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View Full Version : instructor question

29th Oct 2006, 19:27
I am about to embark on a fixed wing course to get my ATPL. Mainly fixed wing because of the pay and job oppertunity.

I love flying so enjoy helicopters also.

Just wondering if anybody knew the answer or had any idea if the following is possible.

Once in a fixed wing job and i have come up with enough money and managed to get an instructors licence on a helicopter, would it be possible for the times that i am home and off work to be an insrtuctor.

Floppy Link
29th Oct 2006, 20:48
...depends on the company's philosophy on "outside" flying and how hard they work you to the Flight Time Limitations (FTL).
In my previous existence on the 757/767 I wanted to do some freelance Twin Squirrel Public Transport work and the company said I could do it as long as I:
1) asked for the DFO's permission in advance (not every time, just once...:E )
2) kept the rostering department informed of flying hours to make sure the total limits were not exceeded.
3) did not infringe any statutory days off requirement. e.g. after a Florida "bullet" long haul we needed 3 days off - couldn't legally do any freelance work then.
Depends on whether we are talking Public Transport flying or Aerial Work, I have no idea what category instruction comes under....:confused:

29th Oct 2006, 21:31
Instruction is classified as aerial work.

