View Full Version : Field punishment.

22nd Oct 2006, 17:10
My grandfather was tied to the wheel of a field gun in WW 1 for gainsaying a pep talk from a brass hat that he was there to fight for his wife and kids and NOT his King and country.

My father flew with 9 Sqdn in 1940/1941 FOR his King and country and would never have flown for the politicians (his words not mine).

Public opinion is moving your way and therefore so are some of the brass hats. Not to mention a certain General with whom Blare is in total agreement (?)

How do you intend to surf this groundswell rather than be drowned by it?

It seems to me from this forum and others that you would all rather fight each other and relive battles long since gone than face today, never mind to-morrow.

You have become a secret society that shuns contact with us - "If I told you that I'd have to kill you". Bet I signed the Official Secrets Act befoe most of you and to a much higher level.

In reality you could be knocking at an open door if only you could see it as a door and not a wall.

There is much binding in the marsh on prune - direct a little of that fervour in a positive direction and who knows?

You have a great resource in this forum but it is used as little more than eye ball fodder.


22nd Oct 2006, 17:19
What do you want us to say.

Blair is an idiot.
We are underfunded and ill-equiped.
We are fighting wars we shouldnt be.

There..........besides its much more fun mover bashing:cool:

23rd Oct 2006, 01:24
Bet I signed the Official Secrets Act befoe most of you and to a much higher level.

Then, of course, you know all about "Need to Know" and the implications thereof. := ....or perhaps in your day it was "Careless talk costs lives"

Thank goodness there aren't many buffoons of your ilk on this worthwhile forum.

Pontius Navigator
23rd Oct 2006, 07:11
Welcome back Dylan the cliche kid.

23rd Oct 2006, 09:33
They have internet in the valleys! His previous thread had all this - so why repeat it unless it is self gratification. On the previous thread HE STATED his clearance was for something we drop? Well personally I fail to see he is God (Paras) or Tesco (supplies) still thank god it is not a public forum (?) - God bless the (welsh) nutters!!

23rd Oct 2006, 12:32
You have become a secret society that shuns contact with us - "If I told you that I'd have to kill you". Bet I signed the Official Secrets Act befoe most of you and to a much higher level.
Actually, society is shunning the military. Public opinion is moving against the Government, not with the military.

People do not care about discipline in the military: that's why they feel happy to pontificate on Deepcut without actually understanding the first thing about it. That's why slime like Mr Hugheston-Roberts can try to eradicate summary punishment and courts martial without considering the effects.

People do not care about having a well-equipped military: where were the protests when Labour scrapped a third of the Royal Navy? Where were the "STOP THE CUTS" banners when Blair decided to ditch squadron after squadron of capable, necessary aircraft? Who marched on Westminster when Geoff Hoon decided to cut thousands of infantrymen from the Army? The only people who were protesting were people whose families and friends were affected when they weren't issued with body armour, or they flew in a Hercules without foam cladding. That's why we're getting fewer and fewer new ships and aircraft, contributing to the decline of our strength.

People do not care about a diminishing defence budget (in real terms). They don't care about military families living in houses neglected by the DHE, or soldiers living in near-squalid conditions in Victorian barracks. They don't care about military jobs in catering, transport, maintenance and comms being transferred to undeployable civilians. That's why Whitehall beancounters can get away with introducing capped actuals and PAYD, directly hitting our pockets, and why civilian techies are allowed to go on strike, actually paralysing airfields.

Who does care? The Sun and the Daily Telegraph. One appeals only to those who want a bloody victory without counting the cost in lives. The other appeals to ex-colonels in the Shires. Both are to be congratulated for making a stand, to be sure; but in spite of the posturing, it means little, and has little overall effect on the Government. You think that Blair (reluctantly) gave us the new ops welfare package because of the media? Think again: one week before he made the decision, David Cameron had highlighted the issue (becoming the only current political leader to actually talk about the military at Conference). The only thing Blair hates more than the media is the possibility of the Tories creating an issue, so he stopped it and claimed a watered-down version of Cameron's idea as his own.

