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22nd Nov 2006, 14:18
Hello Everyone !

I am Mike, and as you can see I am new here !!!

Hopefully some of you may be able to help me with a small query.

Relating to postings overseas with the RAF many moons ago, the acronym "PWR" was used regarding a list ?

Please could someone explain what this means? It's been bugging me for ages!:confused:

Many thanks

Robert Cooper
23rd Nov 2006, 00:59
If memory serves it stood for "Preliminary Warning Roster", or something like that I believe.

Cheers, Bob

23rd Nov 2006, 06:13
I had this acronym hurled at me in late 78 or early 79. It meant that my injections were to be up to date for world-wide service, and bags packed ready for a short term detachment. A location was stated as the readiness was 48 hours to move. Thankfully I never got to visit the Iatolla.

I cannot confirm the accuracy of the last post, but the sentiment is spot on. I think that there was another abbreviation that either meant 'your on the list, but no specific threat' or 'Bye, have a nice one' which may have been AWR but I cannot recall the exact meaning of that either.

Nowadays it applies to everybody in uniform, so abbreviations are no longer necessary. In summary, PWR was normally used in association with a detachment to a potential conflict, not a tax free holiday in Germany or Cyprus.

23rd Nov 2006, 07:04
Personnel Warning Roster (http://www.worldwar2exraf.co.uk/acronyms%20OP.htm)

23rd Nov 2006, 11:51
Personnel Warning Roster (http://www.worldwar2exraf.co.uk/acronyms%20OP.htm)

That was in WWII!

I always thought it "Preliminary Warning Roll" but memory is fading fast these days. There must be some scribbly who could advise definitively?

23rd Nov 2006, 12:27
I agree with possel, it is Preliminary Warning Roll and did not relate just to detachments but to overseas tours. When you were placed on PWR the system started to organise things like the issue of KD uniform, if heading to hot climates and, as Tiger_mate said, making sure your innoculations were up to date. If I recall my PWR was about three months before the actual posting.

25th Nov 2006, 00:42
Well in my RAF days Gents (1960's) it stood for "Posting Warning Roll" - simply a list of bods on that station, Sqn, whatever, who are deemed as likely to be posted away "soon" (but I do not recall any particular time frame being applied). The purpose was exactly as described by previous posters, except that in my case I never did get "PWR'd" (but was still posted overseas anyway!).