View Full Version : Dat Atr Rating

MAX Cruise
28th Sep 2006, 17:18
Does anyone have any info on the TRTO. Iam thinkig of taking a ATR typrrating and would like to have some info from someone whos been there.:confused:

1st Oct 2006, 16:53
Why in God's name would you want to blow a lot of money on an ATR rating and in addition work for DAT??? Take a B737 rating and get a nice job somewhere else instead...

1st Oct 2006, 19:27
Well,...to start with; An ATR-rating will give you a job (..even if it may be with DAT, which I wouldn't mind flying for actually).
A 737 dito does not. Period.

I have a hunch MAX Cruise is a low-timer and looking for a way in. In that case an ATR-rating probably would do the job.
As a B737-low-timer with no time on type, but just the bare rating, you're scr*w*d!!

2nd Oct 2006, 07:54
What about Ryanair? Think you can get in touch with them, get a 737 with an approved (RYR approved) TRTO and "off you go"! 737 typerating + job and a better looking future then on the ATR with DAT me thinks....

Good luck!

MAX Cruise
2nd Oct 2006, 22:06
:bored: Guys take it easy. I was only looking for some info, Iknow about B737 ratings and i also know that it is not the easiest way to get in, so I tought ATR rating is the best way. is there anyone with some positiv infos from companys taking in ATR rated pilots?:sad:

3rd Oct 2006, 07:57
Well - tell us a bit more about your experience level, and we just might be able to help?! ;)

Empty Cruise
7th Oct 2006, 09:00
Try AerArann - they do their own type rating, and are head & shoulders above DAT when it comes to employment conditions, routes, financial stability and aircraft.

And you get to live in the sunny RoI (or Brittany, take your pick)! :E

MAX Cruise
7th Oct 2006, 21:28
Thank you for the info. will check it out!:8

8th Oct 2006, 07:41
You should try skyblueaviation, they have a very good reputation, and most of their studients manage to get a job as far as I know.