View Full Version : Any job's in aviation in Iraq?

27th Oct 2006, 09:40
Does anybody know if jobs in aviation within Iraq are needed and if so how do you go about applying for them?.comi have 11 years exp and i'm very interested in going over to work and offer my service's anyone with info e-mail me or let me know thanks

29th Oct 2006, 13:24
Hey there,

Not often u hear of someone trying to 'get' to iraq voluntarily, most people runnin out or leavin pieces of themselves behind. Anyway, to answer ur question, far as I know you can get these jobs through the UN some of these other private contracting agencies. Do a web search and it'll come up with something. IMHNBSO you're nuts man!
Godd luck!

29th Oct 2006, 13:45
Thanks for the response, i know it sounds crazy but i figure i'm good at what i do and i hear the pay is excellent, i could secure my family by doing 12 months out there maybe pay off my mortgage? life is for taking risks so i figured why the hell not:mad:

29th Oct 2006, 15:11
When you have finished checking you are still insured on all your policies, ie mortgage and life if you go, have a chat with the nice people at the Tax Office. If memory serves, you are only allowed 90 days pa in the UK for tax free earnings.
If my memory is correct, if you do one year out there now, you will be taxed in the UK.
Best of luck to you, me I would put an extra quid a week on the Lottery, much safer and far more civalised.

Flip Flop Flyer
1st Nov 2006, 12:23
.... and unless you can land a contract with Halliburton/KBR, you're not looking at mighty big dosh. To be eligble for a job with KBR, you'll probably need US citizenship, unless they've become very desperate as of late.

The outfit what keeps me in beer and sandwiches is one of the few commercial operators in IQ. The money is not great, not by a longshot. The only upside is there's bugger all to spend it on whilst in country, so you can still save a bit. Work is generally speaking 6 on / 4 off (we're talking weeks here) working 12 hours + a day. Oh, and you will get shot at, either by the locals or their liberators.

Mate of mine went and did it, the silly sod. Was stood out on the ramp marshalling the aeroplane in one fine day, when 3 mortar rounds landed around 50 meters from his postion, blowing him off his feat. Few days later, and the US went to code "Red" which means don your flak jacket and seek shelter. Couple of days after that, they went code "Black" which means they suspect someone has managed to get inside the airfield. During Code Black they'll shot at anything and anyone who moves. My mate wisely sat very still in his portacabin. Few days after that (I kid you not) the portacabin next to his took a RPG round during a Code Black and was blown to very small pieces. Now my mate was in really deep doo-doo; leave the cabin and get shot at by the Americans, or stay put and risk getting blown to small pieces by a insurgent RPG. Oh, and all this was almost 2 years ago when things were much more quiet than today. I won't reveal his T&C in public, but you'd be laughing hysterically if I told you.

Sure you still want to go?

Stuff the "I'm good at what I'm doing". Everybody only goes there for the money.

Doctor Cruces
11th Nov 2006, 19:13
Mate of mine was aked to go work in Iraq.

They offered him $15000 a month.

His reply was same as mine would have been.

You can pay me $150000 a month. If I have a good chance of not living to spend it, what's the point.

He declined.

Watch the news and think VERY hard before you do this

Doc C

:confused: :confused: :confused: