreaded test from hell. other than the airman knowledge stuff, I think it key that you can do all the performance probs in the Gleim. that coupled with the flash card drilling on the basic knowledge stuff gets you there.

26th Feb 2010, 20:44
forgot...I finished with an hour to spare. so I went back and kept a tally on every one I knew for certain. also, ones that was uncertain or no idea... I went back to change maybe three..it could have been the difference

my certain tally showed an 81, so I botched . this way, if you have 65 certain, you know you need to go back and change a few

737XL Pilot
16th Mar 2010, 13:48
Hi guys!

Going to China end of the month. Got the study material from my recruiting company which includes the question bank (428 pages, some in chinese) and the theory book. Also seen the sample questions from Huaxan, to be honest, I think there exactly the same as the ones I have. Just had a quick glance on the ones from Huaxan. Been in contact with a pilot currently working for Shenzhen and he confirmed what's been said before, the test is totally random.
Anyway, if anyone can give me any more info on what to have a look at that would be great. I'll give an update after my ATP exam experience. :ooh:
Cheers and take care

On Final
20th Mar 2010, 09:07

One thing to keep in mind is to replace the Chinese Air rules and hours with those from the FAA Test Guide Gleim, Try to remember the CAAC rules, duty hours and you should be OK. The CAAC crews and hours regs are totally different from the FAA.

Use the Chinese Theory Book to sort those out and with a little luck you should pass witn around 75%.

Good Luck,

On Final

21st Mar 2010, 19:10
So is the entire FAA written on this thing or is it just regs with no peformance. What chapters do I need to study?

22nd Mar 2010, 09:50
In countries like China, Korea or Japan, Is it compulsory to study Chinese in order to get those licenses or do the exams??


22nd Mar 2010, 10:03
there are random tests. no two are alike. I got a test with 2 W& B Q's while my buddy got 12. I had no flight time duty Q's. had plenty of aerodynamics. I studied metoeorology like I was pursuing a doctorate but no substantive Q's. you have to be broadly prepared and hope you get a "good" test. 10 to 15 Q are no where to be found , so you start with an 85 or 90. just guess.. and good luck. check your answers for ones you know. the young cadets I went with had failed 2,3 even 4 times. some got it right the first time

5th Apr 2010, 13:34
I have a screening with Deer Air in 2 weeks. I have been perusing these threads for a month and am confused about a couple of things. The Chinese written test? Is it one test or two. I have the question bank and study guide (thanks to the thread) for the ATP, is there a separate "Theory Test" or "Air Law Test" or is it all one test.. Also, are the sim sessions with the CAAC as well as the written tests. I have some sim gouge for a couple of other China Jobs. If the sim is also with the CAAC I would assume Deer will be similar.
I just had my last flight at Vietnam Airlines.

Thanks in advance.

5th Apr 2010, 16:14
PROBEUSMC , on another note , why are you leaving Vietnam?

6th Apr 2010, 01:39
Rishworth Aviation is the reason. When I got hear I found out they had lied to me during the recruitment process. Since I got here, every dealing I have had with them they were not just dishonest, but outright liars. I watched my roomates with Parc get things sorted out within 24 hours. Rishworth would answer your email, but only after 4-7 days, hoping you would forget, or just go away.

The last straw was Rishworth, not Vietnam Airlines, unilaterally imposed a pay cut on us. In the end, they will lose a lawsuit in their own hometown and the pay will be restored.

I don't want to work for them anymore. Unfortunately there is a non-compete clause that does not allow me to just jump contractors. I have to go away for a minimum of 1 year.

The job here in Saigon is really good. Just avoid Rishworth. They are absolute scum of the earth.

Parc seems to be the best. DPI is second best, but they underbid this contract, driving down pay rates for new pilots. For that reason I would go with Parc.

6th Apr 2010, 17:18
Thanx 4 info, all the best

8th Apr 2010, 07:22
Would e-mail me the question bank for this exam that you said you got. I am on my way to china need any help you can give.
Thanks in advance.
My e-mail address is:
[email protected]

8th Apr 2010, 07:35
The best place to get them is to download it off a website which is listed on the bottom of page 2 of this thread. Huaxun Technology Limited ----HOME (http://www.huaxun-hk.com). Click on "guide for crews". Left side everything is downloadable.

Good luck to you. And to me!

10th Apr 2010, 21:50
O.K. so I have been studying for this Chinese ATP. For those of you who have taken the test recently I have some questions. If I understand it correctly there will be 100 questions. 80 of which will be taken directly from the FAA ATP question bank less performance. 737 pef. from the FAA and CAAC bank and Air Bus from the CAAC bank. I understand that the FAA questions are verbatim.
I am reading some conflicting information on other websites and this one about this test that state that there may not be 80 FAA questions. They may be mixed 50/50 or some other combination.
Is the test 80 FAA questions and 20 CAAC or is this a random thing?

11th Apr 2010, 08:26
the test questions for your test are sorted and spit out.. no two are alike. there are 10 to 15 questions that you'll have no idea taken from the CCAR manual.. also, i got three airbus W&B..just guessed..I'm boeing...I passed...the guy next to me failed...in my group one of 3 passed.. in another screening I saw recently, 2 of 4 passed.. study test abnk and you'll be fine, but know the performance stuff out of the gleim ATP book. if you don't, they may be the tipping point. good luck

11th Apr 2010, 23:29
Hello, just wondering how one would go about booking an exam date? How much is the cost of sitting the exam?
Will be visiting China in June and July on holiday, will be mainly in Shanghai and Guangzhou.
Also what are you allowed to take into exam, ie. calculator, flight computer, rulers etc.



12th Apr 2010, 05:14
Hey I like your location "south of the North Pole". Reminds me of a funny story.
I was flying SFO to Frankfurt in a 777 middle of the night and the Capt was a TRE. TRE's being what they are, he just had to show me he was smarter than me. We were 76N in Canada. He says: "hey have you ever seen this?" He types NPOLE in the fix page. It comes up 180 deg for 973 nm. He says "wow, check that out. Right now, we are due south of the North Pole" I leaned over with a huge smirk on my face and said "Sir, we are always due south of the North Pole" You should have seen the look on his face. LOL

12th Apr 2010, 11:03
Haha, nice one probeusmc. :D


12th Apr 2010, 11:26
To partially answer your question, if you are interviewing for a job i believe the test is free the first time. After that, I believe hove to pay something like 12 USD to take it again. Taking it on your own? don't know if it is possible, or just 12 bucks. I have no idea.

12th Apr 2010, 19:15
Thanks probeusmc.

Tried to find info on the CAAC website but no luck.


16th Apr 2010, 14:13
hi every one !

I try to find information for passing the written CAAC ATP (I have frozen JAR ATPL), but it is impossible to find information on the CAAC website, only in chinese and the english pages are under construction...

I would like to know were people has pass the written CAAC atp, it is possible to pass the exam in europe or only in China?
The price of it ?

I wait your answer

best regards


17th Apr 2010, 10:42
i believe you have to take it here in China and it is administered by an airline or company..not sure about walking in to the district office and throwing cash on the table..

19th Apr 2010, 15:22
Hi Everybody,

I just took the Chinese ATP and got an 84, 70 is a pass. I studied intensely for 4-5 days about 6 hours per day. The 1500 question bank on this forum will be the bulk of the question banks, you can access this on the Huxan website or Hainan website. I had about 50 questions verbatim then about 10 questions with similar concepts but made you think in a new context. I had about 15 performance problems and 3 weight & balance questions which I just guessed at all three as I saved them for last and I knew I had passed by then. The Airbus 320 W & B grid chart and 2 737 questions. Most of the questions were 737 performance but 1 Airbus Gross Driftdown Chart and 1 727 v ref speed chart. There will be about 5-6 Chinese Air Law and history questions which are difficult to study for. A few of the questions I remember are:
PIC under 100 hours weather mins. for landing.
B-737-300 to 400 is difference training
List an additional alternate if weather is marginal
Trailing edge flaps with a slot increase the stall angle of attack
2 questions on what is included on a Surface Weather Chart
How much radiation can you be exposed to 5, 50 or 500 units?
Medical for PIC is every 6 months
To apply for an ATP you need a commercial or commercial & instrument license?
If you discharge an ELT for so many minutes it must be recharged, 30mins, 45 or 60?
The Aviation Forum in China is under the Central Party and the Chinese Military, who has jurisdiction?
Who can issue a license? The regional office or both the CAAC and the regional office?
The big R on a Radar box on an approach plate definition, radar environment?
Fuel requirements for alternates, several questions both domestic and international.
Hourly flight time limitations in a week is 35
Just study the 1500 bank and know how to do all the charts and graphs and you should get a 75-80. A hard test but put in the time and it is very passable, good luck! I think 15 in the test group and 14 passed it that day.

