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View Full Version : Airlines Induction: Enquiry

15th Oct 2006, 01:37
In our South East Asia and China, India, when the cadet has succeeded to get his CPL/IR how long it takes to be a First Officer fully rated on a B737 or an A320? (TR plus Induction+ LINE TRAINING....)
I just enquire.
Thank You

15th Oct 2006, 02:37
Took me six months, hired in December, did my first trip qualified in June....Many years ago. :)

15th Oct 2006, 03:12
I am interested to know what is happening now in the region Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, India, China, Singapore etc in the main Airlines...

Left Wing
15th Oct 2006, 08:03
India, China==== if you are good & know your stuff will get a job in a month ...if avg will get a job in approx 6 mths............ if crap some will still hire you as pilots are needed badly.

15th Oct 2006, 09:44
thanks Left Wing,
What I try to evaluate is the training that a serious airlines adds in average to convert a CPL/IR cadet without JAR/FAR 25 rating in a first officer. I know that SIA, MAS, TG and many others have a typical training including MCC, first type rating, Airlines induction and Line training: how much this is planned in average in your country/ your airline?
Thank You

P.S I know some start up with a poor aviation background management are doing nearly nothing. My question is orientated towards the professionals, not the cow boys

16th Oct 2006, 04:43
What are the chances for a US citizen with 500 TT 100 Multi willing to pay for the Type Rating. Any opening India or China . Holding FAA & CAA licenses.

16th Oct 2006, 10:22
China some possibilities. Except FAA licences considered often as too weak by Authorities, need to attend some complementary local examinations. If UK CAA licences better situation.
No general rule, you have to check with every futur employer. However your experience seems too low