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View Full Version : EZY Recruiting - New FRI Ibound?

6th Oct 2006, 19:19
Overheard the other day at work that EZYjet are recruiting hard for the next year and are offering experienced guys 6 months RHS then straight to LHS with £125k salaries!

Seems like there may be a fair few people banging out and therefore I would suggest there could be a FRI in the offing?

Not sure if they'll take someone with 60 hours tutor - I'll probably just hit an undermanned sqn and do more dets - bug6er:\

7th Oct 2006, 04:22
Well....this is a rumour site....sounds a little too good, don't it??

7th Oct 2006, 05:59
Suggest you check this page (http://www.pilotjobsnetwork.com/factfile.php?id=frngqy6aaxb88mw2n09p6e9qhkrkhhmmywrahm8f79e4 myuwku6) before getting too hyped up about £125k pa day-running from UK.

7th Oct 2006, 11:40
It does sound too good to be true but as you say it's a rumour website. I am definitely not excited as I have nowhere near enough experience.:(

The reason I posted was this came from a couple of experienced guys on my sqn and was given to them in good faith I believe.

Just wondering if anyone else heard anything similar or is it just a good wind up? £125k may not be realistic but I believe EZY are getting loads more new aircraft in the near future so surely will be recruiting fairly aggressively.

7th Oct 2006, 12:29
I think you'll find that £125K salaries are unlikely - the basic captain gets about £74K, plus sector pay of about £50 each (a proportion is tax free as it is earned outside the UK - ala all airlines). Working a 15 day month for 11 months at an avg 3 sectors a day, equates to another £24K. So roughly £100K along with any bonuses and RAF pension it might get above £100K. Not bad?

Of course, you have to get into LHS first and this will takes a lot longer than 6 months. Nonetheless, an FO still gets about £35K plus about £25 asector - about £46K plus pension - see the company blurb or ppjn.com or equivalent. (I'm not even sure how much I actually get! Whatever it is, it pays the bills and the missus spends the rest!!!)

Captaincy will depend on many factors, not least the promotion opportunities and your ability - EZY is a meritocracy - and there are a lot of high quality people already in. Luckily, promotion prospects are picking up after a quiet couple of years - plan on 18mths - 2 years if you have previous captaincy experience. However, while those with a military background of AT and jets have a little advantage, it is pretty obvious that EZY recruit high quality people (don't know how I managed it?) who are prepared to work hard for eachother. While no company is perfect, certainly, I have not flown with any plonkers at all in the past 18 months - either ex mil or civil. Even those with a fairly fearsome past-reputation had 'chilled' considerably. Whether, with such rapid expansion, this continues, remains to be seen.

The life style also may not suit everyone but, for me, it is perfect and the main reason why I joined (along with my base location). I am home every night, to my own bed, my own kids and even my own wife! I can take the kids to school or pick them up. I hardly do any nightstops - and I don't get jet-lag. All my days off are at home and not in some far flung hotel. This allows me time with my family and for my many 'diversions' and social life.

Furthermore, I know what days I am working many months in advance (possibly even years ahead if BALPA manage to get a good deal over the duty-cycle). The roster is fairly stable, with far less f-factor than the RAF or even some other companies. The flying is busy (esp in summer) with a varied european route structure and lots of approaches and landings - no long, boring cruise legs. Its also nice to fly new aircraft with few gliches (mostly)And...... the view from the office window is still pretty impressive - beats the hell out of High Wycombe or Binnsworth!!!

While there is always room for improvement in any company (in EZYs case the recurrent (non-sim) training lacks flair and imagination), progress seems possible as the company seems to be led by a people-orientated CEO from whom the military chiefs could learn oodles.

Anyone interested - please PM - there is a 'recommend a pilot scheme' for which I get paid enough to cover a curry and a lot of beers. (Although... a recommendation from me, might be the kiss of death for you!!!!!!!!)


ps The really good bit is that you are not doing His Excellency Lord Tone's bidding, no-one is shooting at you neither do you sleep in a tent in the desert.

will fly for food 06
7th Oct 2006, 16:00
I understand these are only rumours but has anyone got a rough idea what level they mean when the word "experienced" is used? are we talking front line and 1000 of hours?

Tartan Stazi
7th Oct 2006, 16:12
The exam answer is: 85K after 6 months if you have sufficient multi engine time to hop into the captains seat.

7th Oct 2006, 16:34

Most informative. Just a quick question, is Bristol a base for easyjet as I have somewhat conflicting information?


7th Oct 2006, 17:31
Just to add a little perspective here. Nobody will move to the left seat after just 6 months, you will need 3000 factored hours (see the web site to figure out how many you have). The the company will want to see you get a bit of time on type with a couple of recurrent sim sessions to see how you are doing, work on 12 months for this part. If all is well you will start the command assessement process and eventually join the back of the queue for a command course.
Easy is recruiting like mad with lots of internal promotions as well as some direct entry commands if you have plenty of left seat experience on type.
Time to command is still quicker than the average but there are a lot of guys pushing to swap seats through the door already. Also, do not bank on getting the base of your choice immediately as most the expansion is going on in Europe at present.

7th Oct 2006, 19:40

Yup! 9 x AB319.


9th Oct 2006, 18:12

Wilco, I know it is nothing to interest me at the mo but thought I'd pass on the rumour.


Cheers for the good info anyway, will probably help a few people out. Hope they're still recruiting strong in 15 years:{

10th Oct 2006, 00:39
Only too glad to help! I suspect that by then the world will be a bit different!

Wee Weasley Welshman
10th Oct 2006, 07:50
A captain in EZY with 5 years service gets paid £91k a year comprising of £74.4k basic, 10% annual profit bonus (they have to make a £1) plus £10k sector pay. They pay 9% of basic into a pension for you and you get a little bit of life and license insurance. Some years the share options are worth a couple of grand and for the last two years there has been a share buy and a share save scheme which looks on track to at least double my monthly £375 contribution tax free over three years. If you don't pay into the pension yourself and don't participate in the the share schemes you see an average monthly take home including annual bonus spread over the year of about £5,200 take home. I usually see about £4,500 after deductions for pensions and shares.

The company needs 450 pilots in the next recruitment year and the expansion rate will continue to 2009 at least. The last numbers I heard were 150 Airbus and 31 boeings by 2009 and we currently stand at about 117 aircraft. There are bases all over the place with more in the pipeline but the UK is now pretty much fixed with Edinburgh, Glasgow, Belfast, Newcastle, East Midlands, Liverpool, Luton, Stansted, Bristol and Gatwick. All are Aribus apart from Belfast, Newcastle and Luton.

You'll need 3000 factored hours for command and a 1,000 on fast jets and trainers isn't going to add up to very much so expect a few years in the right hand seat accumulating 900hrs a year to make the threshold. Or if you are a transport man with plenty of hours then maybe one year with two Sim checks in it will put you in the pool for command assesment.

Plenty of ex-service already in the company and remarkably little in the way of politics. If you need as quick a command as possible and you like the idea of a regional base or European base then it might suit you better than some other airlines.

But it'll be a good few pay negotiations down the line before you see £125k!



10th Oct 2006, 08:34
.............however, if you have aspirations in the direction of training, the Ezy Tre gets a 17.5% uplift bringing him up to £100K or just over. Because of the expansion, the Airline is desperate for trainers (you need appx 1 trnr per ac to make it work) and any ex mil trnr should find the in-house selection fairly straightforward, but you still have to fight your way into the Lhs first.

Cheers all,

10th Oct 2006, 08:56
Thanks WWW

Oops! WWW is closer on sector pay than I was my pevious post ...sorry. Sector pay is about £25/sector for capts and £15/sect for FOs - so roughly £12K pa and £7.5K pa respectively (based on an average 3 sectors per day, in a 15 day month, for 11 months).

My apologies for misleading info - finger trouble on the MS calculator - my fault entirely!

That still means a capt will be on ~£86K plus any bonuses (5% for up to 5 years and 10% after 5 years service - inc time as an FO) and post-18/36pension - not that far off £100K. SFOs on £45K basic will therefore get about £52K, plus pension. FOs now also get a 5% bonus after 3 years service.

However, the Type-Rating Sponsorship Scheme (TRSS) is probably the way most ex Service guys will get in. Basically, you use some of your gratuity or a loan (~£25k) to pay for the type rating, which the company then pay you back over a period of 5 years (~£400 per month or ~£5K pa ). Your salary is reduced accordingly to about £40K pa so you end with the same as a DE SFO. So, effectively, you still get paid £45K pa - you just lose out on the interest and the immediate usage/investment of your £25K 'bond'.

It may sound a lot less interesting than BA/Virgin - 'dunno and don't care!' - but it was all about lifestyle and location for me. Everyone will have a different perspective!

Hope that clears any confusion


10th Oct 2006, 19:10

I'm trying to send you a PM, but your mailbox is apparently full!! :ugh:

(with you on 57 & 30)

10th Oct 2006, 19:56
Shouldn't be - but I've cleared a bit now - so try again

10th Oct 2006, 20:13
Actually, I might now change my mind and stay in the military now that I am going to get 12 quid per day whilst in the sand and poppy fields. Wow I like the RAF's competitiveness!

11th Oct 2006, 08:18
Overheard the other day at work that EZYjet are recruiting hard for the next year and are offering experienced guys 6 months RHS then straight to LHS with £125k salaries!...

Must admit, heard similar rumour from a very reliable source recently. They need 400 new pilots. Main differences from your quote: you need 4000 factored hours, 3 months in RHS before LHS and if you are on RAFCARS, the good Wg Cdr at Innsworth will give you the correct phone number.

Wee Weasley Welshman
11th Oct 2006, 13:31
Umm, posting as a Skipper with easyJet you'll find my post and figures to be pretty much rumour free. I've now got three service mates from Uni/UAS days calling me up as they start to review their options in their early 30's. A retention crisis may be looming.

But I've heard that before.



11th Oct 2006, 18:30
If only I had a pound for all the 1st/2nd tourists of my generation looking to see if the civ recruitment is still going strong in 2-3 years time when their 32/12 option comes; I would have lots of pound coins.

There just aren't going to be the cockpits around to service the glut of pilots that were sucked up about 4 years ago. Unless you're a Saudi.

FRI might be nice but you can't put a price (taxed at 40%) on being c***ed around until you hit 38 and escape.


11th Oct 2006, 18:50

I think there will be enough cockpits for the 'last of the few'.

If the low-cost and massive far-east/india markets continue to boom, the predicted explosion in the VLJ (very light jet) market appears and the bizjets continue to expand, then there will be a likelihood of a huge pilot shortage. As an aside, Service pilot recruitment could become very tough (for the Services, not the pilots)!