19th Apr 2010, 16:05

where have you pass it in china? (have you an adress of it)


(check your mp)

20th Apr 2010, 02:28
Hi, you cannot book any CAAC exam without a Chinese Airlines offer, when you are told that you can attend the airlines screening, the airlines will arrange each exam and the airlines will pay the exam cost.

20th Apr 2010, 09:27
xiexie pengyou

I prepare it, but I'm F/O, that's difficult to find a job if I'm not a Captain with a lot of experience... I will found it ! I'm sure !

thanks guy for your answer


20th Apr 2010, 11:40
I just took the test today with 2 other expats. 78,77,74 were our scores. We all had wildly different tests. Study the question bank and the Chinese ATP book (very bad, lots of errors). One guy used Gleim as well, the other two of us just used the Chinese ATP guide.

Good luck

20th Apr 2010, 18:12

FO with FAA/JAA frozen ATPL have a different process, you need to basically do the CPL, IR and ATPL exams all 3 of the written exams, plus any simulator or flight tests involved. I reccommend you get your full 1500 hours and get the full ATPL before entering into china, after that its just basically the ATPL written and Sim test.

29th Apr 2010, 07:59
where can i find the link to the 1500 question bank? thanks!!

7th Jun 2010, 11:53
Hey, I'm about to take the China ATP for second time. The contractor just informed me that the testing facility had been closed for "Updates." I've been studying the 1500 question bank plus 2010 Gleim Book. Anybody taken the test in June? Please provide feedback on questions. Regards.

13th Jun 2010, 22:04
Success! OK, that's over and done with. Here's some insight. First, there was no indication that the so called "updates" mentioned in previous thread were present and no indication the questions are from a "2010" test bank. At least with comparison to the Gleim software. Speaking of which, unless you are god's gift to aviation, there is NO DOUBT the Gleim ATP software is worth it's purchase price (65 bone$). This is EXCELLENT material and well organized. Gleim allows download on two computers, so you can double up and save! Spend some time to learn what the package offers, it will be well worth your time and quickly enhance your learning.

On the test, same crazy questions (see comments from others) and crazy wording. Part of this stems from their efforts to place emphasis on theory and part from just plain poor translation. You have 2.5 hours to complete the test and clock is right on the test screen. You take nothing in with you. They provide one pencil, one blank sheet of paper, slide ruler (darn fun learning to use that) and an E6B. You need 70 of 100 to pass and nobody in China cares if you get above 70, so plan accordingly. They will provide the PC calculator but you must ask for it! If not, they don't turn it on! The test center I attended (aviation school near Chengdu) had glass walls, proctor's roaming the isles, and a guy watching applicants on video screen. Each desk had an overhead video camera! There was no smoking in the test room but the video guy was burning one at check in desk.

The test allows you to skip questions and return to them, suggest you complete what you know first then go back for performance problems and unknowns. Also, make certain you fully understand HSI, and RMI orientation on radials. That will give you an easy 5-8 points. Get quick with the Gleim charts and fully understand when they are used, when to make corrections (ie, engine A/I on) and you'll grab another 7-10 points. Airbus jockies will not find W&B stuff in Gleim but the test will have 1-2 simple problems on this. Make certain you can compute adjusted Dry Index. Suggest SmartCockpit.com or Airbus Manuals for this. Understand atmosphere stuff ~ changes in temp., computing lapse rate, how altitude effects engine performance and aerodynamics and you'll grab another 6-8 points. Read human physiology in Theory Book and you'll grab another 3-5 points. Example: What is comfortable humidity level for humans and what humidity level is found in a pressurized cabin. Nice huh? Know about hydro planing (my tests each had 2 questions on this). 2-5 questions on airport signage, remaining runway lengths, etc. Make certain you can figure allowable pallet weights and load per square foot (2 questions-2 tests).

Study Materials:

Chinese ATP theory book (read this 350 pgs cover to cover and don't skim)
Gleim ATP software
Chinese Question Bank (1500 questions)
Read all Pprune Posts on subject (some good questions shown)
Familiarize yourself with sections/chapter titles of ICAO Convention.

As others have said. This is doable and don't worry if you pass the first time but you must wait 28 days to retest. If you get caught cheating you must wait one year (sorry that's a test question).

Final Comment: I have heard others suggest the test randomly kicks out a grade/score and has nothing to do with how many you actually got right. Meaning its a pure numbers game and they need so many first time failures. The computer does not show which questions you got right/wrong so this may be true. Just prepare the best you can, live and learn ~ and don't feel bad if you need to return in 28 days. Cheers! :ok:

13th Jun 2010, 22:50
Final Comment: I have heard others suggest the test randomly kicks out a grade/score and has nothing to do with how many you actually got right.

I seriously doubt this. My score was pretty much what I estimated before I turned the test in (84%). The less you know, the less accurate your estimate will be.

In addition to the question bank, I used the ASA manual - same material as Gleim. I'd go for what ever is cheaper. AB8TOR is correct - it's money well spent. :)

17th Jul 2010, 17:54
Hi Guys!

Taking a look at the chinese question bank, there are lots of performance/graphs related questions.
Does anyone have, or know where to download, these figures?

Is there a chance to obtain such perf charts without buying the gleim book (short of time)?

Thanks and good luck mates,


17th Jul 2010, 18:30
Most of the performance problems are on the FAA test. The ones based on Chinese metars / tafs / approaches are not, obviously. I'm told there is a study book (on which the pdf file prep is based) translated into English. The figures might well be included in this.

Gleim / ASA / Safelog all have online versions of the prep book ...

Gleim Aviation: Airline Transport: Software: Test Prep Software Download (http://www.gleim.com/aviation/airline_transport/software/#features)


ASA: Prepware (http://www.asa2fly.com/Prepware-C21_category.aspx)


FAA Written Test Preparation - Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) (http://www.dauntless-soft.com/PRODUCTS/GroundSchool/atp.asp)

(I haven't used this, but hear it's pretty good).

19th Jul 2010, 11:56
Thks Rotorhead!!! :ok:


15th Aug 2010, 22:00
So the performance questions that you guys are seeing, are they the same ones in the 1255 question bank or different questions. I am up to speed on those 70 questions or so but it is because I memorized them. I have no idea how to work the 737 stuff.


18th Aug 2010, 06:48
I took the test in April. I did not use Gleim, but I did use the 1500 question bank, and the 8000 question bank. I also had the ASA software, but found that it had too much light plane crap. Not that usefull IMHO. I also used the Chinese ATP book, which was difficult as it had a lot of math formula errors in it. I had to reverse engineer some of it. The info in it is good, albeit poorly translated.

In the end, I mostly used the Chinese ATP, and the 8000 question bank. The 1500 question bank only got me 2 questions I would have missed. The 8000 sounds too big, but here is what I did that worked great. It was a text file which wasn't that useful. So I "printed" it to a PDF file, or you can print some of it to paper. Each "page" then had 30 questions. Then I took "mini" tests, 1 page at a time. When I was consistently passing 24 out of 30 (80%), I thought I would be OK. I got a 77. Thankfully the mini tests had about the same makeup as the real test.

The only thing that was on their that I saw no where was "fixed card ADF". I had 3 questions on it, and at least 5 others on RMI and normal ADF. These are all easy. Study this for sure and you will get 5-8 points fast and easy.

Good luck.

18th Aug 2010, 15:20
Gleim and ASA are both just the FAA question bank with explanations. The question on regs, procedures, etc. are essentially the same as the Chinese question bank. Skip the light plane and FAR 135 stuff - focus in on the jet performance graphs amd weather maps. Otherwise read the Chinese guide and go through the questions, It's really not 8000 - there's a lot of duplication. I stuck the .pdf file on a Nook reader - it's easier than printing all that stuff out.

5th Oct 2010, 17:42

i've got an idea now tks to ALL your posts and infos! :D

it is really helpful when somebody is in the dark, in the unknown...like me! :rolleyes:

i am trying to get an interview with some of the chinese airlines, maybe deer air(capital) or spring, any suggestions?

take care

Always Moving
6th Oct 2010, 00:57
FO, forget it pretty much, unless you talk Chinese and have some time on type and you are willing to do A LOT of leg work.

Cap, go to any of the agencies you will save your neck of a lot of chain jerking

If you are desperate you could approach all airlines one by one but I do not think they will pick up the phone, unless you have some "wuanxi" and if you do, you would not be asking this question.


On Final
31st Oct 2010, 12:14
Dear Fellow pilots,

I want to warn you all to be very careful about the following agency..! VOR Company/China Aviation Recruitment or "Ted". Very BAD...!! Just to tell you don't even think about signing an invitation or contract to work in China under this agency..!!!!

This agency is the worst in China..! Just look at your paperwork before you sign..!

They have included a non circumvention for all work in China. Means that once you sign you can only work for them and know one else in China...! DONT SIGN THEIR CRAP..!!!

This agency will abuse you and you will think it is better to work for a communist government than these folks..!

I have worked in China going on 3 years and please be careful, this agency is most abusive..!


On Final

11th Jan 2011, 08:58
Just a quick low down on the new and "improved" chinese airlaw test. I am not here to complain, just list the reality and to help those out who really want to pass. Here are the facts:

Going into the test, we were told it was about a 50% failure rate, which for our group (about 7 guys) was accurate, according to the difficulty of the exam we all experienced. all but 1 failed, and they said it was an anomaly that almost all passed.
given 2.5 hours for the exam, however...we experienced slow "intranet" and twice the connections to their servers just stopped for 5-10 min each, in total we lost 20 min of test time, which they could do nothing about.
the highest score was 81, lowest was 74 i think, 1 did not pass with a 54.
100 questions, about 25 were "refer to figure..." questions
i had been studying diligently for almost 2 months with ATPL gleim software, question banks, aviation theory, chinese air law and i barely passed with 76 and had to guess at quite a few towards end. (just to give u an idea of the difficulty, not to scare you..but the first time i took the ATPL exam i received a 97%) I would say 1/3 of the questions I had never seen material about the type/material of question. some questions were just specific to chinese airlaw that i happen not to run across in my prep.
they DO allow you to use simple calculators. bring it even though your handler may tell you it's not allowed. bring your own pencil pen. they give you one sheet of paper and 2 sets of diagram papers, a straight edge, and a flight computer i have never seen before.
the w/b questions i never saw before and they were on Airbus 320 and unless you had an extra 20 min, i would guess. this goes for a few other charts.
you can skip questions or answer them and mark them unsure to come back laterI recommend doing all that I did above, but next time I would have made study tests from the Chinese bank (total q's) so that I might be able to be prepared for material I never read about. I had only looked at around 1/3 the chinese questions or LESS!

Some q's I do remember:
what is the color of voicer recoder from outside, looking in? - Orange
how far can an airway in china be from danger area? - 10KM (i think)
ICAO in china founded under - chicago 1944
distance change questions with headwind calculationsall the other standard study stuff posted... i will edit this and post more after talking to other guys about what crazy q's they got.

best of luck and if you have any q's just pm me.

11th Jan 2011, 14:07
I do confirm what Rawmilk said , i did the test today too . the gleim or the Asa are really usefull but be sure you can make an easy 90% score when you study .
For my case ( i passed with 81) i had barely 50% with pure atp questions but 15% more are very similar about aerodynamics or flight orientation.
15 to 20 % of chinese law ,sorry, i cant barely remember the question , hours per week (35) , who is in charge of the preparation , delays bla bla of a flight (pic, pic +vice-president of the company, or the vice president looks like they translate the director of ops as the vice president !!!!) , questions about the oaci and differents kinds of office ,as who is in charge of the office n 111 of something )
what is the minimum age to pass the atp ( 20 , 21 or 18) ....

few questions about equivalence . celsius to kelvin to farenheit , knots to km/hrs
questions about the jeppesen chart , the runway lenght ,mountain profile on the chart (colours, value )
medical questions but quite similar than the the study materials
question of nav orientations with RMI and the position of aircraft/vor
Be careful that few charts are from airbus so not easy to understand if you dont practice .

50% with gleim or atp
20% with aero knowledge
10% just logical guess
20% no clue and some are really hard to understand with the bad english translation( maybe because i m french !!!)

so the margin is really thin

good luck to all ......

17th Jan 2011, 19:39
Hi am doing ATP in February. Any feedback questions would be helpfull. Do I need to obtain a CX2 E6B Computor ? seems only usefull for maybe 1 question on flight Logs?

Can anyone give me recent feedback on their experiences in the exam?

27th Jan 2011, 08:24
I am planning to take this test next month. Could you send me your list of questions? My e-mail address is [email protected].

Thanks for the help.

6th Mar 2011, 16:34
Hey did any of you guys come across an incorrect answer in the test or test bank?

The faa says the lowest cloud associated with mountain wave is a rotor cloud. the Chinese questions say its a standing lenticular. Who is right in this case, and are there more questions that are incorrect in this fashion. Just curious. It can get confusing after awhile.


9th Mar 2011, 11:44
May I know where can I download the Chinese ATP exam question bank? Can somebody kindly PM me if you have the soft copy.

20th Mar 2011, 14:38
Greetings to all who grace these boards. I took the Chinese ATP on 3-17-2011 and passed with an 88. 7 expats in my group 2 FAA and all others JAA. 2 Chinese candidates that worked for the airline. 6 expats passed one of them with a 70. The guy who failed said that he knew the FAA stuff like the back of his hand but he received around 10 Airbus questions. Both Chinese candidates failed. I had the highest score. The next one down had an 86. I owe a lot of credit to those in this thread who went before me and posted their experience. Reading this thread several times was helpful. I had 3 questions from this thread on my Test.

15. by changing the angle of attack of a wing, the pilot can control
the airplane
A. lift, gross weight and drag
B. lift, airspeed and drag
C. lift and airspeed but on drag

37.which statement is correct regarding holding pattern and procedure
turns that are displayed on the EHSI screen
A. active holding patterns and procedure turn are shown in magenta
inactive in blue and modified in white
B. active holding patterns and procedure turn are displayed in white
in magenta and modified in blue
C. active holding patterns and procedure turn are turn in blue
inactive in magenta and modified in white

4.What is load factor?
A.Lift multiplied by the total weight.
B.Lift subtracted from the total weight.
C.Lift divided by the total weight.

Thanks guys.

Moving on to the instructions.
Most of us had a personal calculator. There was still a slide rule which playing with prior to the start alleviated some stress and believe me this sucker is no joke of a test. You are not going to half @$$ study and pass this. I took me more than 2 hours of the allotted 2.5 for the 100 questions.

I had 9 737 performance problems and 3 airbus. The 737 problems were Verbatim from the FAA ATP bank. The book of visuals was brand new (as in they printed it out, stapled it, and gave it to us) with no marks in it at all. After the test I was thumbing through the book to see if there were any DC9 charts. The book was taken from me by the proctor LOL. The 727 stuff was in the book although I did not receive any questions on the 727. Virtually all of the visuals that I used were exactly the same ones in the FAA bank. Only 2-3 instrument questions referred to visuals that were not (Could be from the FAA private pilot or instrument pilot) and only one of them challenged me. As previously mentioned know all of the FAA stuff that refers to flight instruments because those were verbatim from the FAA. The answers were even in the same order on Chinese as in the Glime.

My personal recipe for success:

I learned how to work all 737 and 727 performance problems. That took 2 days. I tore the pages out of my Glime book and took it with me on a trip. Had I known prior that the questions were verbatim I may have just memorized them. 9 performance problems was stressful while watching the clock tick. If you can recognize the correct answer immediately you can focus more atnnnionian on screeean chinesesie quest inn more sifficuls because not Chinese pilot unfamiliar. You will have about 10 – 15 of those.

Know the FAA stuff like the back of your hand. About 50 percent of the test is out right plagiarized. Of the other 50 percent about half of it makes sense and the other fourth is crap. The FAA stuff was first and around question 30 I was starting to get excited but the crap Chinese questions were at the end. There is a gouge with 1255 Chinese and FAA questions and that was extremely helpful. I made a study guide with some of the stuff that gave me trouble and I reviewed it on the van on the way to the test. Additionally I cut the really straight foreword questions out of the 1255 bank and then reduced the rest to just questions and answers like this.

2 Which reports are always required when on an IFR approach not in radar contact?

Leaving FAF inbound or outer marker inbound and missed approach.

4 (according to figure 2)An airplane is estimated to arrive at ZUUU at 1000Z, and the
weather then is ____.

Southwest wind at 6 m/sec, light rain shower, visibility 4 km

5 题目:Which of the following is considered an auxiliary flight control?

Leading-edge flaps

7 题目:What is a feature of supercooled water?

The unstable water drop freezes upon striking an exposed object.

That took a while to make and it was about 30 pages front and back. I studied that in the cockpit and the Jumpseat. It was worth its weight in gold. The correct answer should be very familiar to you when you take the test and it should leap from the page.

Also I separated questions initially by subject matter to look for trends in the answers. I found plenty. For example: Fuel Look for 45 minutes in contiguous China. If it is there it is the answer. If not look for 2 hours normal cruising fuel consumption and that will give you the answers to all but 1.

