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View Full Version : Spaniard, should I train in UK or in Spain??

5th Dec 2006, 09:15
Hi everyone!
First... this forum is great!!
Second... I kind of need help hehe! so any comments are more than welcome thanks!

I am planning to start to train from 0 to ATPL starting in february in a spanish school (aeroflota noroeste). I am doing my medical test in Madrid this coming 18th of december, but theres a few questions that I would like to ask u guys:
- Is there any chances for me, once I have finished the course, to get a job in the uk?? is it someones case?? (a bit of my backgroud, being working as an english teacher for the last 4 years).
- If I can choose between doing it in england and doing it in spain, which one do you think It will give me more posibilities when looking for a job??
- Does anybody know any information about "aeroflota noroeste"? (I have already visited the school but I havent met any students at all)

Thanks for all your coments... I just want to make sure that I am in the right path and with the right people too! is a lot of money as you know...


6th Dec 2006, 08:58

I personally don´t know the school Afn, but as far as I know the best places to do your studies in Spain are :

- American Flyers (Madrid): http://www.americanflyers.es/index_en.html

Good instructors, big fleet, fto of Gestair Group,you finish on time promised

- Flight Training Europe (Jerez), http://www.flighttrainingeurope.com/ ,

Very high level

- Aeromadrid (Madrid): http://www.aeromadrid.com/

Big fleet, you finish on time promised

Good luck

flaps 15% :cool:

6th Dec 2006, 09:21
- Aeromadrid (Madrid): http://www.aeromadrid.com/

Big fleet, you finish on time promised

Aeromadrid used to be one of the best flight schools in Spain some years ago. However, since last year things are a bit different. The board of directors has changed and many people think they are not doing well. Not only are the students finishing after 25 - 30 months due to many many problems with the Arrow and Seneca fleet, but because of the lack of FI's and problems with the flight scheduling department as well.

On the other hand I must say the overall training is still very good, specially the simulator training (very experienced instructors).

To sum up, at this moment I would definitely recommend Flight Training Europe, Jerez. You will fly almost everyday so you will finish before 18 months and the training is really good.

Good luck!

6th Dec 2006, 10:32
Hey, thanks for the comments,

I still dont know if I should do it modular or integrated. Some schools say that it works out cheaper to do it integrated and some say the opposite. What do you think?

6th Dec 2006, 12:04
The modular path is quite cheaper. However it will take you more time and there is much more paperwork involved (more exams to do and thousands of forms to fill in at the DGAC so a lot of waiting time). I would do it integrated, it's quicker and easier.

6th Dec 2006, 19:25
Hi everyone!

I am planning to start to train from 0 to ATPL starting in february in a spanish school (aeroflota noroeste).


Hi mate,
I´m spanish and the only thing I can say about this school, is get the hell out from them! I have already visited the school. The guy (director) whatever he is, was triying to make me sign a contract in the first interview! I was getting info about this school cos is the closest one to my home. So I knew that really is a very poor school for doing your training. One friend of mine told me that 2friends from him did their training there and now one of them is working as firemen, and the other one is unemployed. This is just an example. Also I think 58000€ is a lot of money for this school. For this price I would rather prefer to do my training in any other like Adventia or Topfly and pay a little bit more.

If u wanna go to a great place, and without any doubt the best school in Spain and you are rich, Flight Training Europe in Jerez is the right one for you. It is said that they guarantee you a job when finishing the program. It is an english school and has a lot of "contacts" in the UK. The program is about 90000€.

But honestly if you are from the UK, why dont you do ur training there? I think pilot market situation is much better there than in Spain! Try Oxford, that is about the same price as Flight Training Europe or Cabair.

I´m in the same situation as you, at the beggining I was looking first for schools in Spain, then in the Uk, and now finally I think that I will do my training in the US (much cheaper, and basically cos hour build is much cheaper)

Hope this helps,


7th Dec 2006, 20:31
Talk to the students of any school you intend to gent in, they are more lokely tot ell you the truth.

You can save quite a lot of money by doing it in Spain, but certainly not in Jerez, Jerez is probably the best FTO in Spain, bbut is in fact a british school, used to be British Aerospace owned, and their prices are british, in quality is like Oxford and the likes, but if what you wannna do is save some money, in fact ,quite a lot, go to a spanish school, standarsd are not bad, although the equipment wont be as fancy as in Jerez.

There are two schools which stand up from the rest, Aeromadrid and adventia, but their prices are not as good as others.

I wouldn't recomend Airmed, i trained there, but things have gone wrong the last couple of years.

I Used Aerofan and would recomend it, they are in my opinion the best option, of the schools i have knowledge, their prices are very good, idid there my FIC course.

Avoid Airmed and Airman, lot's of delays and weird stuff.

The others i don't know them well, but as i said, get here and talk to students and ex-students, easyjet flies to Madrid, it's just too easy to fool you in a forum , anybody working or owning a school can tell you is very good.

There are good deals in price and you can save 300000 + Euros , and at the end of the day youll get the same piece of paper, later on you can just transfer your licence to UK and get it issued by the british CAA.

Just don't let anybody fool you, and never give money up front , the thing that really made me go for Aerofan for my FIC was that i paid 50% half way during the course, and the rest , after i passed my test.

Good luck

10th Dec 2006, 13:59
Hi Ibblanco,
I don't know the school aeroflota noroeste but...

...I haven't met any students at all...

sounds pretty strange:confused:
A school without students... doesn't work properly.

I made my integrated ATPL in Aeromadrid and my FI in Aerofan. I recommend you both.
Good luck:ok:

11th Dec 2006, 16:24
If you can manage to read in spanish check this website, www.pilotosdeiberia.com , register and make a search in the forums about posts on AFN (aeroflotas del noroeste) or the name of the FTO you wanna get information about.

Another one www.extracrew.com

Both of them in spanish, but very active forums

Be aware , lots of crap going on in this forums, owners/employees posting pretending to be students and making convered publicity, people saying bad things about an FTO to discredit the school when in fact is all fake etc etc........

Most important is to talk to the students personally, not over the phone or in a chat.

18th Dec 2006, 07:57
I would advise you to speak to UK schols too. CHC in Bournmouth have a direct link into airlines such as Easyjet etc and do integrated courses for £60K. You can get a loan via HSBC for entire cost of course if accepted by the school.

OR try Helicopters.... much more fun and loads of work out there at moment. Another school worth mention in Spain is Airpal based in Mallorca and Granada.
Good luck with the medical!

22nd Dec 2006, 21:45

i have been living in spain 18 years and was born in spain.. the guys here at the forum couldn't have been more honest to you, if you go to spain for an ATPL integrated go to Flight Training Europe (FTE) Aeromadrid or either as last option Aerodynamics in Malaga, a friend of mine was hppy with that school. ;)

In the UK you have very good schools too, like Oxford Aviation Training (OAT) and Cabbair. OAT is very strong because of their name, but they have a very good training, i my self have been in OAT twice. The installations are very good and also they help you quite much to get a job if you join the integrated ATPL. I think that so far this year over 150 students got a job comming from OAT.

FTE in spain is also very good when it comes to helping you to get your first job. Don't know much about the training. Good luck and wish you all the best! :O
