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View Full Version : Am I competitive?

24th Oct 2006, 20:23
1800TT (Almost all jet, most of it heavy/international)
700PIC (all heavy)
Soon to be prior USAF
Age 30
6 Yrs professional flying experience

I know my times are low for a DEFO position, but is there any preference given to this kind of background or any military conversion factor?

Thanks for any info.

26th Oct 2006, 10:54
only for an S/O position.....................

31st Oct 2006, 08:18
Turbine 700 (light turbo prop) (light jet 50) (200 PIC)
Age 25
Aussie ATPL


31st Oct 2006, 14:23
I applied with almost this exact type of experience and age almost 2 years ago and it took 2 years to get the call, jet time will make you much more competitive, i gave up a command position in a turboprop to get the jet time, although i THINK they hired a guy with 1600 total out of a caravan the other year, this is from a friend who flys for cathay. update EVERY month, no matter your experience

Cloud Cutter
1st Nov 2006, 19:35

I'm in a similar boat to you and was told 2500-3000 TT with 1000+ turbine would be in the ballpark.


3rd Nov 2006, 11:52
I was also told that from a few sources. A bit of persistance could never go astray though. best of luck cloud clutter

4th Nov 2006, 18:30
2100 TT
1100 Jet

I have been thinking about CX but was wondering about the time and age (42 now) and if I would be competitive for a FO spot or look at SO. Was worried that age might be an issue. Flying about 80 hours a month in the jet now and should upgrade to left seat in about 6 months though CX says experience equivalent to age.