View Full Version : Man argues safety of helicopter with city officials

21st Jan 2007, 19:35
“It is very exciting until it clips a tree and shrapnel starts flying everywhere,” said Punke.


Sounds like Europe, no?


Seriously though, how do we allow such mindless officials to run... everything?

scooter boy
22nd Jan 2007, 12:10
What a surprise.
"Jealous groundlubber sees hard working bloke having fun on his way to work and wants him to stop immediately".
Getting a $100 ticket per landing would not be too bad compared to Battersea though!

Ho hum,


22nd Jan 2007, 12:40
Folks, please to recall Eureka is in California.....land of Fruits, Flakes, and Nuts.

Think of the wording of the law....if it is not specifically listed in the permit....one cannot do such a thing.

As the helicopter owner says....apply that standard to him....and the city will have to apply that standard to everyone.

Even the Federal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals...the most Liberal in the country would have to support him on that issue. One would hope anyway.

MSP Aviation
23rd Jan 2007, 01:36
i've always thought about local ordnances banning rooftop landings (specifically in my hometown, new york city, which somehow makes an acception for its own police helis...).

according to our constitution, only the federal government may pass laws regulating interstate commerce. (the F in FAA means federal, aka interstate). i assume that this man's company has sold or purchased items from out of state, and therefore the helicopter he commutes in is aiding that business. as far as any state is concerned, rooftop landings are not dangerous (they are not prohibited by the FAA), and therefore they have no grounds to interfere with the interstate commerce of this man and his business.

i rest my case.

23rd Jan 2007, 10:57
Interesting point, MSP. However, you'd have to look at the jurisprudence to see how far the courts have gone in interpreting "interstate commerce" and incidental matters related to it.

23rd Jan 2007, 23:02
The sensible solution would be to mail 10 $100 bills to the town and ask them to please keep track. At least having a city official sitting out there counting would keep them from hassling some other taxpayer.

24th Jan 2007, 19:46
Just to let you know. Its Euerka, Il. Sorry Eureka, Il.

24th Jan 2007, 20:02
Just to let you know. Its Euerka, Il.

It might be Eureka, IL and you might be in Florida.

24th Jan 2007, 21:56
If it is Illinois....one would not be wise to send cash to the local politicians....corruption is more than a way of life in that state. Illinois makes Louisana look good in that regard.

On the other hand....perhaps that would be the easy solution for the problem. Donate to the Governor's Defense fund and get a pass on the problem.

Robbo Jock
24th Jan 2007, 22:08
Corruption in American politics? Heaven forfend! And here's me thinking the US was the democracy upon which all democracies worldwide should be modelled.

24th Jan 2007, 23:22
We have the finest politicians that money can buy!

24th Jan 2007, 23:31
I agree that there should be a law against using a helicopter to clip trees. Or hedges, topiary and other shrubs for that matter.