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View Full Version : Radio 4 wants to bin the RAF

25th Sep 2006, 12:44
Well, that may be the teensiest exaggeration - but I’m glad it got your attention.....

‘You and Yours’, Radio 4 1204 tomorrow Tue 26 Sep, contains a ‘Call You and Yours’ phone-in segment, in which the guest is Col Tim Collins. And as the YnY website says:
Is it time for a radical solution to defence budget problems? Col Tim Collins, the Army commander famous for his inspirational "eve of battle'' speech in Iraq, has called for the RAF to be disbanded but is this a step too far? Let us know.

If you want to call in advance and book your slot to argue with the courageous Colonel - or perhaps to agree with him - 0800 044044.

Good luck - if you don't get back, can I have your egg for tea?


25th Sep 2006, 13:22
Thanks for the tip off, radio tuned already! Off course I shall not be arguing as I'm Army!

Cumbrian Fell
25th Sep 2006, 13:24
So what was said by Col Collins (rtd)?

25th Sep 2006, 13:42
Cumbrian, you'll have to wait until tomorrow!

Does anyone really take You and Yours seriously?

Radar Muppet
25th Sep 2006, 13:48
Screw it, let's just do it. Hand over all RAF assets to the Army, watch as all the air- and groundcrews bog off to the airlines and then see how the poor grunts like their (non-existent) CAS.

Col Collins - do yourself a favour and retire with good grace and a shut mouth.

Green Meat
25th Sep 2006, 15:01
Oh come come, even other Radio 4 shows poke fun at You and Yours! This really does represent a Z-list attempt for whingin' Tim...

25th Sep 2006, 15:13
So what was said by Col Collins (rtd)?


There are some responses (inc from PPRuNe) in subsequent issues of First Post.


25th Sep 2006, 16:29
At least when they wheel out Tim Collins, he talks a whole load more sense than John Nicholls, who you could be forgiven for thinking had never been in the services the way he speculates.:mad:

The Helpful Stacker
25th Sep 2006, 16:34
At least when they wheel out Tim Collins, he talks a whole load more sense than John Nicholls, who you could be forgiven for thinking had never been in the services the way he speculates.:mad:

Sorry is it Tim Collins or John Nicholls who does the speculating?

An ex-infantry officer discussing air power strategy and who is best to control it.:ugh:

Does this mean Mr Nicholls will be yammering on about infantry section attacks and patrol techniques?

25th Sep 2006, 16:43
Does this mean Mr Nicholls will be yammering on about infantry section attacks and patrol techniques?
No but I am sure he will be talking volubly about section attacks and patrol techniques............

25th Sep 2006, 18:42
The MoD beat him to it. He's already surplus to requirements and his views on the RAF are actually of no interest to anyone.

25th Sep 2006, 22:17
perhaps a federation sokesperson could help our cause. Where is that Fire Brigade Union Twa * ?????????

Oh yes; probaly still tucking into his £450+ non-JPA relevant lunch, while the SACs, Seamen, and Privates do the job of the "Stationaires".

26th Sep 2006, 17:35
Screw it, let's just do it. Hand over all RAF assets to the Army, watch as all the air- and groundcrews bog off to the airlines and then see how the poor grunts like their (non-existent) CAS.
Yes lets do just that and get some professionals in to run the airforce rather than the bunch of precious, egomaniacal reactionaries that poulate PPRuNe . . .
Nobody has ever given a measured answer to this question. The "different service ethos" bull**** just doesn't cut it really.

26th Sep 2006, 18:27
Well, for anyone who didn't hear the programme (stand in an orderly line now), that nice Colonel said something rather interesting.

He described his call for RAF abolition as an "unfortunate Irishism", and he said "I don't want to disband the RAF."

He went on to describe his words about abolition as a stunt - a stunt to provoke "dull-minded ministers" into waking up and making the necessary choices - choices to rescue the defence budget from its current crisis.

I for one was very happy to hear him say those words, because I find him an admirable man, and I had been sad to hear his original abolition call.

I notice that You n Yours elected to interview him separately, and not to have him in the phone-in bit.


Maple 01
26th Sep 2006, 21:02
precious, egomaniacal reactionaries
But that's just normal aircrew, and we love them for it!
Yes lets do just that and get some professionals in to run the airforce
Hmmm, and where would the Army get them from? Having spent some time in the company of several army units I'd suggest they have a few precious, egomaniacal reactionaries of their own at junior, middle and senior officer level! Tried telling a cav officer how pointless it is for the army to keep horses, they aren’t coming back, and his grubby little tank is the future?
"different service ethos" bull**** just doesn't cut it really.
We’re special, you're not, get on with the digging :)

26th Sep 2006, 21:54
But that's just normal aircrew, and we love them for it!
Hmmm, and where would the Army get them from? Having spent some time in the company of several army units I'd suggest they have a few of their own at junior, middle and senior officer level! Tried telling a cav officer how pointless it is for the army to keep horses, they aren’t coming back, and his grubby little tank is the future?
We’re special, you're not, get on with the digging :)

If it was up to me the cavalry regiments would also subject to a serious review!
However if we didn't have the cavalry, where would the heir to the throne go to learn to kill?