View Full Version : Job in Dominican Republic

3rd Jan 2007, 20:52
Is someone have some informations about helicopters jobs in DR ?:)
Thanks !

5th Jan 2007, 20:48
It was kind of predictable you would get no answers...
This is your first post but no input, no contribution, no introduction of yourself...
Don't be surprised if others call French people rude... :sad:

Arthur's Wizard
6th Jan 2007, 10:44
It was kind of predictable you would get no answers...
This is your first post but no input, no contribution, no introduction of yourself...
Don't be surprised if others call French people rude... :sad:

That was a bit harsh wasn't it? How many posts would you consider acceptable before he could ask a reasonable question? These forums are for everyone who takes the time to register, not just those that browse/post regularly and therefore feel that the site belongs to them.

If people consider the French to be rude, it probably has more to do with your response than Sylvain's question.

6th Jan 2007, 16:54
Actually, I personally did not find it harsh...
I understand her point about how to introduce a question in a forum. I agree with you Arthur that those forums are for everyone, but again if I want to get some answers from a question of 20 words, I should not be surprised to get answers even shorter than that.
Who is Sylvain, besides the fact he is French?
Ratings, experience, education....?
Elena, you were right :)

6th Jan 2007, 21:13
Aerodomca (http://www.aerodomca.com)
Aircentury (http://www.aircentury.com)
Helicópteros del Caribe Grupo Cams
Av Sarasota 27
Santo Domingo
(809) 534-9337
Av A Lincoln
Santo Domingo
(809) 732-8809
Helidosa (http://www.helidosa.com) "under construction" for quite a long time