View Full Version : McQantas to lose goverment support

10th Dec 2006, 20:16
if mcqantas goes a head it could mean open skies for australia.this would reduce the sale price when the millonaires factory sell its gutted remains in a few years

11th Dec 2006, 01:48
Ho ho! heehee! Ha ha! Macquarie has made an art form out of twisting politicians around their little finger!

Furthermore, according to today's press, They apparently plan to hock all the jets to raise about 5 billion of the purchase price.

Macca's will buy Qantas, then threaten the Federal Government with the complete collapse of Qantas if (a) The 49% cap remains and (b) Their capacity "monopoly" is not maintained.

The picture they will paint if the status quo is not twisted to suit them will be theatrical- why they may need to sell the brand name to....China!

The value in Qantas is still the brand name, and the resonance that brand name still has with the less intelligent of Australian voters will stop the Feds from adopting an "open skies" approach.