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View Full Version : Fast Track, Perth

3rd Nov 2006, 13:02
Hey fellow aviators,
I am interested, well really interested, OK...obsessed, in being a pilot. I am trying to find the best way both cost and time efficient way of doing this.
The ideas which im thinkin off are:

*Fast Track Training - approx 1 year
*WA Aviation College - approx 1 year
*Midland TAFE - 2 Years full-time or part-time equivelent (4 years)

I am swayed towards WAAC but am also looking into the idea of Fast Track but would like more info. I have emailed them but all they say is that i have to book an info session. I would like to know their costs and what makes them better than any other institute. Can and would anybody like to spread some light on this?

I have just finished my year 12 this year and would like to start my aviation career ASAP.


Lloyd Jones

3rd Nov 2006, 15:02
Western Australian Aviation College (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?t=228160&highlight=western)

There are no threads in Wannabes on the other two schools. You may wish to try the Dunnunda & Godzone forums.


P.S. Do not duplicate your posts. As a newbie, none of your posts will appear until they've been checked by a moderator. This was explained in the signing-up procedure.


4th Nov 2006, 01:35
Sorry sir, i thought i did something wrong the first time....:}

7th Nov 2006, 01:10
Hi i just completed the fast track course in perth from no experience to commercial in 18 weeks. I thought before i started that i was going to need to get a job before i started flying so i could pay for it but i had a meeting with the ceo of the fast track course and he showed me a better way of doing it so i could get my licence and work as a pilot to pay for it. within 6 months i had achieved my cpl licence and been offered a job as a co-pilot on a metro 23 which i'll be starting on the 20th of this month. Your informtion on the fast track course being 1 year is incorrect and i would suggest you go on to the website www.ftpilottraining.com (http://www.ftpilottraining.com) and contact the ceo of the company and maybe even organise a meeting with him and he will be able to give you a clear understanding of what to expect

7th Nov 2006, 11:35
hey, aero747 u got email or IM? i would really like to know more about ur experience with fast track, or do u know any one else who has been through it and willing to talk?

9th Nov 2006, 10:17
if you are thinking about doing WAAC or TAFE then you should take a look at doing ECU, they cover all the Com subjects within the first year, so you should be able to take the all the CPL exams by November. its a bit more work than a TAFE but then you can get a degree out of it! thats if you finish it all off about 3.5 years

23rd Nov 2006, 09:07
Which course did you take 1, 2 or 3?


How much was it?

There seems to be no reference to prices on their website...

PM me if you dont want to post in public.



23rd Nov 2006, 12:43
Which course did you take 1, 2 or 3?


How much was it?

There seems to be no reference to prices on their website...

PM me if you dont want to post in public.



I took course 2 which is the CPL and ME CIR. Regarding cost i suggest you contact the company as it is different depending on which way you want to go and what experience you currently have. The list price for course 2 is around $70 000 which is a bit more expensive than other courses how ever because i finished my training in around 21 weeks and got a job as a co pilot with a regional airline i have calculated that it has been cheaper for me to do this course than a course that would take a year or longer like other courses do. My mother works as a bank manager and calculated that the interest saved doing the fast track course compared to a conventional course far out weighed the additional cost and time away from employment in other courses. I recommend you contact the company through their web site at www.ftpilottraining.com (http://www.ftpilottraining.com)

23rd Nov 2006, 19:10
Appreciate the post mate.;)

Thank you.:ok:

24th Nov 2006, 04:29
I think you really have to look at the big picture, with fast-track you don’t end up with any formal qualifications, ok you get your licences but that’s it. You really have to look at what would be better in the future, just the licences or a diploma or a TAFE qualification etc. ok a degree would be best but not every one wants to spend 3.5 years getting it, but if you are young what the hell is the rush and what would be best for the long term? its your money and you really have to look at what would bring the best for it and your future!

26th Nov 2006, 11:09
"with fast-track you don’t end up with any formal qualifications, ok you get your licences but that’s it"

I'm not understanding this comment, i want to be a pilot so wouldn't getting the casa licence be the most important thing.

Dipoma's or degrees are nice but they aren't required in most airline jobs no one i have known to get a job has even been asked if they had a diploma or degree they just want to know the hours they have in the log book.

"ok a degree would be best but not every one wants to spend 3.5 years getting it"

My understanding is that once you have 2500 flying hours you are automatically accredited with 50% of your degree so i agree that it's a waste to spend so many years at uni when you could be cocentrating on the important things like a casa license and hours in your log book. You are also getting paid which always helps.

My mates who have done diploma courses tell me that not everybody who starts diploma courses actually gets a diploma because of all the add on non essential modules that you have to pass. Maybe you could inform us of what percentage of people actually get the diploma?

"if you are young what the hell is the rush and what would be best for the long term? its your money and you really have to look at what would bring the best for it and your future"

Airline's employ in cycle's which they are doing now, so therefore we need to rush because it is our money and we don't want to miss out!

26th Nov 2006, 11:51
what the biggest load of rubbish, i am not even going to spend the time replying to your points, you clearly work for Fast Track ! lol

26th Nov 2006, 12:17
I am not an employee of fast track as i have stated in the past i have just recently completed the course and i now have a job with a regional airline but that doesn't matter that's not the point.

I would appreciate it if you could answer my comments and questions because i'm just telling you what i know and what i have been told from people in the industry.

I'm guessing you are an ecu student and would like to know if you actually have done much research into the subject and whether you have actually spoken to anyone in the industry or if you have just spoken to people from uni?

I have only been flying since the end of february this year and i'm just telling you what other people have told me. I know there is a huge opportunity at the moment for people who want to be airline pilot's and it's only going to get better for those wanting to be pilot's so i'm just trying to let people know of a great way of doing that.

If my comments are incorrect then that's fine you can correct me but only if you actually know what i have said is incorrect because from what i can gather there are alot of people lied to in the industy just so others can make money.

26th Nov 2006, 12:31
Glad to see some more action on this thread.:)

Airline's employ in cycle's which they are doing now, so therefore we need to rush because it is our money and we don't want to miss out!
If my comments are incorrect then that's fine you can correct me but only if you actually know what i have said is incorrect because from what i can gather there are a lot of people lied to in the industy just so others can make money.

When seeking information and opinions, make sure that you know the persons bias as you digest the info, the quotes above seem very subjective to me. Experienced pilots on these forums indicate that while cycles may be evident, airlines basically employ continually on a needs basis.

A LOT of people WILL lie to us wannabes & students and say that there is a pilot shortage, when all they really want is our training dollar.



Ps. aero, congrats on the job with the regional. Who will you be working for and where will you be based?

26th Nov 2006, 12:59
Hi abx,

Thanks for the comments i guesss what i meant is that when the airlines are flying more passengers which seems to be the case at the moment they employ more pilot's. I don't think it's appropriate to disclose my employer on this forum hope you understand i don't know what my companies policy is on this at the moment.

26th Nov 2006, 13:19
Sure, I understand about confidentiality etc.

PM me if you think that will be okay, otherwise ... no problem.:}


26th Nov 2006, 14:16
Ok firstly why are you running down qualifications? Its just common sense that the more qualifications you have the more employable you are.

I am not running down FastTrack training or any other way of getting what you want, but just pointing out my point of view.

Diplomas or degrees are not needed to get a job in aviation but they sure do help. A degree is a formal tertiary qualification and will give you an advantage over any one who does not have one, within aviation or life in general.

Your understanding that you automatically get accredited with 50% of your degree after you have 2500hrs is completely incorrect!. If you have your CPL then you can get accredited for 2 units, that’s only about only half of one semesters at uni. If you have an advanced diploma then they may get accredited with the first year.

Education is never a waist!

I have m8s too who are with Skywest and Qantas as Captains and First Officers so NO I my information is not just from people at Uni.

I don’t know about the diploma course but Personally think that it is also not worth the money, but if you don’t want to do a degree then it’s the second best option. At least if you finish it then you can get some credit at university even if you don’t do aviation you can still use the diploma for other courses.

your comments regarding "not everybody who starts diploma courses actually gets a diploma" is correct!

they don't just hand out diplomas to anyone who does not finish the requirements, just like degrees, nothing worth having is easy m8, you have to work for it and then it really means something!

You stated that “airline employ in cycles which they are doing now” well if what are you saying that if I get my licence with 150hrs an airline will employ me? I really don’t think so. I think you will be struggling to get any job anywhere in Australia! With 150hrs, lets be realistic m8, don’t be silly.

You may have a job at a regional airline, I am not knocking that, even know I would not call skippers an airline!. However I would say that this was due to whom you know not what you know, or what you had to offer!

it appear that if you were the frist student fasttrack trained then wouldn’t it be great publicity to say “our students get employed with 200hrs!” realistically that don’t just happen without strings being pulled.

Yes there is huge opportunity for employment with airlines atm but not with 150hrs or 500hrs as you stated they want 2000hrs and the right type of hrs.

At the end of the day people are not silly they will look at the cost and outcomes and make a decision on what will suit them for there future. I think fasttrack maybe great for some one older who has a degree and is looking for a career change ! But to say that this course would be good for a younger person who dose not have any other qualifications is just crazy and just unfair.

3rd Sep 2008, 03:48
aero747 you're quite obviously an employee of fast track. Which worries me, why would a school resort to such sneaky marketing tactics?

3rd Sep 2008, 06:45
i thought the same at first glance, but hey this thread is 2 years old so don't get your knickers in a knot :ok: