View Full Version : Israel poised to restart war...

3rd Nov 2006, 05:44
John Keegan in the Torygraph forcasting Israel will have to restart campaign against Hizbollah, possibly before the end of the year - and probably go to war with Syria in the process.......

Why Israel will go to war again – soon (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/opinion/main.jhtml;jsessionid=WOKZIODN2JTZ3QFIQMGSFF4AVCBQWIV0?xml=/opinion/2006/11/03/do0302.xml)

There will soon be another war in the Middle East, this time a renewal of the conflict between the Israel Defence Force (IDF) and Hizbollah. The conflict is inevitable and unavoidable. It will come about because Israel cannot tolerate the rebuilding of Hizbollah's fortified zone in south Lebanon, from which last year it launched its missile bombardment of northern Israel.

Hizbollah has now reconstructed the fortified zone and is replenishing its stocks of missiles there. Hamas is also creating a fortified zone in the Gaza Strip and building up its stocks of missiles. Israel, therefore, faces missile attack on two fronts. When the Israel general staff decides the threat has become intolerable, it will strike......

The big question hanging over an Israeli return to south Lebanon is whether that would provoke a war with Syria, Lebanon's Arab protector. The answer is quite possibly yes, but that such an extension of hostilities might prove welcome both to Israel and to the United States, which regards Syria as Iran's advanced post on the Mediterranean shore.