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View Full Version : Vietnam ... ?

Iron Duke
17th Oct 2006, 12:22
I have heard from a friend that Vietnam is one of the nicest places that he has ever visited, and that there could be some good opportunities with their airline coming up soon .....?
I am very interested in any experience or info. that anybody may have to share ..... both domestic, and professional ...
I am potentially looking at Captains commuting contract on the B777. I am not rated but have 2000 hrs 747 command, and am currently a 757 Captain.
I have heard the contracts are relatively generous and that a good quality of life can be expected ... there are always detractors but I would welcome any authoratitive insight and opinion ..
Many thanks ...

I. Duke

17th Oct 2006, 14:45
Checkout and apply via rishworth Aviation website. I hear Diffrent stories but go for it and Good luk,:ok:

Iron Duke
17th Oct 2006, 18:06
Thanks ... if there is any other "personal experience" info out there I would be interested .....

Best Regards

I. Duke

19th Oct 2006, 12:41
Sorry Iron Duke But if you are not qualified on B777, A320, or ATR 72 or now on A 330 with 1500 hrs as Captain on type your chance to get a job there are NIL
Sorry for the bad news but unfortunatly this is the reality in VN

Iron Duke
19th Oct 2006, 18:00
Thanks Lindberg ... it is always better to know these things even if it is not what you want to hear .....
Out of interest are they offering commuter contracts, and if so on what terms .... ?

I. Duke

International Trader
20th Oct 2006, 03:52
Try Korean, Asianna or CAL for 747 jobs.
These are the only commuting jobs around but that will be difficult from the UK as you would only get either 8 days a month ( including travel time)or 6 weeks on 2 off (if that sort of contract is still around)
As to how "good" these are to work for is a matter of opinion and your own outlook.
Someone once told me this : "The trees that survive the storms and the ravages of time are those that bend. The trees that bend with the wind do not break but ,spring back only to be bent the other way . Be like the tree that bends."

Just how far you should bend is also a matter of opinion.

I have seen many people decide very quickly that enough is enough ,and many companies also decide that individuals just don't bend enough.

Contract life is not wine and roses and very few (if any)companies endorse contactors.
You will have to make many "adjustments" if you hope to survive in Asia.
You are there just to fill a gap until they can upgrade there own and, to watch the local F/O.
Many times it is back to single pilot IFR.
They will certainly not spend $$$ on you if they don't have to.
Many people before you have quite genuinely tried to give the benefit of their own experience and skills to improve companies only to be ....well.....shafted.

If you can find work at home, stay there. I would if I could.

Iron Duke
20th Oct 2006, 11:55
Wise words I. Trader, and much appreciated ....
It is a shame that what could be utopia generally isn't, and there is no real reason for it .......

I. Duke

Lost in Saigon
20th Oct 2006, 13:21
All foreigners at Vietnam Airlines are on contract. All contracts are commuting with most being 6 weeks on 2 weeks off. A few of the 777 guys have negotiated 4 weeks on and 4 weeks off (with a pay cut).

Some of the guys don't commute, but live in Vietnam year round with their families. They still generally work 6 on, 2 off, but they are flexible.

20th Oct 2006, 14:49
guys, any idea how much they pay an a320 captain at vietnam? :rolleyes:

Lost in Saigon
22nd Oct 2006, 01:31
It is about $9,000 USD per month.

22nd Oct 2006, 05:50
It is about $9,000 USD per month.

thanks, lost in saigon. what about the living conditions? company culture? the VA website is still under construction. how do i apply there?

Lost in Saigon
22nd Oct 2006, 13:42
All jobs in Vietnam are contract. Contact Parc Aviation.

For more info on conditions, check out this link to previous posts:

22nd Oct 2006, 18:07
All jobs in Vietnam are contract. Contact Parc Aviation.

For more info on conditions, check out this link to previous posts:

thanks, buddy!

cheerss!!! :ok:

30th Nov 2006, 20:37
All jobs in Vietnam are contract. Contact Parc Aviation.

For more info on conditions, check out this link to previous posts:
http://www.pprune.org/forums/search.php?searchid=596602Cant get the link to work ??? :eek: .................. !

Lost in Saigon
5th Dec 2006, 16:43
Try this link:


5th Dec 2006, 17:16
Try this link:

http://www.pprune.org/forums/search.php?searchid=697412Thanks but I actually wanted to see http://www.pprune.org/forums/search.php?searchid=596602

Lost in Saigon
5th Dec 2006, 18:13
Both links are the same. The first link was just a search result using the word "Vietnam". So is the second link.

5th Dec 2006, 20:06
Both links are the same. The first link was just a search result using the word "Vietnam". So is the second link.Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ........ ! :oh:

No wonder I had trouble finding the post ! :bored:

Thanks again

10th Dec 2006, 13:32
Anyone Been on the floating Restaurants near the Renaissance Rivside in SGN? That was V.cool. Sorry changing the subject guys, Good luk.

11th Dec 2006, 10:54
I have checked out Vietnam Airlines website to get HR department email adress.

But it is still underconstruction, anybody knows?

Thanks alot.

Lost in Saigon
11th Dec 2006, 11:04
Do not contact Vietnam Airlines unless you are a Vietnamese Citizen and want to apply for their cadet program.

All jobs Expat jobs in Vietnam are contract. You must be current on type (within 6 months) in order to get a contract job.

Contact a contractor such as Parc Aviation.

11th Dec 2006, 13:12
OK Thanks for the Info,

11th Dec 2006, 15:21
Do not contact Vietnam Airlines unless you are a Vietnamese Citizen and want to apply for their cadet program.

All jobs Expat jobs in Vietnam are contract. You must be current on type (within 6 months) in order to get a contract job.

Contact a contractor such as Parc Aviation.

Thank you, for your advice.

Yes, I have a type rating 737-200 with ATP. (FAA)

Unfortunately, I do not have a time on type. My currency expires Fev 2007.

I have a problem getting a job because of no experience, somebody told me maybe I can ask a Line trainning at Vietnam.

It should be better direct contact airlines than agencies such as Eaglejet.

Could give me any suggestion?:confused:

Lost in Saigon
11th Dec 2006, 16:01
There are some airlines that might hire you with no time on type, if your total time is reasonable.

Try some of the airlines in China or India.