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View Full Version : Boeing B737 jobs?

23rd Jun 2006, 11:05
As the topic above,

What about 737 (classic/NG) jobs? Example, in Africa a lot of airlines fly the 737 and also in Middle East and Asia. It's not a bad idea to have this TR on the licence and search the first job there, isn't it?
If all young pilots goes on the 320, there will be the need for 737 pilots.

Maybe I'm in wrong.......but I'm thinking to hit the target reasoning to the small airlines (not closed to fail :} ).

If somebody would like to do a 737 TR, please send me a PM, if we subscribe to a TR course already in 2 people there is a 3% discount (it's not a Super-discount but better than nothing)

Let's give me your impressions :D or doubt := :E :E


23rd Jun 2006, 11:31
I don't want to discourage you but everyone today seems to have a 737 TR on his licence.

I have one since march 2006 and several friends of mine too. The TRTO are full of people willing to pay for a 737 TR but believe me : the jobs are few and far between and with no hours on type...you guess what...

Even if you're ready to pay for a line training there are some big issues : waiting times for these shemes are very long (i mean more than one year with astraeus and the likes...hubair...Fsb...)

For the time being I do regret my shiny TR but i'm not hopeless yet.

Wish you good luck, it's a cut throat decision.

23rd Jun 2006, 11:58
Roger :)

One of things I won't do in my life will be to pay hours on a jet liner......

Thank you for your message...


24th Jun 2006, 22:25
if you are willing to pay for a line training, type rating...why don't you open your own airline?

I have a job for you.I will be your customer, but I dont pay you...sounds fair?

24th Jun 2006, 23:13
if you are willing to pay for a line training, type rating

Have I said that I would like to pay for line training? I think I said the opposite.......do you read good or do you need glasses?

25th Jun 2006, 09:52
May be cheaper to get a turbo prop rating - ATR/Dash, do a year, then be swept up by jet operator, without having to pay for the rating. If your Jar rated your chances are very good.

25th Jun 2006, 10:06
Yeah, that was already in my mind, aboveall cause I've found good prices such as 14500 base check included for the ATR in Greece.

But who tell me that with an ATR without experience on it I'll be employed? I know, also with a 737 or 320 it's the same thing.

Do you know airlines that hire foreign pilots without experience on the ATR? Somebody knows them? Africa?


25th Jun 2006, 17:36
Are you Jar rated? Aer Arann?, Air Wales?(Uk), In Africa - Selenta (DHL)? I would think with the current loss of pilots to jet operators, seats would be available for rated guys on tps.

25th Jun 2006, 18:40
I haven't any TR, but JAA licence (ATPL frozen, CPL/IR and MCC).

I think that too but it's always a roulette to choose the TR.


25th Jun 2006, 21:23
Are you Jar rated? Aer Arann?, Air Wales?(Uk), In Africa - Selenta (DHL)? I would think with the current loss of pilots to jet operators, seats would be available for rated guys on tps.

Yes but with how much flight time?

7th Oct 2006, 19:11
Hi all,

I'm JAA ATPL frozen, 350 TT, 250 IFR, Boeing 737 Classic Type Rated.
Just sent the CV to all the Airlines in Europe, Africa and something in Asia.
Does someone know if there is a specific airline looking for 737 type rated without hours?

Thank you

7th Oct 2006, 19:41
Have you tried Jet2? They have taken people previously with no time on type.

Also a new airline in Gibraltar (Fly Gibraltar) using 737-300's. The website still seems to be under construction though so no links just yet for recruitment but worth keeping an eye out.

Good luck

7th Oct 2006, 19:54
BMI Baby have also recently taken on people with ratings but no hours.

7th Oct 2006, 20:35
Yes, already sent to both Jet2 and BMI baby. Let's wait.:ok:

I'll keep an eye on Fly Gibraltar, thank you!:D If somebody know something or has a contact (email ecc.) please, share :}

Something else?:confused:

7th Oct 2006, 22:55
Ok! Just applied, even if I've a 737 Classic Type Rating, but on the licence it's B737-300/900. Is it right to put on the CV "B737-300/900" without saying that it's needed a differential course (just 3-4 days course...:rolleyes: )?

Waiting for other opportunities :E


8th Oct 2006, 07:03
You have whatever it says in your little blue book :ok:

8th Oct 2006, 08:02
Anyway, I'd like to let you know that I secured a flying job on a TP. Although I'm pissed to have paid for a 737 rating I'm really happy to start my flying career.

Will try to keep it current.

Good luck to all and don't pay for a rating it is USELESS.

8th Nov 2006, 16:57
Hi guys, I update this thread!

I need your kind help:

as soon as possible I need to start a line training or time building somewhere to get a job on the 737, the airline that offered that to me said they hasn't the possibility to give me the initial training so I need to do it (at least 100 hours) in another airline. Except Astraeus and Pegasus, can you suggest me some airlines that could help me?

Many thanks to who really would like to help me, please, don't tell the same things about the TRs....

Full hope
8th Nov 2006, 17:42
Apparently the Fly Gibraltar's flights will be operated by AEU.

8th Nov 2006, 23:33
D-max, I don't understand why you choosed a TRTO wich can't offer a line training...but after all it's your choice.
Ok here some companies which might take you for the linetraining but don't hope a salary before 200-500 hrs : Sky airlines(Antalya), Corendon Airlines(Antalya), perhaps TNT Airways(Liège).
But one's again there is so much newly type rated pilots without hours on the market...

Good luck,


9th Nov 2006, 14:32
Eagle Jet used to offer line training. Think you had to pay for it though. You've already forked out a load of money which may be in vain if you don't get lucky with an airline, or are willing to spend more.

We've read all the arguments about paying for ratings etc.....so please don't waste your time posting the same old stuff.

Anyway, best of luck in your search of the first step on the ladder.

10th Nov 2006, 22:21
Apparently the Fly Gibraltar's flights will be operated by AEU.
Oh no they won't........................:=

11th Nov 2006, 18:29
I'm not sure of that. They ask for minimum 50 hours on type. Where did you hear about that?


12th Nov 2006, 22:46
Have a look at Air Contractors on jethros.i12.com


13th Nov 2006, 09:16
Hope they will take in dry lease........

28th Jan 2007, 08:56
Well done Davide:D :D

Nice to see someone waste their money. Only people that do well out of you trying to buy yourself a job are those who run the type rating centres.

I'd love to know how many people have got 737 and A320 ratings this year.

Its these people that screw it up for the rest.

Happy hunting:D :D

Baboon Boy
28th Jan 2007, 10:30
Vanpilot, well said mate. What kind of clown, having forked out 30+k for initial training then forks out 20k for a potentially useless tr and is then willing to not only work for free, but even PAY an airline to work for them? Do these people live in the real world? THEY ARE MUGS, PURE AND SIMPLE. It is only because airline pilot is perceived to be such a "dream job" that these dreamers, who probably have no real concept of the day to day mundanity of the job, are willing to do this.
Imangine the headlines, "Macdonalds workers, so desperate they are even willing to pay for their own "big mac rating"". Absurd of course, so why should aviation be any different? Its only a fooking job! A job is by defnition meant to make you money, not cause you to spend it.

It is idiots like these that ruin the whole pilot recruitment game for the rest of us. So you think that with 200 hrs youre entitled to jump from a 4 seater twin to a 200 seat 737? Like a fresh uni graduate should be running a company in their first job?
Wannabe pilots, if theyre really serious and actually enjoy flying, should have no bones about working their way up through the industry, ie instructor, to perhaps air taxi, to perhaps turbo prop, to jet.
I know of, and am sure that there are many more pilots out there who have reached the "big time" through hard work and perserverence, with minimum cash expenditure, and have really earnt the right to be where they are.
Then you get idiots who, with their big pot of cash try to leapfrog the whole process. These are perhaps the same kind of fools that are prepared to pay the likes of OAT an additional 30grand for their intial training, principally for the perceived promise of better job prospects.
In my mind, anyone who feels the need to try to increase their job prospects through the speculative spending of obscene amounts of money, lacks character, deserves no respect and should be at the BOTTOM of the pile when it comes to recruitment.
As long as such loosers exist, the airlines will continue to take the piss out of wannabe pilots and the recruitment game will continue to be the absolute shambles that it is.

28th Jan 2007, 11:37
Get a job as a flight instructor, or apply to TP companies to build a few hours first. That way you can enjoy flying before you start your jet career. You may as well kiss good bye to the money you spent on the TR, having that and no hours makes no difference.

28th Jan 2007, 11:45
Well, I'm 1 year sending CV's to all the aviation companies (jet airlines, TP airlines, banner towing, etc.)of Europe, Africa and Asia, calling by phone every day...
No way to find something.
After the TR I've got 3 chances, and from 2 I'm waiting a reply soon.
I live in a county (Sardinia island) where there is nothing to fly, no flying clubs etc. At the moment I've no possibilities to take a bag and drive through the continent to find a job.
Sorry, but it's not so easy here to find something. The TP airlines require the same amount of hour of a big airline.

Maybe it's a stupind thing for you, but it's also important where you live. Here there is no aviation culture....

Guys, count to 10 seconds before open your mounths.


28th Jan 2007, 13:21
Dmax - 23 June 2006

"One of things I won't do in my life will be to pay hours on a jet liner......"

Dmax - 24 June 2006

"Have I said that I would like to pay for line training? I think I said the opposite.......do you read good or do you need glasses?"

Dmax - 8 November 2006

"as soon as possible I need to start a line training or time building somewhere to get a job on the 737, the airline that offered that to me said they hasn't the possibility to give me the initial training so I need to do it (at least 100 hours) in another airline. Except Astraeus and Pegasus, can you suggest me some airlines that could help me?"

:D :D :D :D :D


28th Jan 2007, 14:17
Where did you do your B737 TR?

28th Jan 2007, 14:58
baboon boy.....you took the words out of my mouth.
I think this should be a seperate post to try and wake some people up.
I hope this starts as much debate as it should.

28th Jan 2007, 15:28
Baboon, you said the truth. :ok:

I quit flying for almost 1 year because i simply refused to pay for a rating. If those "wannabee pilots" really love flying, why do they contempt airtaxi etc?? If i had the chance to do this, i would have not hesitated. It is really a good way to train yourself, to build experience.

good luck

28th Jan 2007, 21:16
If those "wannabee pilots" really love flying, why do they contempt airtaxi etc??

Maybe because they require a lot of experience too. It's not so easy to just start in an air taxi.
Many times I've received the same feedback like an airline does. Only knowing someone from inside I managed to find something.
