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View Full Version : Japan Airline Express

12th Dec 2006, 10:42
Last thread on this airline is locked due to time constraints......

Can anyone provide updated information re the airline or does this statement still apply?

As an ex pilot for this mob, I would say be very careful what you get yourself in for. Fact is that 2/3 of the original crew who started here have resigned. Often for lower paying jobs , albeit with a more "positive" working environment.
The management is the worst I have ever worked for and that says something coming from an ex contract person.
Expect to have your "contract" re-interpreted by management in any way that suits them. Even the contractors will just shrug their shoulders and say well, if you don't like it there is the door. Also I would never subject my family to living in the comapny shattaku.... Dingy mould infested hole where people will spy on you putting out your garbage to make sure you put it in the right baskets! Like I can't read? Psychos!

