View Full Version : NAC saved !!!!!?????

5th Dec 2006, 14:59

5th Dec 2006, 16:55
I wish them the best of luck if they treat all applicants the same...

I applied there about 1½ years ago, no reply.
Then again I emailed them two weeks ago, and again I didnt recieve an answer.

One thing is for sure now, they aren't gonna get a single € from me for any flight training.....

5th Dec 2006, 20:52
Sounds strange, fritzi! :ooh: Must have been a glitch? But I'm not surprised you didn't receive an answer on you last mail. They've cut back on staff, and people work shifts, so it could have been lost in the "in-box", or they haven't had the time to look at any new aopplications, considering the situation they've been in. Try calling them instead, perhaps :ok: You'd be really silly not to apply if they manage to pull the University deal off. You'd be looking at a serious discount and a bachelor of aviation degree...

5th Dec 2006, 21:47
Slik jeg forstod det på NRK så gjenstår det fortsatt å finne penger til utdannelsen. Får håpe at dette ikke bare var politisk pjatt uten at det ligger noe mer konkret bak det...man vet jo aldri.

7th Dec 2006, 10:27
Som jeg trodde, så er det selvfølgelig fortsatt ikke avklart:
”Jeg kan ikke tro vi har vært på samme møte,” konkluderer politisk rådgiver i Kunnskapsdepartementet, Roger Pedersen, etter å ha lest oppslagene i nordnorsk presse de siste dagene. Pedersen var selv med på møtet.
Hele artikkelen: http://www.hangar.no/articles/1810/1/Total-forvirring-om-statssubsidiert-flyskole-i-Tromso/Jeg-kan-ikke-tro-vi-har-vaert-pa-samme-mote.html