View Full Version : Anglo American?

6th Jan 2007, 06:33
hi all, compliments of the season and all the rest of that good stuff.
A very general query regarding Anglo Americans south African fleet of aircraft. Do they operate any B200's or have these been rendered obsolete by the pc12? What other aircraft do they operate? and to any of the old sea dogs out there, would you consider Anglo a respectable long term career option for a pilot wishing to sidestep the airlines and operate in the corporate sector??

11th Sep 2007, 07:32

Anglo is still regarded as the most respectable corporate avaition company in SA. They currently operate a full jet fleet of citation V's, lear jet 45's, citaion XL, a gulfstream V and an AB 139 helicopter.

Solid Rust Twotter
11th Sep 2007, 15:01
The trick is to get in there. I get the idea it's a recommendation by one of the incumbents that opens the portals. A hail of CVs doesn't work, phone calls are difficult as you can never find anyone at the office and just pitching at the gate gets you a load of attitude from the guard.

Perhaps a combined air and land assault with paratroopers and armour to breach their defences will do it.

12th Sep 2007, 18:18
SRT, keep on trying

Solid Rust Twotter
12th Sep 2007, 18:55
Does the gate guard respond better to bribery or bludgeoning?;)

13th Sep 2007, 03:36
SRT ,tell him you work for the union,going to get him a pay rise.

Solid Rust Twotter
13th Sep 2007, 05:19
I can't dance, he'll never believe I work for the union.....:}