Some BS that caught me off guard is below.

How wide are the RWY centerline lights? The chart referred to some Australian enroute chart.
A. 7.5 M
B. 15 M
C. 30 M

So good luck with that one.

How does a plane control pressure?
A,Constant pressure in and varying pressure out
B. Varying constant pressure in and out
C. Varying pressure in and Constant pressure out

I knew how the CRJ did it and that is what I put.

Who is responsible for pilots at the CAAC.
Probably C

I also need to mention that that blue book in this tread with the planes on the cover is useful but you don’t have to buy it. I did. The one mentioned earlier in this thread which is downloadable from a recruiter’s website is the same one it just doesn’t have the cover and the index on it.

After helping the guys that failed the test through all of the gouge and stuff that I acquired I realized that I actually had some of the airbus questions from the CAAC bank. Here they are.

Determine which statement given below is correct. A
A. Operating Weight is the sum of the DOW and the Take-off Fuel
B. Take-off Weight is equal to the addition of the DOW and the Payload
C. DOW is obtained by addition of the Basic Weight and Pantry load for A320

Determine the ZFW CG in percent of MAC under the following condition for an A320 aircraft by completing the Figure 5-1.Condition:Dry Operating Weight = 94,000 lb and CG = 26 %; Deviation or adjustment: None; Cargo =11,000 lb as: cargo 1 = 4,500 lb , cargo 3 = 3,000 lb , cargo 4 =1,000 lb , cargo 5 = 2,500 lb; Passengers (165 lb / PAX) = 160 PAX as: cabin OA = 40 , cabin OB = 70 , cabin OC = 50; Fuel =28,000 lb. The CG is: B
A. 33.8% at ZFW
B. 31.9% at ZFW
C. 30.0% at ZFW

Determine the take-off CG in percent of MAC under the following condition for an A320 aircraft by completing the Figure 5-1.Condition:Dry Operating Weight = 94,000 lb and CG = 26 %; Deviation or adjustment: None; Cargo =11,000 lb as: cargo 1 = 4,500 lb , cargo 3 = 3,000 lb , cargo 4 =1,000 lb , cargo 5 = 2,500 lb; Passengers (165 lb / PAX) = 160 PAX as: cabin OA = 40 , cabin OB = 70 , cabin OC = 50; Fuel =28,000 lb. The CG is: C
A. 27.2% at take-off
B. 28.4% at take-off
C. 30.2% at take-off

Determine the ZFW CG in percent of MAC under the following condition for an A320 aircraft by completing the Figure 5-1.Condition:Dry Operating Weight = 94,000 lb and CG = 26 %; Deviation or adjustment: None; Cargo =10,000 lb as: cargo 1 = 3,500 lb , cargo 3 = 3,000 lb , cargo 4 =1,000 lb , cargo 5 = 2,500 lb; Passengers (165 lb / PAX) = 150 PAX as: cabin OA = 40 , cabin OB = 70 , cabin OC = 40; Fuel =30,000 lb. The CG is: C
A. 29.0 % at ZFW
B. 32.7 % at ZFW
C. 30.7 % at ZFW

Determine the take-off CG in percent of MAC under the following condition for an A320 aircraft by completing the Figure 5-1.Condition:Dry Operating Weight = 94,000 lb and CG = 26 %; Deviation or adjustment: None; Cargo =10,000 lb as: cargo 1 = 3,500 lb ; cargo 3 = 3,000 lb , cargo 4 =1,000 lb , cargo 5 = 2,500 lb; Passengers (165 lb / PAX) = 150 PAX as: cabin OA = 40 , cabin OB = 70 , cabin OC = 40; Fuel =30,000 lb. The CG is: A
A. 31.6% at take-off
B. 30.3% at take-off
C. 28.8% at take-off

Determine the ZFW CG in percent of MAC under the following condition for an A320 aircraft by completing the Figure 5-1.Condition:Dry Operating Weight = 94,000 lb and CG = 26 %; Deviation or adjustment = 100 lb in zone F; Cargo =9,500 lb as: cargo 1 = 3,000 lb , cargo 3 = 3,000 lb , cargo 4 =1,000 lb , cargo 5 = 2,500 lb; Passengers (165 lb / PAX) = 160 PAX as: cabin OA = 40 , cabin OB = 70 , cabin OC = 50; Fuel =25,000 lb. The CG is: A
A. 34.2 % at ZFW
B. 32.3 % at ZFW
C. 36.0 % at ZFW

Determine the take-off CG in percent of MAC under the following condition for an A320 aircraft by completing the Figure 5-1.Condition:Dry Operating Weight = 94,000 lb and CG = 26 %; Deviation or adjustment = 100 lb in zone F; Cargo =9,500 lb as: cargo 1 = 3,000 lb , cargo 3 = 3,000 lb ,cargo 4 =1,000 lb , cargo 5 = 2,500 lb; Passengers (165 lb / PAX) = 160 PAX as: cabin OA = 40 , cabin OB = 70 , cabin OC = 50; Fuel =25,000 lb. The CG is: A
A. 31.8% at take-off
B. 29.7% at take-off
C. 27.9% at take-off

Determine the take-off CG in percent of MAC under the following condition for an A320 aircraft by completing the Figure 5-1.Condition:Dry Operating Weight = 94,000 lb and CG = 26 %; Deviation or adjustment = 100 lb in zone F; Cargo =9,500 lb as: cargo 1 = 3,000 lb , cargo 3 = 3,000 lb , cargo 4 =1,000 lb , cargo 5 = 2,500 lb; Passengers (165 lb / PAX) = 150 PAX as: cabin OA = 30 , cabin OB = 70 , cabin OC = 50; Fuel =25,000 lb. The CG is: B
A. 35.2% at ZFW
B. 36.6% at ZFW
C. 37.9% at ZFW

Determine the take-off CG in percent of MAC under the following condition for an A320 aircraft by completing the Figure 5-1.Condition:Dry Operating Weight = 94,000 lb and CG = 26 %; Deviation or adjustment = 100 lb in zone F; Cargo =9,500 lb as: cargo 1 = 3,000 lb , cargo 3 = 3,000 lb , cargo 4 =1,000 lb , cargo 5 = 2,500 lb; Passengers (165 lb / PAX) = 150 PAX as: cabin OA = 30 , cabin OB = 70 , cabin OC = 50; Fuel =25,000 lb. The CG is: C
A. 35.5% at take-off
B. 34.9% at take-off
C. 33.5% at take-off

UMMMM your welcome for those Airbus questions!

Ok now look. I don’t mean to go all 4th grade here but I did work as a tutor and one of my responsibilities was to teach a class literally on how to learn. “Memory Techniques”.

Correlation is a powerful tool. You can learn to unlock your brain and memorize stuff you never imagined. In high school taking Spanish I learned that the word for behind has the word @$$ right in the middle of it. 20 years later folks and I haven’t studied Spanish at all but I still remember. Here is an example for aviation:

Coriolis illusion. An abrupt head movement
Leans.when a aircraft is in an abrupt recovery or a rapid correction
Somatogravic Illusion.A rapid acceleration or deceleration
Inversion Illusion. An abrupt change from a climb to straight and level flight

Reading this over and over again is a very bad way to go about it.

But keep this in mind.
Your Coriolis is in your Head and all of the Coriolis answers refer to a Head movement.
You Lean the mixture in an Aircraft and all of the leans answers refer to an Aircraft movement
Imagine you are riding a motor cycle and you have a sumo wrestler on the back. You hit the gas really hard and what happens. You pop a wheelie. Well Sumo is sort of like Soma as in Somatogravic. All of the Somatogravic answers refer to an aircraft taking off or Popping a wheelie.
Imagine yourself flying along happily when your copilot pushes the yoke foreword so hard that you go into a dive and then rotate so far around that you are inverted. The blood rushes into your head and makes you sick. All of the inversion answers refer to an aircraft having the yoke pushed forward.

Here test yourself. No cheating.

题目:While making prolonged constant rate turns under IFR conditions, an abrupt head
movement can create the illusion of rotation on an entirely different axis. This is known
A: autokinesis.
B: Coriolis illusion.
C: the leans.

294 题目: ”The leans ” is a state of disorientation which often occurs when
A: an abrupt change from a cl imb to straight and level f light
B: an aircraft which has been in a shallow turn for some time rolls back to
C: an abrupt recovery or a rapid correction is made.

题目: The somatogravic i llusion (falsly identifying a level acceleration as a steep climb),
is most l ikely to be encountered
A: during a go-around in a high performance aircraft when flying visually
B: during and just after take-off in a high performance aircraft on a dark
C: during an approach to a poorly l it runway on a dark night

Answer Key

Any how if that is not enough just let me know what else you guys need. I failed the medical for a blood pressure issue. I have never had high blood pressure before. Anyone know what will be next for me. I am trying to get rescreened.

:ok: Give em hell boys!

20th Mar 2011, 18:02
Great info...

Sry to hear about the BP. See what the Docs in the US say and definitely re-take it. Some blood thinning meds for a few, and like new...


27th May 2011, 11:23
Very good information.

On this one:

Some BS that caught me off guard is below.

How wide are the RWY centerline lights? The chart referred to some Australian enroute chart.
A. 7.5 M
B. 15 M
C. 30 M

So good luck with that one.

My guess, if you translate the "wide" to "how far apart" you get 50' or 15m.

I'm studying for my interview in late June.

16th Jun 2011, 06:23
It has been a while since anyone posted here. Can someone tell me what the written and flight requirements are with regard to converting to a chinese license. I understood there was more than one written involved.

Also any changes to the written exams. I am presently flying on a validation but it expires in about 90 days more, and I can only get one more validation period.

Thanks in Advance

Capi Diaz
4th Jul 2011, 18:14
I found it online, anyone know if it is reliable?


5th Jul 2011, 09:18
Capt Diaz,

The study link is reliable, I used them along with other study guides you'll find on this thread to prepare for CAAC ATPL.

Good luck! :ok:

30th Aug 2011, 02:42
Hi All,

I have the question bank shown above and the blue atp book.. Does anyone have any knowledge on the CPL exam!! From what i've been told there is not an English paper available so I will be sitting the exam with a translator. :ugh:


2nd Sep 2011, 20:27
CPL? You mean ATPL right? If you do, it's in Eng for expats. No translator required, except for the Chinglish questions :eek:

Been there, done that!

2nd Sep 2011, 20:49
How was it? Did you pass?

3rd Sep 2011, 22:26
Yep, passed it. Just study the bank of questions like your life depends on it. Make sure that you feel comfortable doing perf and W&B for 737/320...

It's like a 60-70% failure rate, but the lack of prep and chinglish understanding might be the cause.

4th Sep 2011, 14:40
I don't post very often, but I wanted to say "thank you" for the link.
Myself, like many others are starting to prepare for the test.
I started my search with
www.caac.gov.cn/English (http://www.caac.gov.cn/English)
Nothing useful for us listed yet, but maybe in the future it will be more like the US faa.gov. where we can download all test banks, regulations, etc.
Anyway, thanks for doing the work.

29th Sep 2011, 03:37
As I understand the question bank from the test, the circulating test preps have some answers that seem incorrect. They are actually correct and directly out of the "blue" book from the CAAC. The trick is the questions are not translated correctly so the answers, which look wrong, are correct.

3rd Oct 2011, 10:57
Guys and Gals,

Thanks for all the helpful tips and suggestions. Trying to study for the China ATPL myself so I can get a commute contract.

One type of question keeps puzzling me. It sounds something like this:

1. (Refer to Figure 1-2) The PIC of PTL 55 has 75 hours and 30 landings as PIC in the B-747, while operating under Part 121. The PIC has 759 hours and 312 landings, as PIC, in the B-777 while operating under Part 121.
A.(续考题正文 What are the minimums for the ILS RWY 02 approach at ZUCK, for the PIC?)_DH95m,VIS1600

What are they talking about? Which aircraft, 747 or 777? How do the minimums change?

Appreciate your help on this, it has me baffled. :confused:

Always Moving
3rd Oct 2011, 11:33
When in doubt B, B, Beeeeee
So you are trying to make sense out of it.....
You won't last

12th Nov 2011, 11:59
Gents, I took the test 6 months ago and I can tell you, go out and buy yourself the Gleim ATP book. Please study the 737 performance questions, it will be the determining factor whether you pass of not. I had about 10 of those questions on the CAAC test. I did have a few questions about outflow vavles, hopefully you'll know something about those without studying. Also, find yourself the "Blue Book." It has some good info one all the questions you'll see on the test.

Good Luck

27th Nov 2011, 20:04
Some great info in here. The Chinese have a funny way of recruiting, and I have hardly been given any info about the tests I have to go through to fly in China. We will see in march, and untill then Ill study the posted .txt-file. Thank you!

Always Moving
28th Nov 2011, 01:58
If it would only be recruiting DauphinDude.................

28th Nov 2011, 17:19
What do you mean?

On Final
30th Nov 2011, 23:55
Fellow Pilots, I took the dreaded test over 3 1/2 years ago and passed the first time when many others failed. I just studied my tail off. The Chinese written exam is a difficult test but do-able. Just Study the ATP Gleim FAA Test Guide, Go Over the 737 performance charts, floor loading (one question) Tire Hydroplaning speed (another question). I think if you go over the sample questions that are available and read through the many many posts on this thread you have a good chance to PASS...!!! Your test results are instant...yikes. If you fail you can take it again in 30 days but not much fun.

Good Luck,

On final


11th Dec 2011, 05:13

20th Dec 2011, 23:28
I have study materials. Questions and Books~~
PM me if u need...

28th Dec 2011, 17:27
Any one with the The Aviation Theory Course for Airline Transport Pilot on EBOOK format.? I would buy it. or we can buy it together.

6th Mar 2012, 10:29
I know you writte aboout chinesse ATPL a long time ago, but I would like to to the conversion from JAA ATPL and I would like to have all the possible information about books, ebooks, bank ofquestions, etc I will appreciate any information about it. Thanks!!

20th Oct 2012, 07:54
I received a question bank from one of the companies recruiting pilots for China. The contact said these ~1000 questions were "all you needed to know, go through two or three times and you will have no problem".

No 737/320 weight/balance problems were in the bank. They sent about 25 figures with fairly straightforward performance and meteorology problems.

From this thread it would seem they are giving me bad info, although I don't know why they would do so (I assume they get paid when people get hired).

Any chance the test has changed recently, or, there are different versions of ATP test based on airframe? (I'm applying for biz jet). Thanks.

20th Oct 2012, 14:39
@ requesttheblock:

Don't make the mistake of just trying to memorize this question bank you were given! It's full of wrong answers and to be frank IMHO it's crap. I did the CAAC ATP written last year and prepared by studying the FAA material, except that I studied the CAAC regulations as well. A couple of guys doing the exam with me and who at the time relied entirely on this so called "prep material", flunked the test...twice!

So study your FAA ATP stuff well, be it Gleim, ASA or Kings School, and you will be ok. Watch out for the questions in Chinese! I got 2-3 of them on my exam!

Good luck!


23rd Oct 2012, 06:13
I'm the proud holder of a Chinese ATP (sic!).

Although I now hold a bit more "gouge" on study materials for the Chinese ATP, I agree that the best thing to study are the FAA ATP testing material from Gleim, King, and other sources. I had about 10 questions on my ATP exam that were obviously Chinese generated questions. One had to do with "male arousal" .... There were two questions on my exam that were written in Chinese .... There were two questions to which there was no correct answer. I queried the proctors about the available answers and they agreed that none of the answers were correct but that I should "guess and hope".

Bottom line -- study the FAA questions. That's about the best you can do! Good luck!

29th Oct 2012, 10:28
Does anyone know how long a passed written test remains valid? I sat the exam earlier this year, passed on the first go, but have yet to do the CAAC checkride as I've still been flying N-registered aircraft.

30th Oct 2012, 00:53
2 years they say

4th Feb 2013, 15:46
I'm planning to take the caac atpl written test by myself.
Where did you guys take this exam ?
Are we allowed to prepare by ourselves, then contact a test center, register an take the exam ? (I planned to take this exam in Guangzhou, if there is any exam center in this town...)

What about the medical test ?
Can we also take a medical test as a 'free applicant', without beeing enrolled by any local airline ?

Thanks for any help.

7th Feb 2013, 13:45
There is a written test center in CAN but I would guess that you can't take it or perform the medical without being sponsered by a Chinese airline.

7th Feb 2013, 13:57
Hard luck.
Thanks for your reply.

Already Airborne
7th Mar 2013, 16:00
I'm headed over next month for an interview and am using the Gleim study guide.

Can anyone tell me where I can get:

- Chinese ATP theory book
- Chinese FARs


13th Mar 2013, 15:25
Well I recently heard from the CAAC Specifications that they were taking out the FAA database inside and replacing it with there new database. Anyone recently taken the exam to confirm this?

13th Mar 2013, 20:59
Hey! Does anyone know where Macau stands in terms of databases? Considering that they don't have any Boeing A/C on their registry, I'd assume they'd try a bunch of different q's..

14th Mar 2013, 00:39
Anybody has figures for Airbus questions?

Can you post them?

And if they replace FAA questions with Chinese, who's gonna pass it? Does not look like they have time for that, they can't even copy them from FAA book after translating it into Chinese.

14th Mar 2013, 02:51
You wouldn't be happening to look for 2.02.15 from the a320 FCOM would you?? I've been searching like crazy for those Airbus RTOW's..

14th Mar 2013, 04:02
I'm not sure, someone posted a bunch of A-320 questions and it keeps referring to Figure 5-1. But thy all CG and ZFW questions.

14th Mar 2013, 15:17
Heads up for all rotorheads. No point in even trying to sit for the IR-H. If you are even gonna try to go the China route, you need your 1200 hours and an FAA/EASA ATP to get an exam that is passable. I was there a few months back and 50% of the IR questions that are supposed to be in English are IN CHINESE, and not translated at all. The CPL-H questions are in unintelligible chinglish and personally, I could not identify anyone of the questions from the FAA database as people are claiming.

16th Mar 2013, 23:01

Can you send me some of the questions to get myself ready for the test?A lot of W&B questions?Do you also have some of this?Thks Francisco.:ok:

17th Mar 2013, 14:30

Do you still have info for studying to caac atp test?

My [email protected]



21st Mar 2013, 09:16
I'd love to have some info plz! PM me!

10th Aug 2013, 10:42
Hi Guys and Girls.

Does anybody have any recent information (summe2013) regarding the Chinese
ATPL test and do anybody know something about Hainan Airlines ?

Best L

15th Aug 2013, 11:04
Does anyone know an easy way or have notes on how to interpret RDMI or HSI pictures for exam. I get half right and half wrong. Been years since I've used them..?

Always Moving
15th Aug 2013, 13:20
Always B
You are already OUT trying to make sense of a senseless world...
I understand your frustration but...... B


Pin Head
1st Oct 2013, 17:01
Bit confused. Can someone help me where my efforts should be focused on? Is it a 737 or a dc9 for the performance.



30th Nov 2013, 10:49
Hi rwong,
Do you still have Info about caac question bank
Anything is much appreciated.

Kindest Regards


3rd Dec 2013, 00:45
I just finished a three year contract with VOR Holdings in China. They have a CAAC ATPL Practice Exam online for their candidates. It is located in their forum which is part of their website. Their pass rate is running at nearly 100%. I have heard that the average pass rate in China is about 50%.

4th Dec 2013, 08:43
Hello everybody, I'm in the process to go to china to pass the caac atpl..
I'have read a lot on the forum from 2007..
Does anyone have any recent experience from a recent caac atpl written test ?
What could be the best recommandation and strategy to pass with a maximum of chance ?
Does the question changed recently ?
How many A320, B737 performance charts, flight planning, and what kind ?
what kind of calculation questions ?..

thanks for your time, René-Louis

5th Dec 2013, 15:45
Dear René-Louis,

You should definitely talk with VOR Holdings. Actually, the CAAC written exam is the very least of your worries. You can take the written test over as many times as necessary. The company interview, company sim check, medical and the caac check ride are the hard parts. VOR Holdings has study information on its forum that provides each airline's sops, training guidelines, reports from previous pilots that have taken the check rides. They also support you through the interview and help you all the time that you fly in China. I know many other guys that came to China that were left with little or no support. Their lives were not fun.

Good luck! I hope everything goes well for you.

8th Dec 2013, 11:44
I came with Pilotmovers and these guys are good and supportive. They also have a short question database that makes your preparation for the ATPL less stressful.

Medical and Sim are not that difficult either if you are well briefed in advance. Normally your agency should do it.

As usual, choose your agency and the airline you are applying to in China. Otherwise you will be stuck forever in a bad airline, in China Airlines hold your papers and do not allow you to apply to other competitors without their consent.

Good luck!!!


8th Dec 2013, 13:10
Go search Gleim for the ATPL Qs. And yes, that is the easy part....

Check what your agents are offerring ... There are loss of licence and other elements offered by some and not others , pls bonds of up to 22k from some for NTRs if coming from narrow bodies.

Try tasman aviation or Longreachchina.com for some good info!


8th Dec 2013, 13:37
Dear René-Louis,

You should definitely talk with VOR Holdings. Actually, the CAAC written exam is the very least of your worries. You can take the written test over as many times as necessary. The company interview, company sim check, medical and the caac check ride are the hard parts. VOR Holdings has study information on its forum that provides each airline's sops, training guidelines, reports from previous pilots that have taken the check rides. They also support you through the interview and help you all the time that you fly in China. I know many other guys that came to China that were left with little or no support. Their lives were not fun.

Good luck! I hope everything goes well for you.

I'm glad that you had a good experience with VOR Holdings, but that does not appear to be the consensus view on this forum, or any other. Have they done away with the exclusivity clause in their contract? Have they ever got a good answer for tax treatment of U.S. citizens?


15th Jun 2014, 21:29
So I joined a very exclusive group this week. I am a member of a group of Americans who has actually passed the CAAC ATP written twice. I’m 2-0. Anyhow having made an 88 the first time I had a pretty good idea of what to study and I was up to about 100% on the FAA stuff and the Chinese questions that I had. This time I took the ATP near Shenzhen. I opened the test book and looked at all of the visuals first. Most of that stuff is directly lifted from the FAA books. I did not see any DC-9 performance visuals. The performance questions that refer to them are verbatim. I saw the FAA holding pattern RMIs but the holding question that I received did not refer to them. Last time I was around question 50 before I marked any for review. I was confident in a good score very early. This time was a total wackadoodle. I wasn’t nervous at all because I knew my stuff. I had made study guides last time and made them longer and better this time. My confidence was shattered around question #2. I had marked 15 questions for review by question 50. Yikes. Last time I had about 70-75 questions from the FAA. This time not so many. I had about 10 737 and 727 performance problems that were verbatim from the FAA. I had about another 10 questions that were the same or similar. The rest might as well have been written in Greek. That stuff I posted in 2011 in this thread about the airbus was easy for me to memorize. I had all of them down. None of the 3 airbus questions were in those problems. Some of the stuff did not even seem to be about aviation. I had a question about global warming. The guy I was with had one about getting shot down. There was a visual that I don’t ever recall seeing. It looked like an FAA visual but it may have been from the instrument written and not the ATP questions. It had 4 RMIs each with two pointers on each. The question said “If the plane makes a 180 degree turn which representation would result in a 30 degree intercept to the 180 degree radial. The choices were 2,3,4 not 1. If anyone can find where that came from it would be a big help. I think it’s just the luck of the draw. I studied the 1255 question bank and the 680 one. I made a 75 and was very stressed out. Time ran out before I finished. I was reviewing my answers to the Chinese questions at the end and time ran out. A message came up on the screen in Chinese and I saw a 75 in the middle of it. I asked the proctor and he said I passed.

I think the class A airspace over China begins at 6300 meters. I can’t find anyone that knows. The gouges and sample questions differ on that point.

Chinese question guessing strategy. Pick the longest one. One of mine had the words not and no about 7 times. The other answer made sense.I picked the one with all of the negations in it.

Chinese guessing strategy #2. If you see this A. 3 and M, B. 3 and X, C. 4 and X. Pick B. There are 2 3s and 2 Xs.

Here is some stuff from some of my study guides.

6000 200
6001 to 14K 230
14001 265

HSI Displacement is 200 Ft. Per NM per Dot. Per NM
Full Deflection is 10 Deg

Remember to check for a from arrow and the radial is the opposite.

ILS An provides 1.Guidance 2.Range and 3.Visual guidance. Green Red Violet

An SDF is 6 to 12 but an LDA is 3 off or more.

A 3 degree GS is 5 times the GS in knots

Head wind correction [Wind * (Time / 60)]

To convert GS and Climb gradient to VS multiply them together.

Servo tabs move the opposite direction as the control surface

Anti servo tabs oppose further movement and provide feel and move in the same direction as the surface

A control tab is used in the event of a manual reversion.

Load factor
60 Deg is 2 Gs.

Medicals are not required for practical tests in China if a simulator is used

Required reports in IFR and Not in radar contact

Coriolis Illusion Unpleasant tumbling sensation Head is bowed foreword rapidly during flight.
Coriolis illusion. An abrupt head movement
Leans.when a aircraft is in an abrupt recovery or a rapid correction
Somatogravic Illusion.A rapid acceleration or deceleration
Inversion Illusion. An abrupt change from a climb to straight and level flight

Constant rate turns and entirely different axis is Coriolis Illusion

Class 2 is 15 days and A and C
Series D. Airport information office.

Compressor Stalls
Compressor Stall is steady = Strong vibrations and loud Roar.
Steady state = Loud Roar and strong eng vib.=Most potential for sever eng damage.
Transient stall = intermitten bang

When Pilot is below 100hrs increase Min by 30 Meters D/A and 800m Vis

Servo Tabs
Control: Moves the Flight Controls in the event of a manual reversion

Flight plans, Dispatch releases and load manifests 3 months

Temp ATP only 120days
Voice Recorder kept for 60 days.

An Sic remains instrument current for 6 months

For supplemental the PIC is responsible for obtaining whether

Heat change by compression or expansion is Adiabatic

Roll out mode is armed at 1500ft.
Buss isolation occurs at 1000ft.

III A minimum is 200m

HIRL and MIRL have Amber lights on the last 2000 ft.

All rest req.
2 Pilots
8 in 24Hours
No more than 14 Hours on Duty
Can be extended to 9 if no more than 2 legs. But you need 10 hours reducible to 9.
If duty exceeds 14 you can’t reduce.

3 Pilots
No more than 16 in 24
No more than 14 Hours on Duty
Can’t fly more than 10
14 hours rest reducible to 12 if duty period doesn’t exceed 16.
Duty period must not exceed 18 hours.

4 Pilots
20 Hours of duty and 17 flight time
22 Hours of rest is required reducible to 20 if you did not exceed 20 hours.
Never can exceed 22 hours.

OM Blue
MM ____ _____
IM ……
BC ....

Outer Compass Locator has first 2 letters of the LOC and the Middle compass locator will have the last 2

TP Jet
Above 3 250 250
Below 3 200 210
20 out 150 170
Dep 150 230

Crew member: a person assigned to a duty in aircraft during flight(pilots, flight engineer, navigator, flight attendants, etc)
Flight crew member: pilots, flight engineer, navigator

Within the preceding 90days, not 3 T/O & L/G, must do 3 T/O & L/G

at least 1 T/O with a sim failure of the most critical power plant
at least 1 L/G from ILS approach to the lowest ILS min authorized for the certificate holder
at least 1 L/G to full stop

PIC under IFR, within the 6 months

logged at least 6 instrument approach, perform holding procedure, intercepted& tracked course through the use of Nav system
or passed an instrument competency check in the category of A/C involved

To eligible for CAT II authorization,

at least 6 ILS since the beginning of the 6th month before the test
must under sim or actual instrument condition, down to minimum in the type A/C
need not to DH of CAT II
at least 3,must be manually without approach coupler

Flag and domestic dispatch release:
1。ID number of aircraft
2.trip number
4.type of Operation (IFR/VFR)
5.min fuel supply
6.any additional weather reports or forecasts
(Memory aid) Trip #, Ship # Weather, Weather, Fuel and all airports.

Supplemental air carriers and commercial operators dispatch release
company or organization name
make, model and reg number
flight or trip number and the date
crew name
Dep/destination/intermediate/alternate and route
type of Operation (IFR/VFR)
min fuel supply
latest weather reports and forecast for the complete flight

PIC carry doc to destination and keep 3months

load manifest
flight release
flight plan
airworthiness release and pilot route certification(not for supplemental air carrier)

domestic and flag flight in china

fly to destination
thereafter ,fly to most distant alternate
thereafter ,fly 45min at normal cruising fuel consumption
if authorized by CAAC,

fly from specified airport to alternate
thereafter ,fly 45min at normal cruising fuel consumption
but ,no less than the requirement to fly to destination and thereafter 2hours at cruising fuel consumption

international (no-turbine and turbo-propeller)

fly to destination
thereafter ,fly to most distant alternate
thereafter ,fly 30min plus 15% of (1) (2)at normal cruising fuel consumption ,OR fly 90min at normal cruising fuel consumption, whichever is less
if no specified alternate,

fly to the destination
thereafter ,fly3 hours at normal cruising fuel consumption

international (turbo jet, other than turbo-propeller)

fly to destination , plus 10%
thereafter ,fly to most distant alternate
thereafter ,fly 30min at holding speed at 1500 ft over alternate
if no specified alternate,

fly to the destination
thereafter ,fly 2 hours at normal cruising fuel consumption

15th Jun 2014, 21:37
Upsloping Runway or Terrain Greater Height Lower Approaches
Downsloping Runway or Terrain Less Height Higher Approaches
Narrower-Than-Usual Runway Greater Height Lower Approaches
Bright Runway and Approach Lights Less Distance Higher Approaches
Wider-Than-Usual Runway Less Height Higher Approaches
Featureless Terrain Great Height Lower Approaches
Rain on Windscreen Greater Height Lower Approaches
Haze Greater Height Lower Approaches
Penetration of Fog Pitching Up Steeper Approaches
I cant get this to print with spaces in it. Sorry! You will receive a partial refund.

Use Oxygen
when we fly above 10 000 feet (3 050 meters) during the day or above5 000 feet (1 525 meters) at night, we should use supplemental oxygen.

One mile is .621 KM
1 meter is 3.28 Ft.
Landing 50 feet high will cause 1000 of additional landing distance
Required reports
Vacating an assigned altitude
Altitude change when VFR on top
Unable 500FPM
Missed app.
Cruse 10 Knots or 5 %
Reaching a holding fix
Leaving a holding fix
Failed Nav equipment
Designated comp reporting points
Leaving the FAF inbound.
When ETA changes by 3 min to a fix.

Airbus. Pick the middle value except these 30.1, 30.2,31.6, 33.5. All start with T.O. Weight if A320 is in an answer. Although none of those questions came up.

Clearway: Part of the rwy for decelerating a rejected takeoff
Stop Way: A clearing of trees before the rwy.

Max permissible variation between the 2 bearing indicators on a DUAL VOR
system when CHECKING one VOR AGAINST THE OTHER? 4 deg on ground
and in flight

If AIRBORNE checkpoint is used to CHECK THE VOR system for IFR
operations, the max BEARING ERROR permissible is plus or minus 6 deg
If a FLAG air CARRIER flight lands at an immediate airport at 1845Z, and
experiences a delay, what is the LATEST TIME it may DEPART for the next
airport WITHOUT a REDISPATCH release? 0045Z (6 hours)

An aircraft that encounters a HEADWIND of 40 knots, within a MICROBURST,
may expect a TOTAL SHEAR cross the microburst of 80 knots.

Loss of cabin pressure may result in HYPOXIA because as cabin altitude
increases oxygen PARTIAL PRESSURE is decreased.

Symptom of HYPERVENTILATION- TINGLING of the hands, legs and feet.

extend as far as 5,000 FEET ABOVE THE TROPOPAUSE.

Thrust is being managed to maintain desired indicated airspeed and the glide
slope is being flown.

Which CHARACTERISTICS should be observed when a

When will the FLARE ARM annunciated? At the engagement of the second

118.1 is in Mhz.

IFR is G

420 nautical miles = N0420

0.70 Mach = M070.

Below FL180, en route weather advisories should be obtained from an FSS on 122.0MHZ

If the f irst portion of the flight is under IFR and the latter portion is under VFR, pilot
should f i ll the FLIGHT RULES box with letter Y.

题目: On the constant pressure analysis chart, aircraft and satel l ite observations are used
in the analysis over areas of sparse data. An aircraft observation is plotted using
A: a station circle at the aircraft location.
B: a square at the aircraft location.
C: a star at the aircraft location.

题目: On the constant pressure analysis chart, satel l ite and aircraft observations are used
in the analysis, over areas of sparse data. A satel l ite observation plotted using
A: a station circle at the cloud top location.
B: a square at the cloud top location.
C: a star at the cloud top location.

题目: Compared to dynamic hydroplaning, at what speed does viscous hydroplaning occur
when landing on a smooth, wet runway?
A: At approximately 2.0 times the speed that dynamic hydroplaning occurs
B: At a lower speed than dynamic hydroplaning
C: At the same speed as dynamic hydroplaning

When a flight plan indicates IFR for the entire route, pi lot should fi ll the FLIGHT
RULES box with letter I.

For scheduled airline, pilots should f ill in the box of TYPE OF FLIGHT with letter S

Which altitude is appropriate to the top of Class B airspace? FL 6,300m. (I think)

题目: The information required in the flight release for supplemental air carriers and
commercial operators that is not required in the dispatch release for f lag and domestic air
carriers is the names of all crewmembers.

The TWEB Route Forecasts and Synopses are issued by the Weather Service
Forecast Offices (WSFOs) four times per day according to t ime zone. The TWEB forecast is
val id for a12-hour period.

15th Jun 2014, 21:42
D -- Detect the fact that a change has occurred;
E -- Estimate the need to counter or react to the change;
C -- Choose a desirable outcome for the success of the flight;
I -- Identify actions which could successfully control the change;
D -- Do the necessary, action to adapt to the change;
E -- Evaluate the effect of the action.

CAAC within l0 days after the pilot returning to
his/her home base.
When ATC gives priority to an aircraft in an emergency, the chief of the ATC facility
involved may ask the pilot-in-command to submit a report. If asked, the pilot-in-command
must submit a detailed written report to the ATC facility manager within 48 hours. This is
required whether or not there was a deviation from regulations.

题目:What are the line check requirements for the pilot in command for a domestic air
C: The line check is required every 12 months in each type aircraft in which the
pilot may fly.

题目: If the f irst portion of the flight is under IFR and the latter portion is under VFR, pilot
should f i ll the FLIGHT RULES box with letter
A:Y. (Why would you just fly under IFR the whole way)

题目: During multiauto pilot approaches, bus isolation occurs at:
A: 500 ft AGL
B: 1000 ft AGL
C: 1500 ft AGL

题目: For scheduled airline, pilots should f il l in the box of TYPE OF FLIGHT with letter

题目: In average, for every 1,000 feet increase in the troposphere, the temperature of the
air wi l l
A: descend 2℃

Now on to the medical. On my U.S. EKG I get two messages at the top right. One says arrhythmia and the other says T-wave abnormality. This was the flunker last time. After 3 years of writing letters I got screened by another company. They knew in advance that I would require additional test and because I had those same test run 3 years ago in the U.S. The company and I already knew what the results would be. A T-wave abnormality usually indicates Ischemia (heart attack). There is no relief in the Chinese regulation for ischemia. They have to know that you are not ischemic or no medical for you. Last time Capital could have sent me for more testing but no soup for me. This time another company sent me. I had a CAT scan with an iodine injection. Yes that sucker hurt bad for about 5 seconds. They can also do an angiogram to verify that the T-wave abnormality is a “false positive”. I kept it under a lid that I had been to China before and canned for the medical. Only my closest friends know. Looks like I am headed to China for employment this time. At the time of this post I haven’t heard back yet.

Best of luck to you guys!

6th Jul 2014, 00:39
Hi I had a look at the Huaxun website but unfortunately it asks for a password to view the exam study material. Any ideas on how to get hold of a password?

17th Jul 2014, 01:31
Hey fellows, same boat as above- the question bank in the links on previous pages of this thread is now password protected. I'll purchase the Gleim, my screening is in 2 months! (28 years since I wrote my ATPL, geez, we didn't even have personal computers back then!) Any help much appreciated.

17th Jul 2014, 03:02
I was wondering if anyone would offer up their password foot the Chinese written on vor holdings sight? Hate to gather and send all the documents..... Any help would be greatly appreciated!

24th Jul 2014, 16:59
Does anyone have any guidance on which parts to the FAA ATP test guide to study? I wouldn't assume the part 135 stuff or the FAA regs would be of great importance, or the recip airplane questions....

Thanks for your help.

5th Aug 2014, 10:39
Based on my experience, study the A320/727 performance questions. They may account for 8 or so questions, all the other questions are what YOU already know. Any questions, PM me.

5th Aug 2014, 17:35
Thank you very much. I will pm you soon.

5th Aug 2014, 19:14
I just finished writing the exam. The 100 questions that you will see are randomly chosen from the Chinese question bank.
With that said, in the performance you could see DC9/B737/A320 or even B727. Your best bet is to get ahold of a Chinese study guide and the Jan or June 2014 Chinese ATPL question bank and then be prepared to see 30% new questions, that you've not seen.

26th Aug 2014, 17:07
Thanks for the info. I hope all turns out well.

18th Sep 2014, 10:14
I was wondering if anyone would offer up their password foot the Chinese written on vor holdings sight? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

2nd Aug 2015, 13:53
Hi Everyone,

Does anyone have any current Chinese ATP study material, especially for the performance, calculation type questions. I took this test a few years ago and passed it with luck. Any help appreciated;).

10th Dec 2015, 09:04
Hi everyone, I have lots of study material for the Chinese ATPL which I'm willing to share. In the mean time I have found out that the whole test has changed as of about a month ago and all the feedback questions are mostly defunct.

Does anyone know about the new test? It looks like China is now hiring again in a big way.

Best of luck

18th Dec 2015, 05:58
Just finished the ATPL exam and can confirm that the test question bank has been updated and has changed significantly. Failure rate, I can only approximate was at least 1/2 if not more. Pass marks were around mid 70's and failures were around the mid 60%, so there wasn't much of a spread.
About 1/2 of the question bank was new and unseen, based on the 2013 and 2014 question bank. New topics that I hadn't seen study material on prior, were Low Vis operations, Dangerous Goods, GPS and RNAV approach theory.
It's just my summation, but it will be awhile before an updated question bank will be released. In the event of a failure, you have to await 28 days to rewrite. Good luck.

9th Jan 2016, 15:44
Hi there! Any news about new, updated version of Chineese ATPL and law exams? Any help will be appreciated...

10th Jan 2016, 18:43
edited ... ...... ...

The paranoid android
13th Jan 2016, 10:50
So....going a bit crazy studying for the Chinese ATPL test and this subject seems to have many different answers regarding which practice questionnaire you stumble upon. The question goes (I copied them straight from the 2 tests, so no phrasing has been changed):
An air carrier may schedule a pilot to fly in an airplane, in any calendar month, for no more than
B.90 hours
In this questionnaire the correct answer is indicated to be B

Another questionnaire asks:
An air carrier may schedule a pilot to fly in an airplane, in any calendar month, for no more than
B.90 hours

In this questionnaire the correct answer is indicated to be C. Anybody able to clarify? The Chinese CRAR121 I have (revision 2) states 1000-year/270-3months/100 months, but the socalled Blue Book states 90 hours...
Frustration is currently my middle name :confused:

13th Jan 2016, 21:29
100 hrs is correct...

14th Jan 2016, 02:26
I'm going to write the exam next month. Any info related to the new questions will be greatly appreciated.
I 've been logging in a website that the local pilots use but not sure if the updated questions are there.

14th Jan 2016, 09:52
In regards to the monthly limit on flying hours CCAR 135.267 refers:

135.267 Crewmember flight time limitations in every week, month, and year
(a) No certificate holder may assign any flight crewmember an assignment unless that
crewmember's total flight time will not exceed the following limitations. The total flight time
includes the flight time during operations under this regulation and other flight time during
training, ferry flights, etc.
(1) No more than 40 hours in any 7 consecutive calendar days;
(2) No more than 100 hours in any calendar month and no more than
270 hours in any three consecutive calendar months; and
(3) No more than 1,000 hours in any calendar year.
(b) No certificate holder may assign any cabin attendant an assignment

unless that cabin attendant’s total flight time will not exceed the following limitations:
(1) No more than 40 hours in any 7 consecutive calendar days;
(2) No more than 120 hours in any calendar month; and
(3) No more than 1,300 hours in any calendar year.

27th Jan 2016, 22:57
Hello airpasty!

I am new to the forum, and I joined because I am looking for materials to study for the Chinese CAAC Exam. Any chance you may be able to share some of those study materials?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Fire Ball XL5
30th Jan 2016, 16:34
Application for iPad called..."Chinese Airline Pilot ATPL CAAC Exam Prep"
Has the latest info... 2015/2016.... it costs $$ but if your looking for the latest info... ?? Small price to pay.:ok:

31st Jan 2016, 01:51
I have found work in china and would appreciate any information on the ATPL examination.

I had a look at that app but only 5 downloads and one review saying the app is a scam can anyone confirm as to the legitimacy of the app?

1st Feb 2016, 06:19
I used Gliem online, + the chinese atpl caac by dauntless, and the info sent by various friends/sources! The app was good, it does state that they are hoping for more updates, but the knowledge base is good. There are just some questions with very poor english or missing parts! It is a wee bit of luck as to the exact test you get, some just sound easier than others!

1st Feb 2016, 12:05
Hey brother, how do you know it contains the latest info from 2015/2016?

On the latest download they have a statement saying they have the latest information almost complete and should be done very soon (Before Mid Feb). As they have this information, it's reasonably safe to assume they are keeping it up to date as best as possible.

1st Feb 2016, 18:19
Dauntless....600 more questions added...I recall around 1700-1800, now it is 2400 questions.

3rd Feb 2016, 04:07
Well i have been studying using the www.chinaatpl.com by dauntless software!

It was updated this week and i am confident that it has it all.

I will update the result when i have done the test

3rd Feb 2016, 10:27
Does anyone have a de-code for the pictorial aerodrome weather reports they ask about?

29th Jan 2017, 13:04
Could you email me what u have with regards to the Chinese ATPL exam blue book green book questions answers thanks

4th Feb 2017, 19:09
Try the Dauntless Chinese ATPL app. Good way to practice your Chinglish as well.