Blair and his cohorts know they can play fast and loose with defence because it won't lose them a single seat if they close an RAF station here, amalgamate a regiment there, send a ship to the scrapyard yonder. And the same applies to the Tories and (God forbid!) the Lib Dems.

So before complaining about us, take a look at society and tell me why people gamely allow this Government to reduce our military capability and treat me and my colleagues like $hit. Then come back and tell us we're segregated. It's not by our choosing.

Oh, and well done for announcing to everyone in the world that you signed the OSA to a "much higher" level than the rest of us. If you really cared, you'd recall that it's highly irregular to discuss your clearance with anyone. Maybe you'd like to retract that testy little comment.

23rd Oct 2006, 12:53
You have become a secret society that shuns contact with us - "If I told you that I'd have to kill you". Bet I signed the Official Secrets Act befoe most of you and to a much higher level.

In reality you could be knocking at an open door if only you could see it as a door and not a wall.

Ah, then you've never walked into a supermarket, for example, in uniform and felt the glares and stares coming your way. You've never walked into a petrol station say, and had the man in front of you in the queue turn a full 180 degrees to look you up and down as if you were sh*t.

Tablet eraser summed things up perfectly so I won't labour the point.
What I will do is underline the fact that it certainly doesn't seem that the public in this country are right behind us.

A secret society that shuns the public?
How about a public that doesn't give a monkeys about it's forces any longer and shuns THEM?

And all that talk from you about the official secrets act... tsk tsk. Your dog is probably bigger than mine too.

23rd Oct 2006, 13:00
The Cymru Flier family - whining Welsh trouble-makers, barrack room lawyers and chip-on-the-shoulder merchants for three generations.

Shame they didn't shoot grandpa.....

23rd Oct 2006, 14:21
Shows a high degree of self importance and pomposity to me.... throwing in some phrases full of twaddle then ending with the word Discuss as if he/she/it has raised salient points that have never been encountered or thought of before.

Thats my opinion.

Cymruflier - bet you my flock of sheep is whiter than yours



23rd Oct 2006, 14:37
The Cymru Flier family - whining Welsh trouble-makers, barrack room lawyers and chip-on-the-shoulder merchants for three generations.

Shame they didn't shoot grandpa.....

Now look you boyo, 1936PEN-Y-BERTH bomb range attack : Arson attack on Bomb Range.
In 1936, the first recorded terrorist attack to be carried out by a Welsh nationalist group this century took place at the RAF Bombing Range and School.
This was located at the PEN-Y-BERTH in the LLYN Peninsular and as it was the first of many such attacks is worthy of some examination.
Three Welshmen, famous local literary personalities, were the perpetrators. They were: Saunders LEWIS [The first PC chairman], DJ WILLIAMS and Lewis VALENTINE.
They started a fire in a building and then went to the local Police to confess. Clearly, they wanted their day in Court. It would appear that they were early believers in the credo that there is no such thing as bad publicity.
At the Caernarfon Assizes a sympathetic Welsh jury failed to reach a verdict. [This, I feel, speaks volumes for the North Welsh mentality, of which more later]. Sent to trial at the Old Bailey, the second jury had no such problems, concerning themselves to the far more mundane matter of guilt or innocence. This matter was largely settled by the three confessing their guilt. One wonders how the British public would have reacted to this attack had it been carried out three years later. As it was, each man was sentenced to nine months imprisonment.

Police poised like attack sheep in war on 'Dai Qaeda'

Chilling link between Welsh islamic fundamentalists and 'The Martyrs of Mabinogion'
by Mustapha Rucksack — our Bangor-based Welsh correspon



23rd Oct 2006, 19:44
Do I detect:-

Circle the waggons folks.

Lay down covering fire - if it moves, shoot it.

If all else fails panic.

In a way I was trying to make a serious point but figured it would have to be a Trojan Horse - first get it into the pallisade.

We on the outside (many of us) are concerned that our Armed Forces do risk being broken on assignments that are not in OUR national interests and that when our national interest does rise to the top of the pan there will be no ammunition left to fire.

