View Full Version : First Class With Deviation In Europe

27th Sep 2006, 15:29
If a candidate did not meet some JAR Requirementes for the initial first class certificate, CAA can deliver a first class certificate with deviation, that will become a full class 1 after applying CPL.

Given that this way is allowed by JAR 1.015 e 3.015, did also other JAR European countries provide this possibility?



27th Sep 2006, 19:25

Assuming you mean the UK CAA, yes, the CAA can issue a Class One Medical Certificate with a Deviation in certain circumstances but it will not become a full unrestricted Class One Medical on gaining a CPL. The CPL will still be restricted to the limitations imposed on the medical certificate and I believe the CPL itself will contain those limitations.



27th Sep 2006, 21:50
That is incorrect.
Upon application for a CPL licence, the deviation will be removed provided you satisfy the criteria for deviation removal. Thereafter you would have unrestricted Class 1 privileges.
In other words it will become a full unrestricted Class 1 Medical Certificate.

27th Sep 2006, 22:54
I believe this depends on the circumstances. The CAA offer 2 types of deviation on the class 1 medical: short-term and long-term.

The short term deviation is as described above, with a possible lifting of the restriction after suitable experience i.e. a CPL. I think this applied to people who cannot pass the initial requirements, but would be fine with a renewal.

However the long-term deviation is exactly as expected. The CAA offer you a medical with a restriction to flying UK-registered a/c, because you are outside the JAA requirements but the UK CAA still deem you as fit to fly. The only way around this type of deviation is to request letters of permission from each of the the other JAA states... or to wait for the regulations to change. Not sure which one would take longer!