View Full Version : Driving Offences and ATPL

11th Nov 2006, 00:32
I'm just wondering what the effects are if you loose your drivers license for speeding with regards to doing the exams and flight test. (in norway, might be different rules other places)
A rumour I heard was that if you get a fine or loose your license due to speeding they've might postpone your practical exam.. is this true?

11th Nov 2006, 06:00
How would they know that have had a fine or had your licence withdrawn? Do you have to tell them?

11th Nov 2006, 09:36
I think you have to show that your records are clean by bringing a copy of them :S

13th Nov 2006, 23:32
You have to attach a copy of your "certificate of good conduct" (your file at in the police database). It has to be the "extended version" even for the PPL licence application..

Regular traffic fines won't be a problem. However, if you loose your car licence for more than a certain period of time (6 or 12months, I think), you were also put to trial for it, and the CAA can postpone your licence for a certain period from the time of the "crime". Think this has to do with a probation period that your get on the car licence (two years?).

14th Nov 2006, 11:04
just thought someone might have experienced something like that...?
My concerns are that with all the strict driving laws in norway it is easy to do something wrong without even knowing.

(edit: typo)

14th Nov 2006, 12:04
A couple of years ago, the rules were softened up abit. I couldn't find the exact paragraph relating to your question. but here's what it takes to get an airport ID.

"§ 27. Vurderingsmomenter

(1) Luftfartsmyndigheten skal på bakgrunn av den uttømmende politiattesten avgjøre hvorvidt søker har slik vandel at ID-kort kan utstedes. Ved vurderingen skal det legges vekt på opplysninger om forelegg og dom for forbrytelser, herunder forelegg og dom for forsøk og straffbar medvirkning, som gir grunnlag for å anta at søker kan representere en trussel mot sikkerheten i sivil luftfart. Avgjørelsen skal treffes etter en konkret og skjønnsmessig helhetsvurdering. Følgende typer forbrytelser etter norsk lov, eller tilsvarende forbrytelser etter andre lands lov, kan tillegges vekt ved vurderingen:

- Overtredelse av straffeloven § 127.
- Overtredelse av straffeloven § 145 annet ledd.
- Overtredelse av straffeloven kapittel 14, Almenfarlige Forbrydelser.
- Overtredelse av straffeloven kapittel 21, Forbrydelser mod den personlige Frihed.
- Overtredelse av straffeloven kapittel 22, Forbrydelser mod Liv, Legeme og Helbred, unntatt § 237, § 238, § 239, § 241, § 244 og § 245.
- Overtredelse av straffeloven kapittel 24, Underslag, Tjueri og ulovlig bruk.
- Overtredelse av straffeloven kapitel 25, Udpresning og Ran.
- Overtredelse av straffeloven § 270 annet ledd.
- Grov overtredelse av våpenloven 9. juni 1961 nr. 1, jf. § 33 annet ledd.
- Overtredelse av legemiddelloven 4. desember 1992 nr. 132 § 24 første ledd.
- Særlig grov overtredelse av tolloven 10. juni 1966 nr. 5 §§ 61 til 65, jf. § 66.
- Overtredelse av luftfartsloven § 14 - § 30.

(2) Listen over forbrytelser i første ledd er ikke uttømmende. Andre forbrytelser kan tillegges vekt dersom hensynet til trusselen mot sikkerheten i sivil luftfart tilsier dette. Forseelser kan tillegges vekt i særlige tilfeller.

§ 28. Virkning i tid

(1) Forbrytelsene nevnt under § 27 skal som hovedregel bare gi grunnlag for å avslå søknad om ID-kort dersom det er gått kortere tid fra tidspunktet for rettskraftig avgjørelse enn hva som følger av listen nedenfor:

- Bot for forbrytelse etter dom eller forelegg; 1 år.
- Betinget dom og dom på ubetinget fengsel inntil 6 måneder eller samfunnstjeneste med subsidiær fengselsstraff inntil 6 måneder; 2 år.
- Ubetinget dom på fengsel over 6 måneder; 4 år.

(2) Ved rettskraftig dom for flykapring, jf. straffeloven § 151a eller andre forbrytelser som innebærer ekstraordinær risiko for flysikkerheten, kan luftfartsmyndigheten avslå søknad om ID-kort på livstid.

(3) I særlige tilfeller kan luftfartsmyndigheten avslå søknad om ID-kort for et lenger tidsrom enn det som følger av første ledd. "

So generally speaking, you don't need a "clean" disclosure from your local police authority. The paragraphs may of course be a bit different when it comes to issuing flight crew licences.

14th Nov 2006, 12:12
There is speeding and then there is speeding...

If you qualify for hard time after doing 220 km/h in a 50 zone there might be some questions raised as to your suitability as a pilot, but a "normal" speeding ticket wouldn't be disqualifying in my mind. I should inform you that I don't know the CAAs guidelines on this....

I do know several pilots who are repeat offenders when it comes to speeding tickets, haven't been any problems for us..eh them...:} .


14th Nov 2006, 14:03
Okey. Thanks to you "Jockey" for collecting that info. I've tryed to search around a little but were not able to find any good info.

Yeah, like "Buster" says there is the same that I'm thinking. But I heard a rumour that a applicant some years ago got 1 year detention because he had lost his license. But I dont know the details around it, for all I know it could have been that he did time for it (like you said, 220 in the 60 sone), which would make me think twice about his judgement :ugh:

But it could be that the laws have been "easened up" a little since then =)

25th Nov 2006, 17:32
Okey. Thanks to you "Jockey" for collecting that info. I've tryed to search around a little but were not able to find any good info.
Yeah, like "Buster" says there is the same that I'm thinking. But I heard a rumour that a applicant some years ago got 1 year detention because he had lost his license. But I dont know the details around it, for all I know it could have been that he did time for it (like you said, 220 in the 60 sone), which would make me think twice about his judgement :ugh:
But it could be that the laws have been "easened up" a little since then =)

In 1989 I was speeding and lost my licence for 2 1/2 year!
And in 1994 a bit to fast again.This happened in Oslo.
I had an American drivers license during that time, which I should have converted to a Norwegian license.
(I kept extending that, which proved to be quit foolish).
So at the same time got convicted for driving without a legal Norwegian drivers license. Had to wait 2 years before I could take my check ride for the Commercial license.
Ever since, I have kept myself out of trouble!