Shall we do the Welsh thing first?

T Jones twice wounded in WW1
T E Jones served in the RFC and the RAF in WW1 and WW2
C L Jones Bomber Command WW2.
G D Jones 25 years an armourer. Aden. suez, etc.
R Jones wounded at Tangmere.
P Jones SAS lost a foot in a sandpit some years ago.

Not a sheep s*****r amongst us.

I will leave it at that for the moment - if there are other posts I might try to make my real point.

Yes I do remember "What you see, what you hear - when you leave leave it here".

Give us a clue Jimmy.

The best mil forum on the net and all you want to with it is commit fratricide.

23rd Oct 2006, 20:02
That post made absolutely no sense to me whatsoever.

I did not do "the Welsh thing". I had the decency to respond to your request for a discussion with a set of my arguments concerning society's rejection of the Armed Forces. Now, will you have the decency to counter my arguments? It's called debate. It's what this country thrives on.

If you have a "real point" to make, why didn't you make it in your first post?

Pontius Navigator
23rd Oct 2006, 22:18
Tablet, true, hence my earlier reference to Undermilk Wood.

23rd Oct 2006, 23:18
As a bit of a sad litarary type chap, I get the reference to Under Milk Wood but I don't know whether you refer to the OP's apparent Welshness or his apparent fictitiousness.

It's a magnificently beautiful play, though, and thanks for reminding me of it! here's the original BBC recording. (http://www.undermilkwood.net/prose_umw1.html) Best listened-to with a cup of cocoa in a warm, dark room. Groundbreaking stuff.

24th Oct 2006, 02:37
Being of a sheepish nature, I've never thought much of "the Welsh thing" but I fear that Dai Jones the Cymru aviator, from his self-admitted family background of barrack room lawyers, has overstated his case. (Whatever his case turns out to be...)

The British military is already unable to carry out its primary task - the defence of the United Kingdom against real agressors - because the blatant liar and his party have committed our military to a fight that exhausted the not inconsiderable resources of the Red Army (and their famous Welsh male voice choir.) The reason that British people look askance at soldiers, sailors and airmen in the street, is simply that military chaps are confused with the liar and his master's rotten beligerence.

Meanwhile, military chaps throughout the land know without a shadow of doubt that their own unit is the utter dogs bollocks and everyone else is a shower of useless w@nkers. They always have, and always will believe this to be a self-evident truth. Far be it for me to suggest that the French have any military aptitude whatsoever, but they coined a good expression to describe this attitude - Esprit de Corps. Long may it live and long may military men the world over argue amongst themselves. Why, even in the RAF, it is an established tradition. ;)

Wee Weasley Welshman
24th Oct 2006, 07:16
We're not all nutters. I just wanted to point that out.



Solid Rust Twotter
24th Oct 2006, 08:45

Wibble Wibble Wibble...?:suspect:

William Elshgit
24th Oct 2006, 09:21
We're not all nutters. I just wanted to point that out.

I concur. Please don't tar us all with the same brush !

Also...we don't talk about clearances in public. Anyone who has them should know know that !!:=


24th Oct 2006, 10:09
thank you tablet , I am not the only one then. I work in a NATO environemnt with a lot of people whose first language is not English and they make much more sense than the first post in this thread. Working for NATO also gives me time to try and figure it out :p

24th Oct 2006, 10:21
Where were the "STOP THE CUTS" banners when Blair decided to ditch squadron after squadron of capable, necessary aircraft?

If I'd known we had some F-15s, '16s, A-10s and serviceable '130s I would have complained like hell.

Pontius Navigator
24th Oct 2006, 10:44
It's a magnificently beautiful play, though, and thanks for reminding me of it! here's the original BBC recording. (http://www.undermilkwood.net/prose_umw1.html) Best listened-to with a cup of cocoa in a warm, dark room. Groundbreaking stuff.

Must listen to it. I even have my old Ivor Emanuel records too. Beautiful.