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View Full Version : Flight Simulator Stuff

15th Aug 2006, 19:45
OK, I have just invested in a copy of MS flight SIM, and was wondering which joystick and or throttle combo people who use it would recommend.

I'm currently doing an ATPL integrated course, so I get plenty of "real" flying, but I'm using flight sim to practice instrument flying etc. For this I don't really need the joystick, but sometimes I like to just plug in the 172 and have a blast around.

Funds are pretty limited so am not looking for a top of the range piece of kit, just something that means I can control the A/C properly without the interminable lag I get when using the keyboard!

Any ideas as to make/model, and also where to buy would be greatly appreciated!



Rev I. Tin
15th Aug 2006, 20:23
Hi Chap,

First of all, I think you posted in the wrong forum. Ho hum.

Anyway, as with anything PC based try and buy what you can afford.

I am assuming you are talking about Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004? If so a bog standard joystick can be obtained from most PC shops or internet i.e. PC World or www.dabs.com
For flightsim use you are looking for a joystick with throttle and a twisting hand grip for yaw/rudder with a POV hat and about 6-8 action buttons.

Logitech or Saitek are good buys.

I personally would have waited 2 months for Flight Sim 10 to come out.

15th Aug 2006, 20:53
Thanks for the advice Rev. I'm not really into flight simming per se, just useful for practicing ILS procedures, instrument flying etc. Didn't really want to go through all the hassle of signing up to simmers forum to ask for info as a one off, and I know plenty of simmers use this forum.

I'm currently bidding on a Saitek Cyborg Platinum 3D on EBay, hopefully it'll be ok!



Rev I. Tin
15th Aug 2006, 21:10
The Saitek Cyborg would be ideal for your use. Good luck with your bidding.

With regards to the correct forum, I meant the Pprune Computer/Internet forum down the bottom not a simmers forum:ok:

If you start making aeroplane noises or shouting 'Lock on, Fox 2' whilst flightsim flying, you have gone too far and need to get out immediately.

16th Aug 2006, 08:30
Not the cheapest option, but the CH Products Yoke and Pedals are a must have for anyone who's interested in realism.

The other FS 'must haves' are FS Navigator (so you can see airways, ILS beams, VOR's and generally orientate yourself) and Active Camera Pro which gives you the ability to move around the virtual cockpit - useful for visual approaches.

Finally, get yourself a few add-on aircraft as the default ones are a joke, especially the jets. The Level D 767-300 is acknowledged as one of the best as the attention to detail extends to the CC yelling at you over the interphone if you set the packs to too hot or cold! I'd also advise a good prop trainer, you can't go wrong with the Carenado Cherokee or similar.

Hell, while you're at it, get some realistic scenery for some UK airports from UK 2000 scenery so you can get the hang of where the taxiways and hold points are in real life. And the weather function in FS is crap so you'll need Active Sky for more realistic weather, and by the time you've got all this you'll need a £3000 PC to run it all...Still, beats an X Box :ok:

16th Aug 2006, 11:10
May be worth waiting for MS Flight Simulator X, due out in October.



15th Jan 2007, 16:03
i was wandering if the pmdg add ons for flight simulator 2004 worked on FS X. Also if the level-d 767-300ER add on worked as they say some add ons work.


15th Jan 2007, 17:08
As far as i'm aware the PMDG 747 for FSX still hasn't been released. Although i'm under the impression they're working on it. Can't remember exactly what our latest contact said about the update.

Pretty much all you need to know will be on their site and in the forums.

I pretty sure it's a similar story with the Level D. Although i'm far more in the dark about this add-on than the PMDG. I'm sure they're working on it.
More info can probably be found on their site too, and most probably in their forum.
