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View Full Version : SIA Cargo DEC

Heavens Gate
19th Dec 2006, 07:45
Just a short question:
I have been invited to join SIA Cargo as a B744 DEC, however, I heard some rumours that lately SIA (mainline? cargo?) is not extending DEC contracts, as they are trying to reduce the number of expats.
Any thruth to this? Thanks for your help

Left Coaster
19th Dec 2006, 09:14
Hi, Not quite, but some of the "older" fellows who apparently will turn 60 in their next contract are out of the running I hear. The 744 mainline will be overstaffed for 2007 due to the A380 delay. Having said that if you accept the offer, your contract length would be long enough that any extra crew levels would be long gone. The planned levels of crews will no doubt be back to SIA (and SIA Cargo) planned levels long before your contract is due to expire. Don't count out any hiccups like a massive bird flu outbreak, but it's out of anyones hands when it comes to that kind of disaster. Some offers of Great Wall secondment are in the mix as well and will keep the numbers closer to planned levels. You make the call, are you leaving a job with a smaller carrier? It's a good job for a while any way you look at it. Hope this helps...
Cheers and maybe see you around!

Heavens Gate
19th Dec 2006, 13:52
helps a lot...thanks.

21st Dec 2006, 06:53
Hi guys any info about SIA cargo much appreciated.

Lifestyle, rostering, etc.
Do they base crews in Europe like CX?



23rd Dec 2006, 03:23
Left Coaster are you talking about mainline or cargo? Where exactly did you hear that contracts are not being renewed for mature types?

Left Coaster
23rd Dec 2006, 11:05
HI SQC, Heard it out on the line...cant remember where...:ugh: but it came from a mainline guy who seemed to have some good info on it. It was inferred that it was mainline pilots. I did say "apparently", and if anyone has better info please pass it on. Anyway, just want to take this time to wish all of you the very best for the Holidays and safe flying.:ok:

26th Dec 2006, 04:54
Just came from STC. SQ is still renewing contracts of Expats including OSB pilots :D. There are a lot of rumors floating around to the contrary but negative rumors have always been part of life in SQ.

30th Dec 2006, 07:31
Happy New Year Guys,

A friend of mine (SQC) has just had his contract renewed until age 60 so I guess all the rumours are false.