View Full Version : Airwork In Unzed

10th Jan 2007, 00:22
Just wondering what these guys are like to work for.

I have heard good and bad things. I have Metro time F/O only 1000hrs +
I have heard the Metro Fleet boss is a little weird and has his clicky groups

Can someone shed some light/truths here on this for me please.



10th Jan 2007, 01:06
You must be thinking of the old Fleet captain. I hear they have a new one - Why don't you ring them..

Nice buch of guys and ok place to work for

10th Jan 2007, 10:18
I too have heard mixed things - some good, some bad - but that is more on the helicopter side which has been on a slow downward spiral for quite some time.

The company is being readied for a float and the focus is on as much money in and as little money out as possible to make the books look as good as possible..