View Full Version : Italian Airline Blue Panorama

15th Nov 2006, 11:38
Hey Folks,

I jaust came across the fact that Italian Airline BluePanorama is downsizing dramatically.
Within the last weeks on 767 and one 737 left the fleet presently (still) consisting of 4 B737, 2 B757 and 2 B767s.

What is behind this decrase?
Are they in financial trouble or do they expect new (other) deliveries of similar types soon?
They reported to get somer more 737s recently but no confirm yet!

ATC Watcher
15th Nov 2006, 15:25
The MIAT Mongolian contract was cancelled , but that was planned I think.

15th Nov 2006, 21:09
actually 4 B767, one go end of this month and one is coming for the summer.Also some b737 are coming for the summer....those are the latest rumor's

16th Nov 2006, 08:57
Seems to me to just be normal Charter airline winter reductions...

16th Nov 2006, 09:39
I agree entirely, Vapor. I spoke to another charter airline the other week who said, "we can fill ten aircraft in summer but only four in winter, so it makes our fleet planning difficult!" Charter carriers and other airlines dealing with highly seasonal markets will usually aim to schedule their leases to begin if possible before the peak season (ie spring) and end after it (ie autumn), for obvious reasons. So Blue Panorama letting two aircraft go at this time of year is not in and of itself any sign of problems.

9th May 2016, 01:46
Apologies for waking up a very old thread...

In 2012 and again in 2014, Bue Panorama entered 'extraordinary administration' - essentially the Italian equivalent of a Chapter 11 style bankruptcy. From reading around the web, it seemed that the Italian Govt stepped in sometime in late 2014 or early 2015 and is seeking a buyer for the company.

I know Blue Panorama continue to fly, but are they still under this bankruptcy protection ? If they're still in 'extraordinary administration', how come they are managing to get away with it for so long without ENAC, the Italian civil aviation regulatory body, asserting themselves ?

9th May 2016, 10:20
The airline is indeed still in "Amministrazione Straordinaria"; however, if one can go by the minutes of the April administrators' meeting (http://www.sviluppoeconomico.gov.it/index.php/it/impresa/imprese-in-difficolta/verbali/2034553-verbale-di-riunione-blue-panorama-airlines), a buyer appears to have been found and a sale by July 1 is targeted.

10th May 2016, 23:41
Cyrano - you're better at searching the web than me !

Anyone want to make a guess as to who would buy Blue Panorama, as opposed to submitting a non-credible expression of interest just to have a look at the accounts of a rival ?

27th Oct 2021, 15:24
Airline seems to be having significant financial issues

27th Oct 2021, 17:14
Awww not Blue Bannana as well