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View Full Version : CAL interviews Nov 2006

6th Nov 2006, 08:47
Anyone had interviews for CAL this week?

Curious to know about the interview process and how you found it.

Any information would be great!

10th Nov 2006, 02:38
Guess no one been to first round interviews this week...

Does anyone have any information regarding the interview process at CAL?

Is it mostly personal or tech questions? Is there tests like Cathay and other airlines?

Any help would be great

10th Nov 2006, 10:46
I haven't applied yet, but I have been contacted by an agency saying that they are looking.
Based on info I have recently received and by doing my homework, I doubt I will be applying unless the offer is SIGNIFCANTLY better.
This may be an OK contract for ex-pat Capts but it is anything but good for ex-pat FOs. There is NO CHANCE of any upgrade despite what they may tell you. They will use it as a lure to get you in and then rescind what they have told you verbally. Be very careful if you are a FO contemplating this. It is not a career move. I say this based on what a very experienced Capt on another website has told me and he is very savvy to what the Asian carriers will and will not do. So, unless it is in writing (and even then, it's probably not worth the paper it's written on), I would steer clear.
If agencies contact you, be very specific with that question and see how they handle it. I was enticed with possible upgrade to cruise cat within 2 years and full capt within 3 as and when determined by the client. Well, having worked with the Chinese on other matters, even I know what that means! It's all very woolly and maybe. Also, if your are not 744 rated, there is a nice little bond that will shackle you for 3 years and pay is OK but not great for what you would sacrifice. They have also raised their age limits and on their website in bold red letters, if you have international wide body experience, all age limits are waived. What does that suggest to you? I think that's one of the reasons they are recruiting because of major FO retention problems.
The screening is the standard astronaut physical as per Japanese carriers, so I've been told.
Certainly doesn't sound like a good deal! I'd be very cautious.......