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View Full Version : Contract company or direct to the airline... Is one better than the other?

11th Oct 2006, 05:17
In my beginning quest to gather info on flying outside the US, I'm getting a read that sometimes one can get more favorable terms either using the Contract company like Parc or Rishworth vs just applying directly to the airline.

Can someone explain to me how this works and if one path is generally considered more "lucrative" than the other?

Thanks for the assistance.


11th Oct 2006, 12:22

Far be it that I am an expert on ex-pat contracts, but this is what I've learned to date.

As far as India is concerned, many airlines seem to hire through crew leasing services. This is because the airline doesn't employ you, the leasing service does. I think it has a lot to do with employment taxes as well as liability issues. Even though most of the airlines in India have links to hiring pilots, Captains in particular, you most likely won't hear anything. I have had good luck getting info from Rishworth, AeroPersonnel, Parc and Contractair. If you wish to talk to someone in this country, try GAP, they are in Texas.

I've been looking, as my company's future is still very much not a sure bet. It will most likely be around, but in what form (merger etc.) is not known. I do know one thing, as bad as it gets here, it's still head and shoulders above the rest of the world. Money may be great somewhere, but you are still somewhere and not at home.

These are my perceptions, and in no way do I claim them to be correct. If anyone has info that is contrary to this, or in addition to what I've mentioned, I'd like to hear it too.