View Full Version : Terps/pan Ops

12th Dec 2006, 08:38
Sorry if this is a stupid question.....

Does anyone know what the differences are between TERPS and PAN OPS Charts?.....


3 Holer
12th Dec 2006, 08:53
PANS - OPS or Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Aircraft Operations can be referenced HERE (http://www.airnavigationinstitute.ch/courses.html)

TERPS or U.S. Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures can be referenced HERE (http://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/avs/offices/afs/afs400/afs420/terps_tools/)

.............and it's not a stupid question.:ok:

12th Dec 2006, 10:07
....how big a piece of paper have you got? They are different in nearly all aspects.

Pretty much the obstacle protection areas are constructed differently and the minimum obstacle clearance figures are different....there is a stack more but that is about the crux of it

All AsA DAP plates are designed to PANS-OPS criteria, some RAAF plates are TERPS as there are miltary type approaches that aren't covered in PANS-OPS.

The links above will answer what more specific questions you have....be warned they are thick manuals and some of the language used can be a little confusing

:ok: Alpha

12th Dec 2006, 20:55
I'm a long way from being an expert but AFAIK, the biggest difference you need to be aware of for a day-to-day operation is that they have different sized circling areas.

Hazy recall but TERPS had a circling area which is one size while PANS-OPS have different dimensions depending upon aircraft category.


13th Dec 2006, 05:01
MONK, definately not a stupid question. If you use Jeppesen chart products can I suggest that you read page 115b in the Introduction. If you use AsA products then read this (http://www.airservicesaustralia.com/publications/current/dap/LegendInfoTablesTOC.htm).

3 Holer The link you posted for PANS-OPS is for a course only, not the manual. Funnily enough about two weeks ago I was trying to find an on line version of PANS-OPS myself, does anyone know if they exist?

14th Dec 2006, 12:43
Thanks guys.....will definitely look more into it.....so many rules to remember....wouldn't it be nice if it was all the same everywhere you go?...in some ways it might be even safer as you don't have to remember which rules apply where....I guess its all in the preflight preparation.....

Have a nice xmas to everyone.....