View Full Version : NewShedule of Fines/Penalties for Dubai Roadusers

21st Nov 2006, 07:17
Some might be tempted to say "about ***ing time"
From: General Headquarters of the Dubai Police
Subject: Crossing the Yellow Line (Driving on the shoulder of a street)
The Traffic Division greets you and wishes to draw your attention to a serious traffic offence committed by drivers which is driving on the shoulder of streets (crossing the yellow line). As this is a grave offence and leads to reckless endangerment of the lives of other drivers as well as being a grave breach of Traffic Law, the Dubai Police has decided to take firm action to stop this kind of offence which is as follows:
1. Impounding of vehicle for six months.
2. Applying the laws concerning fines and ancillaries thereof.
3. For those working as drivers, they must be deported and proof of deportation must be provided.
4. Six black points are given.
5. The driving license shall be withdrawn in case of committing this offence twice, and shall not be
returned to its owner until he/she passes a difficult test and pays a fine of 3000 Dirham.
6. After all of the above procedures have been completed, the vehicle will be released.
Therefore, please pass this information to all of your colleagues and acquaintances as well as drivers working for you or your company in participation of our campaign to clarify this issue and to emphasize that any offence will not be tolerated and the above penalties shall be applied to all offenders to preserve the safety of all drivers and users of the road, as well as to uphold the law.
Subject: Drastic speeding fines and actions against reckless drivers
Importance: High
Speeding fines
Radar : 500 Dhs instead of 200 Dhs
Cutting a red sign: 1,500 Dhs instead of 500 Dhs for the first time & 3 days in jail for the second time.
All Dubai radars have been reset to catch if your speed is 10 Km/Hr above the street speed. In other words, If the speed limit is 100 Km/Hr (like beginning of SHK Zayed Road) you shouldn't exceed 109 Km/Hr.[Before was: if the road speed limit is 100 Km/Hr , the radar only was to catch if the speed is 120 Km/Hr]
Jumeira (Main Roads only)
The speed limit is 80 Km/Hr and radar will catch on 81 Km/Hr Jumeira (Suburb Roads only):
There are hidden radar cameras. The speed limit in these villas areas is 40 Km/Hr. YES it is only 40 Km/Hr

21st Nov 2006, 12:59
Nothing has changed since the first release of those penalties. I have a copy of those exact figures dated 20 Mar 2005 !!! over a year and a half ago. :ugh:
What to do?

21st Nov 2006, 13:43
Won't help much, since 90% of such offenders just give a call to uncle Sheik Doub Al Standard and, magic, the car is back in the camelbox along with the licence to kill.

Al Fakhem
22nd Nov 2006, 03:46
You beat me to that one, chinawladi:ok:

22nd Nov 2006, 07:55
If you have a Ferrari (over 200000 Euros), Porsche, Mercedes, Toyota... those are expensive toys... Are you going to worry about paying 200, 500 or 3000 (toy money) Dirhams?... keep the change...
I have money, I do what I want... if not, I buy it already done... That is DXB...

I wonder if they are going to put a rich guy in jail for driving a Maseratti at 180 (I was going to say local guy but I know very nice people and well educated people from Dubai) I believe that problem is with the expats (mostly from the ME area) getting rich so fast that they believe they are God, Schummi or James Bond...

Anyway, we have to recognize that they are going forward with this problem, I hope to see FAIR actions...



22nd Nov 2006, 11:27
... Are you going to worry about paying 200, 500 or 3000 (toy money) DirhamsI was told that when they first introduced speed cameras in Dubai, some of the young locals actually asked if they could just set up accounts with the Police that they could deposit a couple of thousand dits in so they wouldn't have to bother with the fines individually.

I know the story doesn't stand up, because you usually only pay your fines when you go to re-register your car every year, (which can sometimes be a nasty surprise!), but the yarn above still does illustrate all too clearly the attitude to road rules of the vast majority of (reverting to 'Gulf News' code here) "drivers of large 4WDs with blacked out windows".

22nd Nov 2006, 17:06
Having driven in over 50 countries around the world I feel qualified to make annual awards... This year the Saudis get ( by a narrow margin over UAE ) the Stupidist Drivers Award... there are worse drivers to be found in the less well developed parts of Africa but the roads, cars and drivers there are so pathetic that they travel slowly enough to do little major harm on a regular basis...However the "Inshallah " / "Charge of the Light Brigade " approach to driving combined with persistant ( almost compulsory ) use of cellphones by Saudis and UAE drivers guarantees that this award will almost certainly be held indefinately in the middle east...

22nd Nov 2006, 17:40
You can not point fingers on anyone because of the many nationalities... and it may sound racist...
But I like this term... "drivers of large 4WDs with blacked out windows" :} (well done mate!)
those people can do what they want in DXB and I can not imagine them being touched by the new rules...


24th Nov 2006, 01:46
May someone tell me what is the driving like in Muscat? I should be moving there soon, so would realy like to know.

Al Fakhem
24th Nov 2006, 04:06
May someone tell me what is the driving like in Muscat? I should be moving there soon, so would realy like to know.

I drive over to Oman reguarly on business, and driving there is much more civilised than in UAE. Roads are excellent and traffic has (not yet) reached the levels of UAE.

24th Nov 2006, 10:33
New Adventure TV game ; Dubai - Survive the drive !! Would look good on a T shirt! And No we didnt! Both myself and a German colleague had at least one accident and a near fatal during our relatively short time behind the wheel of our 1.3 Mazda hire cars (No match for a landcruiser)

A while back, whilst working at a very nice college just across the road from The Irish Village in Dubai, I was teaching a bunch of young mil ATCguys who had to commute daily from Abu Dhabi! Their attendance was to say the least erratic, but, despite the distance, some of them attended class some of the time - so all good. One fine day one of the more conscientious students came in about 30 mins late and apologised profusly saying that another students uncle had died in Abu Dhabi and that he had had to run him home - as you do for a mate in distress. I asked him what time he had left to which he replied 6am - it was only 8.30am! Bearing in mind that its about a 400km round trip with a 100-110 limit I thought "Bulls*it" or he must have got his maths a bit f*c*ed up. But on closer examination and much to the amusement of the class he went on to explain that if you drove "Velly Velly quick" right up against the edge of the inside lane you would pass the camera before it had time to focus and snap you!! The guys thought nothing of this! Didnt everyone? He was reasonably well to do and when asked what his car was I was informed BMW740i; brand spankers of course. Not bad for a lad of about 24!! As an aside he did mention that his dad was very high up in the secret police and that whenever he was caught he just showed his family ID and it was " No problemmmo!"

Despite the dodgy driving I always enjoyed the view along Sheik Zayed Road . Bit like being in a surburban Formula One and a wonder of the modern world!! :D


24th Nov 2006, 20:43
Ahh driving in the UAE , i love it !! whats wrong with having a account for your fines ? What country now don't you need to put money away each your for road fines/parking fines.... ??

In the cruiser with the tints doing 180km/h....... fantastic

26th Nov 2006, 19:52
Thanks a lot Al Fakhem. Appreciate the answer.

Ramboflyer 1
27th Nov 2006, 02:42
If the fast cars wont wipe em out the fast food will.
God bless America.:D

27th Nov 2006, 04:37
Dubai clearly should introduce progressive fining, like here in Finland. In 2004 one famous businessman got fined 106.248€ for driving 80km/h at 40km/h area (the record so far). Nice! :D

27th Nov 2006, 15:50
Yeah I bet none of you ever go above the speed limit ever..........:hmm: