View Full Version : Air India Captain arrested after stashing body

Panama Jack
28th Dec 2006, 11:07
26 December 2006
By Gary Anderson
A PILOT has been grounded after forgetting about a dead man on board his plane - to the dismay of baggage handlers who found the body in the hold. . . .
read more here (http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/tm_headline=pilot--forgot--about-body-&method=full&objectid=18328267&siteid=94762-name_page.html)

29th Dec 2006, 04:35
Just hope that the dead man's ghost will not haunt him :eek:

Thermal Image
29th Dec 2006, 05:15
26 December 2006
By Gary Anderson
A PILOT has been grounded after forgetting about a dead man on board his plane - to the dismay of baggage handlers who found the body in the hold. . . .
read more here (http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/tm_headline=pilot--forgot--about-body-&method=full&objectid=18328267&siteid=94762-name_page.html)
You don't have a problem with English, as demonstrated by your ability to say what you mean from previous posts.
However your subject title is at the very least misleading, whether it be for malicious or harmless reasons.
The natural and plain meaning of "Air India Captain arrested after stashing body" is that:
1. The captain (himself) hid (or stored) a body.
2. He was arrested for that act of hiding (or storing) the body.
The article (http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/tm_headline=pilot--forgot--about-body-&method=full&objectid=18328267&siteid=94762-name_page.html) is clear in that:
a. The captain did not himself hide or store the body. He merely gave instructions for it to be stowed in the hold, a very reasonable instruction in the circumstances.
b. He was arrested, on the grounds of "suspicion of causing a public nuisance by his forgetfulness". Not for the act of ordering that the body be stowed.
Perhaps you have some agenda to malign Air India, Russians or captains?

Panama Jack
29th Dec 2006, 08:25
None of the above, actually. It was the headline as shown on another website where I picked up on the story.

We all have skeletons in our own closet (some literal, some figuartive). Have a great day. :ok:

30th Dec 2006, 03:31
T.I. in effect the Capt stored the body in the hold by issuing the order to do so...without any specific guidance or other instruction from flt dept management I would have probably done the same thing..couple of decades ago on a domestic flt my cabin crew discovered a pax with a severe case of rigor mortis, the pax was offloaded at a transit stop.... in an international situation, a thorough consultation with flt dept mgmnt and the local authorities would be in order...find it hard to believe the Capt "forgot" this had taken place..:confused:

Ray Darr
30th Dec 2006, 07:03
...Perhaps you have some agenda to malign Air India, Russians or captains?

ACTUALLY, PJ has been known to have a fit of rage, throwing his toys, or at the very least he winds up having a hissy-fit at the mere mention of things like "wow, I heard that Air India is going to announce a fleet reduction!" or when someone asks him: "hey wanna join us and have some vodka with later today, comrade?" or the worst one is when he reads that there are an equal amount of Captain's in the cockpit as there are Captain's-In-training..."

Methinks "Cut-and-Paste" is a good thing, and one shouldn't dis the poster. PJ just MIGHT snap one day and lose it again, as was shown here in his most recent episode of throwing a hissy-fit at a local eating establishment, caught by security cameras...witnesses heard him repeating aloud "Don't mention Air India, Russians or captains...you don't want me to hear you SAYING Air India, Russians OR CAPTAINS!!" as these piccy's were taken:


Back to the original posting...

It's actually Gary Anderson, the reporter who wrote the story that PJ referred us to that you should contact. Ask Gary if he has a beef against those maligned you mentioned. His editor can be blasted via: [email protected]

And why should it be up to the Captain to pass on those details? What do they want the Captain's to do - personally announce each item as it is brought off the aircraft? SO WHAT if he "forgot" to mention what was in the hold! Isn't the company that was contracted to place the demised into the hold responsible to send a SITA message to the destination handler? This shouldn't be the basis for arresting someone. Poor chap will be stuck with tea and crumpets instead of borscht, black bread, and вода (water)!

Happy New Year all.


Panama Jack
30th Dec 2006, 08:19
:uhoh: I think you must know me all too well, Ray. :(

30th Dec 2006, 20:55
What do they want the Captain's to do - personally announce each item as it is brought off the aircraft?

your family will be glad to bury an item on your demise :rolleyes: